
Chapter 29 Happy

Chapter 29 Happy

"Do you have any other questions?" Jayden asked, causing me to snap out of my inner surprise.

"No, thank you very much" I smiled forcedly, then scurried back to my seat.

"You still don't get the talk?"

I heard Sara's voice behind me.

"What are you saying stupid? Obviously not, he's still too little for that."

"He's 9 years old Eva, at that age, you should already start introducing them, even if it's on the subject of love"

"Tsk, don't talk about love, he's still little and that's it!"

Replied mom angrily, causing a slight smile on my face.

So that bitch does love mom's friend.

She even wants to have kids with her and make it to her old age?

What crazy shit is this?

Can you really love someone and cheat on them?

I don't understand...

Maybe she knows and allows it?

I heard many cases where men allowed their wives to sleep with other men.

Is it something similar?

I couldn't know, it would also be very weird if I go and ask her questions on that topic.

They love each other, that is confirmed.

I can also confirm that Ms. Sara believes he would not trade her for another, something Jayden assured and it turned out to be true.

So he cheats on her, but he loves her.

That leaves me more variables for this skill...

How far does this ability of mine go?

Does it only activate if they tell a lie?

But what if Sara believes her boyfriend would never change her and it turns out to be a lie?

What if a person believes something is true, but it isn't?

Would you detect it?

I can't pull the example out of the couple, clearly they both claim they would never leave each other, but at the same time, he lied about his infidelity.


When Jayden asked her to confirm that he would never cheat on her, Sara only responded with I love you, directly cutting me off from exploring this further.

"Goodbye Christian!"

Lifting my gaze to the voice, I find the couple waving goodbye to me with a big smile.

"Goodbye" I smiled slightly, waving my hand in farewell, as I caught a sidelong glimpse of their intertwined hands.

"Oh my Goddess, what a cute little boy!" Jayden exclaimed in a high-pitched voice, turning quickly to Sara with a little hop "Sara let's have one just like it!"

How creepy...

"That... I don't think that's possible dear" Sara replied dubiously, as she looked sideways at my hair.

"Stupid" Smiled Jayden slightly, as they started to cross the street.

Even if that guy cheated on her... they look happy.

Is it an illusion of happiness?

What if Ms. Sara doesn't know he's cheating on her?

Will all that happiness vanish instantly?

"Let's walk my prince" Stretching her hand towards me, mom smiled at me.

"Mn" I nodded absentmindedly, quickly taking her hand.

I need to know if I only detect what a person believes to be a lie or if it goes beyond that.

What to do?

I could create an occasion...

"Mom, I want to buy Hailie and Alan candy with my money."

"Are you sure? It's your first dollar, you should save it" Mom smiled softly.

"That's okay, I'll have plenty of those in the future, let's buy some candy"

"Suit yourself, a few blocks down the street there should be a store."

With those words, we walked quietly through the streets, while I curiously observed everything around me.

For me, it's the first time I walk through these places, there is nothing special, no big buildings, no big stores, nothing that stands out, but for some reason, seeing the houses around generates some comfort.

"What do you want to buy?"

Startled momentarily by the sudden tap on my shoulder, I look up at Mom, perfectly observing her soft smile that comforts me so much.

Still a bit confused, I turn my gaze to my sides and notice something curious.

When did we get to the store?josei

A few seconds ago mom said it was a few blocks away?

There's no way we could have gotten there that fast.

I see...

I got lost in my surroundings again.

Am I that clueless?

But those houses were interesting...

So many little details, so many different colors, practically each one of them had something new that made them different.

Cracks, missing paint, fungus, etc.


"Oh, y-yes!"

I replied lostly, as I took a quick look at the candies on the shelf in front of me.

They are pretty much the same as the ones from my old world, only I change the design, I even see different brands.

Which ones are the best to take for a dollar?

Ideally, you should get quite a few out, so you can eat more.


Berry Flush 20 cents. They look like fruit-flavored gummies.

MY 15 cents. A small cookie, but I hate cookies, I prefer cakes.

Dog stick 10 cents...

Dog stick?

Who was the moron who came up with that name?


Yes, it is a stick, chocolate to be exact, although they are quite small, at least the size of my little finger.

Something rather short if you consider that my big toe is half the size of mom's little finger.

But hey, they're pretty cheap and the chocolate is nice.

"I want those, as much as I can get my hands on."

I muttered decisively while looking with hidden amusement at the hippie dog logo on the wrapper.

"Ten? Are you sure?"


"Well, let's pay."

Shrugging, mom took the exact amount and we walked over to the cashier who was watching us intently.

"Hello, good afternoon" Smiled mom politely, while passing the chocolates to the woman.

"..." The woman didn't answer, she just took the chocolates and started to collect them one by one "That would be a dollar anything else?"

"..." Frowning slightly at the woman's attitude, Mom turned to me with her hand outstretched.

Quickly pulling the bill out of my pocket, I hand it to Mom.

"Have the money, I don't want anything else" Mom replied coldly, as she handed over the bill.

"The ticket" With boredom, the woman handed the ticket and the bag with the chocolates to mom, not bothering to give her another look.

"What a rude bitch!

Eva muttered, quickly receiving the bag as she turned away.

"Wait mom."

Quickly taking the bag out of her hands, I pull out a chocolate and turn to the cashier "Here Miss, a chocolate can make your day."

"¿...?" With obvious confusion, the woman stretched out her hand, slowly receiving the chocolate.

"It's not good to be so angry, I find that a smile would look much better on you" I smiled softly "I don't know what happened in your life, but I hope everything gets better in the future, and that you have a lot of happiness ahead of you"

With one last smile, I took mom's hand and walked forward to leave the store.

I can't be mad at that woman.

I worked as a cashier in a coffee shop myself.

The clientele can be shitty, especially those bastards who think they have the right to yell at everyone.

"Kid... thank you.

Turning around for a moment, I manage to successfully observe a smile on the woman's face, causing satisfaction to spread in me.


"What was that?" mom asks quizzically.

"What thing?"

"The thing at the store..."

"Oh... I just wanted the woman to have a better day"


"Yes... Why?" I whispered softly, finding my attitude rather unusual.

I never cared about what was going on in other people's lives before, let alone encouraged strangers.

What motivated me?

I would have liked someone to tell me those things?

Is that enough of a motive?

Surely in my old life, it was not a sufficient motive, as I never did anything similar, I even remember a few times I behaved like an idiot with some of them.

Then why did I do it?

Turning my head towards mom, I look closely at her confused face.


I always find my answers in mom.

"Mom also works on something similar... that woman might be someone's I figured if I can make her day a little brighter why not do it?"

Although if I think about it...

I managed to make her smile, but mostly because I'm a kid. If an adult tells me that, I might not take it into account unless the person is a pretty woman obviously.

I would accept her words with a smile.

"Hahaha!" laughed mom loudly, then quickly taking me in her arms and kissing me repeatedly all over my face "My prince is so cute hahaha!"

"..." Smiling slightly, I joyfully returned mom's hug, thoroughly enjoying this intoxicating feeling.

I never thought it was possible to be so happy...

This feeling that seems to be coursing through my veins is unbelievable.

A feeling hard to explain, but it makes me believe that I can take the world in my hands with no problem at all.

My body and mind scream at me for more physical contact, they scream at me for more affection, they demand more of this feeling.

The day looks so bright and beautiful, mom's lips on my face feel so soft and welcoming.

Turning for a moment, I look softly at my mother's face "Mom."

Letting go of me for a moment, mom smiles at me "Yes?"

"I am so happy to have you in this life" I murmur softly, as I affectionately caress mom's face "I am happy to have you all...I am so happy that my body feels restless and elated...I don't know how to carry these heavy feelings...but I feel the need to tell you that I love you too mom"


It feels so nice just to say it...


Turning my gaze back to mom, I can notice her expression freeze, as she stares at me in obvious bewilderment.

With concern, I touch Mom's shoulder "Mom?"

Did I scare her?

Did I say something I shouldn't?

"M-my boy *Sniff*" Mom replied in a halting voice, as she quickly wiped away the tears seeping from the rims of her eyes.

Please don't...

As I watched the tears fall from Mom's eyes, I felt my heart instantly clench.

For the second time...

I made mom cry twice in less than a week.

With desperation and concern, I quickly grabbed Mom's shoulders and exclaimed "Mom! Are you all right? Did I do something to upset you? If so I-"

But before I could apologize, a grip pushed me down on Mom's breasts.

"I'm not *Sniff* sad or anything" Mom whispers softly, then grabs my head and pulls me off her breasts, causing my gaze to meet hers, causing me to be so relieved to see the beautiful smile on her face "I'm just happy, so happy"


Letting out a sigh of relief, I ask hesitantly "B-but if you're happy? Why are you crying?"

"Because when people are very happy, they usually cry... it's something incredible, it's the first time I've ever experienced it and it's thanks to you" Mom smiled softly, as she lovingly caressed my face.

"Crying from happiness?"

"Everything is possible my son... just look at me who would think I would have such a cute little boy as a son?"

What a scare...

Is this what I looked like when I cried from feeling so happy the other day?

Smiling reassuringly, I spoke "..... I love you mommy"

"Me too my boy" Whispered mom, as she gently kissed my forehead "I love you so much my prince, I'm so glad to hear your words"

"Hehe~" I smiled foolishly, feeling that at any moment my brain will melt from the sheer amount of emotions flooding me at the moment.

"Are we leaving?" mom asked with a smile, nuzzling my nose with hers, causing my own smile to blossom.

"Mn!" I nodded happily.

Feeling loved is the best thing that could have happened to me in life.


Space for the author's complaints about events in his life:

I just ate a pizza that cost me 25 dollars, but it was the most horrible thing I have ever eaten in my life, it had no taste, it smelled like tuna when tuna never existed in its ingredients, the mushroom was one of those canned ones, it tasted like nothing, the cheese had a texture similar to plastic, horrible. Now I am hungry and I have no money, thank God.

And to top it off, the pizza arrived 3 hours late, completely cold.

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