
Chapter 232 All Or Nothing

Chapter 232 All Or Nothing

"We start test number 157" Typing quickly on his computer, Christian spoke and pressed a button, then ran with Emily to the table.

"Quantum computer start, we begin with the photon creator" Looking cautiously at the light that was beginning to increase, Christian spoke.

"Do you think it will work this time?"

"Maybe, we've been at this for a long time now and we're getting closer and closer."

It had been 3 months since Helen's birth.

The routine was always the same for Christian, wake up, train, spend time with his baby girl, work, then spend time with his people or texting and get back to his baby girl.

During this time Eva came constantly and every day she grew more and more attached to Helen, to the point of taking her away from Christian and then not letting go for hours.

If anything has Christian slightly worried, though, it's his little sister, Hailie.

Christian really doesn't know how to tell her he has a daughter. He knows they're not in a relationship and he also knows she shouldn't be mad, but he really understands her too well to know that the news will hit her, something Christian doesn't want for now, at least not until he's done with his work and can get out of seclusion.

"Christian, it worked!" watching as the machines begin to light up, Emily exclaims excitedly.

Smiling nervously, Christian watched intently as his entire system slowly began to function, but he knows that this is only the beginning and the stage that gives him the most trouble is about to begin, the operation of the computer brain.

"Now the complicated part will begin..." Watching the lights in the brain come on, Christian bit his lips in nervousness and stared.

"We've been at this for almost a year... it has to work."

The lights slowly began to turn on to perfection, as a small noise began to emanate from the computer brain, causing Christian to start smiling in anticipation.


Hearing the final noise, Christian turned to Emily and saw the same excitement in her eyes.

"Hahaha~" Hugging the young girl quickly, Christian lifted her into the air and spun her around excitedly, while Emily smiled happily yet with relief.

"It worked Emily, it worked!" shouting with excitement, Christian lowered Emily to the ground and ran over to the quantum computer screen, seeing his system already fully loaded for use "It all worked, the world's first quantum computer!"

Rushing over to Christian, Emily looked at the black screen with various codes on the screen and smiled happily "You achieved the impossible Christian!"

"We did it!" chuckling slightly, Christian started typing on the computer and performed a complete check, something that was finished at the same instant he finished typing "This is magic!"

"For now we have 5 photons working, we should start working on a better chip and achieve the 5000QBits to start thinking about a global hack, after that we would have around 275 photons, with that we would have no problems in many years"

"We start right now?" With excitement in her eyes, Emily asked.



"1555 QBits, test number 5" Turning on the machine, Christian hid with Emily and they watched the new quantum chip work with intent, but after a few seconds, the machine turned back on.

"It's amazing how fast you can get this upgraded with this much power" Chuckling lightly, Emily walked over to the computer and began typing with overwhelming speed "With this power I could already invade the banks without them knowing"

"How feasible would that be?"

"The best thing is to gather more power... the reason is simple, let's say that the defense system of a bank is equal to 300 people with missile launchers, if a person runs quickly towards them, he can give them a fight, but if you are fast enough, you will pass without being seen or detected."

​ "So you're saying this is now fast enough to invade the system?"

"Yes, but we wouldn't last long and we would be detected in a few hours, that's why we need more power to keep running non-stop around the place, once we have enough time, we can afford from the base and then we can take an RPG and pretend to be security."

"Then let's keep working-"

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

Quickly glancing at his cell phone, Christian smiles and looks up at Emily "Go on for now, I'll go feed my little girl."

"Go, I'll be here" Nodding, Emily starts typing on the computer as Christian already runs out.

Arriving at Elisa's room, Christian opens the door and sees his little girl sitting on the bed with Elisa on her back, causing him to smile instantly.

"My little girl, Daddy's here!" rushing over to the bed, Christian lies down next to Helen and stares at her calm face.

Little Helen is already 5 months old, the little girl has grown quite a bit and today she is already much more mobile, she even started eating baby food a few days ago.

"..." Turning her gaze towards Christian, Helen suddenly moved and plopped down beside him, then turned her head and stared into his eyes with a calm face.

"Hahaha~" Laughing instantly, Christian hugs his little girl and pulls her to him, then kisses her face several times.

"I'm the one who spends the most time with her and yet she only pays attention to you..." Pursing her lips, Elisa grumbled.

"Don't be jealous, you know little Helen can't eat without me, sleep without me, or do anything without me~" With a triumphant look, Christian picked up his little daughter and pulled her close to Elisa, while the woman already released her breast into the air for Helen to drink her milk.

Looking up at Christian, Helen moved her hands and took her nipple into her mouth, staring at the man beside her as if she feared he would disappear.

Helen really began to need Christian for everything.

When she reached her fourth month, she started to stop eating and Elisa at some point despaired that she was sick, but when she saw that Christian arrived and the girl ate normally, she could only sigh in frustration.

The same thing happens when she wants to sleep, Sarah, Elisa and Christian share a bed and before they used to take turns sleeping next to Helen, but lately the girl won't close an eye without Christian by her side, causing the two women to smile bitterly at such favoritism.

Speaking of Sarah, the woman really changes her whole attitude towards Helen.

Even though she always plays hard to get and makes believe that she is not fond of her, always Elisa usually finds her playing with Helen when she is not around, something she found totally irrational since, for some reason, she doesn't want anyone to see her acting silly by wanting to make Helen laugh, something that so far no one managed to do, not even Christian.

The little girl really looks like a little doll, she doesn't laugh, doesn't cry, doesn't throw tantrums and just looks at everything around her with a great curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

"It's already March 31, 2019... my baby girl was born on November 15..... *sigh* how time goes by... even Aunt Sara's little boy is already 7 months old... I didn't go to his baby shower... neither to his christening... neither to his birth... I feel like I'm missing a lot of things..." Leaning on Elisa's thigh while looking at his daughter, Christian murmured.

"Honey... is it really necessary for you to work so much?" looking at Christian with concern, Elisa continued "You missed your siblings birthday, you missed a lot of people's birthdays... you have people outside who love you... they would be happy to see you too... Mr. Dimitri long ago invited you to Russia, your mother has long been asking you to come back, your people always call you to know how long you have to finish... many people miss you."

"I know honey... but I really want to finish this as soon as possible... I'll have plenty of time to see them all..." Biting his lips slightly, Christian murmured "Besides, my family comes to the island every month, mom comes every week... it's not like I don't see everyone."

"But you have more people out... what about your other friends? What about your dreams? Didn't you want to be a singer? Hadn't you started a music company?"

"Yes... but that's my mom is taking it for now, I really want to get it over with and get out of this place..."

"You also have to tell them about Helen.... you can't keep her existence from them all the time..."

"I know... I just need time... not that much, just a few more months... I'm already working on everything I need to at once, lots of projects at the same time and that alone is the main thing..."

"*Sigh* Just don't overload yourself, yeah?"

"Yeah..." Slowly closing his eyes, Christian mumbled wearily "It's almost over...just a little more."

"..." Noticing Christian's soft breathing, Elisa sighed and looked down at her daughter, then stroked her short crimson hair and whispered "Your father has a lot on his mind... he used to take everyone else as a priority, he would never skip a birthday or something as special as the birth of his aunt Sara's baby. ... but since he came from that place he has changed a lot... he looks more confident on the outside, but I can still see the insecurity in his eyes, the fear he feels... so if in the future you don't see him much, it's not because he doesn't love you, but because he is looking for the best for everyone... he just wants to take care of his close ones."



3 months later (Saturday, June 01, 2019).

"5480 Qbits ready, 289 photons in motion, we start final process" With a serious face as he looked at the big machine in front of him, Christian started typing rapidly, while Emily types on another keyboard next to him with the same serious face.

"This... will it take us to heaven or hell, one chance... everything we worked for..." Clenching his fists a little, Christian took a deep breath and looked at Emily "Is your system ready?"

"Ready for the slaughter" Nodding earnestly, Emily replied.

"Good..." Taking a deep breath, Christian looked at his machine he worked so hard for and gritted his teeth "On the count of 3."





Hearing the particular sound of his computer, Christian instinctively held Emily's hand and they nervously watched the myriad of codes that began to appear on the screen as the quantum computer began to run at full capacity.

"Start" Looking at the loading sign that appeared on all the screens, Christian whispered tensely.

"Master... may I know why so much tension? Do you need me to bring security?" frowning slightly, Leslie stepped closer and asked doubtfully.

"Leslie... today Saturday, June 08, 2019, we are creating history" Taking a deep breath as the bar exceeded 30%, Christian continued "We are hacking into every system in the world."

"..." Blinking for a few seconds, Leslie opened her mouth and looked at the screen, not for a second doubting her statement.

"What I created with Emily, is a total penetration system, practically every system in the world is being penetrated without them noticing, once everything is ready, all systems will stop for a Femtosecond, causing all systems to have minor modifications to their systems and all their data will reach our computer after a while... if this fails, we will be international criminals"

"B-but master... there are very advanced systems, they will notice this..."




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