
Chapter 30 Charges

Chapter 30 Charges

Arriving at the motel, while walking with mom, I look at her for a moment and speak "I'll give 4 candies to Alan and another 4 to Hailie."

With confusion, mom turns her gaze to me "Mm? Why are you telling me? They are yours, you can do whatever you want...besides you would only have one left for yourself, you don't need to give them all"

"It's okay, I want to give them"

Watching me for a few seconds, mom shrugs her shoulders and turns her gaze towards the motel visible a few meters away "As you wish..."

All set.

The truth is, my plan is pretty simple.

Now, mom will think I'll give that amount to my siblings, but the truth is I'll only give them 2 each. Including my older sister obviously.

I just have to ask mom how much candy I was going to give them, causing her to answer me with a lie that she thinks is real.

With this, I will confirm the extent of my ability.

No doubt I'm a freaking genius.

After a few minutes, we find ourselves arriving at our room, initiating the moment of truth.



"How much candy shall I give Alan and Hailie?"

"...?" With a confused expression, Mom turns to me "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes, Mom, don't worry. But could you tell me how much candy I'll give Alan and Hailie?"

"You'll give them 4 each"


I didn't feel anything.

I guess I confirmed that I only detect what the person knows is a lie.

This ability... it has a lot of cons, but at the same time, it's very useful. I just have to make sure I use it right, or it could turn into a double-edged sword.

Smiling cheerfully "Thanks mom, I love you"

"..." Looking at me with arched eyebrows, Mom turns forward and mutters "*Sigh* I'll never understand men, no matter their age..."

I never thought I'd hear that out of a woman's mouth...

It's pretty funny.

With a small smile, we continue towards the room, entering it after a few minutes, encountering a rather peculiar sight.

"Don't jump on the bed!"

"Alan be careful!"

My older sister was shouting with obvious exhaustion on her face, as she tried to catch Hailie and Alan, who were jumping between the beds.

"Get off the bed right now!"

Mom shouted, angrily walking towards my siblings, quickly grabbing Alan before he jumped out, while Hailie instantly got off on her own.

"Hi m-mom" Smiled Hailie shyly, slowly approaching Eva.

"Put me down!" squirmed Alan violently, doing his best to wriggle out of Eva's arms.

Momentarily ignoring the scolding time, I made my way over to my sister Ashley, who was lying on the bed in the back, staring at the ceiling wearily.

Without speaking, I climbed somewhat awkwardly onto the bed, then sat on her stomach, staring at her confused face.





"Hold me" I whispered lazily, as I leaned back against his chest.

"....!?" with shock and confusion, Ashley turns her head towards Eva, trying to find answers in her.

"Just hold him, he's happy" Eva smiled softly, as she set Alan down, causing the unruly little guy to run to Hailie.

"..." With obvious discomfort, Ashley wrapped her arms around my back.

My big sister...

She's warm like mom.josei

After a few minutes of enjoyment, I slowly stand up, looking at the stunned Ashley again.

Pulling two chocolates out of my pocket, I lay them on Ashley's chest and smiled "For you."

"F-for me?" Ashley asked as she took the chocolates with a slight tremor in her hands.


"W-why are you giving them to me?"

"Because I love you"

"..." Eyes trembling, Ashley hugged me tightly, completely confusing me.

Did I miss something?

Why does everyone get sad when I tell them I love them?

"*Sniff* T-thank you"

Oh no...


What the fuck is wrong!?

"W-why are you crying?" I asked in a panic, quickly raising my upper body to look at my sister.

"*Sniff* I-I thought you hated me *Sniff* after all, I'm just a *Sniff* u-useless" Ashley replied through her tears, quickly wiping away the few tears that escaped her.


What's so useless about her?

"Why do you say that?" I whispered with a frown, looking down at the pitiful woman beneath me.

"I'm useless... I can't *Sniff* p-protect you... it's normal *Sniff* that you don't even want to talk to me"

Protect me?

From what?

Looking up, I notice Mom's confused expression, checking that she doesn't know what Ashley is talking about either.


Does she mean it because of that bitch of a father we have?

"Sis... Are you saying it because of that man?"

"No... *Sniff* don't mind me" Ashley smiled, hugging me for the third time.


So she's talking about that guy...

He feels guilty that she couldn't stop that shit from happening.

Did she think that's why I wasn't talking to her?

I hurt her and I didn't even notice...

She's only 14 years old.

14 fucking years old and she's living this shit.

Having to work all day, while carrying emotional burdens for an unstable family.

No wonder she ended up on drugs to cope with it all...

"Sis... I never hated you, I really appreciate you for what you do" I smiled softly, as I rubbed my cheek with hers "And I never avoid talking to you or anything like that... I'm just silent... or I was, so now you'll have to put up with my voice, as I don't plan to shut up anymore"

"..." I felt my sister's body tense up for a moment, then heard something that caused me great relief "Hahaha~ I'm never at home, so it won't be my problem"

"..." Smiling at her comment, I relax on her chest.

At least for now, the problems were solved.

Mom is no longer worried about me, and Ashley was able to let go of some of her emotional baggage.

After a few relaxing minutes, I separate from Ashley's arms and climb off the bed, looking at my little brothers, who were already lying down with the TV on.

"Hailie, Alan, I have chocolates" I smiled proudly, leaving 4 chocolates insight.

"¡...!" As I finished my words, they both quickly got out of bed, as they looked at me with sparkling eyes.

"Mom, I want!" Spoke Alan quickly, as he turned to Mom, who was already lying on the next bed.

"Brother... me too" Hailie spoke, but in an incredibly low voice, bordering on a whisper.


Hailie is the shy one and Alan is the spoiled child, I guess if I had a video game console, Alan would be a headache.

Although if I consider that he should be a woman, I don't think he'd mind a video game console.

"They're your brother's, you have to ask him" Eva replied lazily.

"But mom, Christian won't share chocolates with me? Can you tell him to give me one?" asked Alan, as small tears began to form around the rims of his eyes.

"No, I told you they are from your brother, you have to ask him"

"But Mom..."

"I already said no"

"Christian!" turning to me, Alan looked directly at my chocolates "Mom says you have to share the chocolates with me!"





Doesn't he know everyone can hear him?

"Christian... will you share me?" Hailie asked, not losing her gaze to the chocolates in my hand.

"Mmmm... On one condition"

"Which one!?"

"You have to give me a hug"

"..." Hearing my request, Hailie forms a rather reluctant expression, easily showing unwillingness "*Sigh* Just a hug, yeah?"

"Hahaha~" Laughing, I open my arms wide, waiting for the little girl to reach out on her own.

"Mom, tell him something, Christian won't give me chocolate!"

Ignoring Alan's cries, I focus on Hailie, who slowly approaches me, then wraps her little arms around my back.

"Gotcha~" I smiled softly, enjoying the human warmth.

Who knew hugs could be so enjoyable?

I missed out on so many amazing things in my other life...

"For you, you earned them" Releasing her from my embrace, I stretched out my hand with two sweets, something she happily received, then ran to the bed.

"Mom, Christian gave Hailie chocolates but not me!"


Is it that hard for him to ask me?

Turning towards the voice, I notice Alan moving my mother's arm, as he looked at her with teary eyes.

"Alan, they are not mine, you have to ask him"

"But Mom, Christian won't share candy with me"

"He just gave two to Hailie"

"...!" Eyes widening, Alan turns to his sister, instantly noticing that she had the two chocolates in her hand.

"Hailie, give me chocolates-!" Alan ran towards her while screaming, only to freeze when he saw Hailie quickly open them and pop them into her mouth.

"*Ñom* *Ñom* *Ñom* *Ñom*"

Chewed Hailie noisily, as she stared into Alan's eyes.

This girl...

I like her.

"Mom... Hailie ate all the *Sniff* candy" Alan spoke, as tears began to well up in his eyes. The chocolates


"Alan, here, I have more" I spoke, as I stretched out my hand, displaying in it the two remaining chocolates.

"Really!?" Alan exclaimed as he ran towards me, then took the two candies and walked back towards the bed, completely forgetting that a few seconds ago he was crying.

I feel sorry for the woman who wants to marry him...

Shaking my head, I turn to my backpack and open it, taking out a pencil and a notebook, then walk towards mom's bed.

Let's start writing.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

But before we write...

Let's get comfortable.

Smiling to myself, I climb onto Mom's bed and watch her with sparkling eyes.

Without asking, I walk over to her and lift her shirt, exposing her bra.

Looking up, I look at Mom and speak in the softest voice possible "Mom.... May I?"

"Hahaha ~ of course you can, after all they belong to my cute boy" the mother laughed out loud, getting up a little to undo her bra, exposing her beautiful breasts.

"Thanks, Mom" I smiled brightly as I settled in next to her, then cupped one of her breasts between my hands and took her nipple in my mouth.

It tastes salty...

I guess it must be the sweat.

Never mind, let's work.

Opening the notebook, I take the pencil and focus on writing.


What are you doing?

Christian asked me to use my breasts.

Something that happened quite often these past few days.

But every time he did it, he would relax or fall asleep.

But now...

Is he writing?

He's been going for about 3 hours without stopping, my chest is already numb.

It doesn't matter, my baby is happy, that's the important thing.

In fact, Christian stopped breastfeeding a few minutes ago...

He just keeps my nipple in his mouth and that's it.

Why does he like these fat balls so much?

I understand that he likes to sleep in them, they are quite soft.

But breastfeeding?

Even milk doesn't come out.


Why can't I understand my child?

I understand everyone else but him...

Is it because of his intelligence?

Am I too stupid?


I don't understand everyone.

Why did Ashley cry?


Does she also know what Christian told me about Brayan?


"Ashley" I spoke while looking at my stepdaughter.


"Come closer, I need to talk to you"

"..." Getting up from the bed next to me, Ashely walked over to me, then sat down next to me.

"Ashley... my daughter... I want to ask you something"

"Just ask mom, don't beat around the bush."

"Did you notice Christian's change?"

"How could I not...I've never seen him talk so often" Ashley smiled slightly, then turned her gaze to my chest "Besides... I don't remember him being so... affectionate?"

"Yeah... it's something new" I smiled as I looked at my little boy, who never stopped writing "But what I want to talk to you about is something else... Christian cried yesterday"

"He did what!?" Ashley exclaimed in amazement, looking wide-eyed at my little boy.

"Shhh, don't make so much noise you'll alert Christian"

"But he's awake..."

"Have you forgotten already?" I smiled, then lowered my gaze and spoke a little louder "Christian!"


"Christian, I'm talking to you!"


"He never responds when he concentrates on something, he may have changed his behavior, but not this"

"*Sigh* I had forgotten..."

"Everything okay?"

"Why do you ask?"

"You don't usually forget things like this..."

"Oh... yeah... I'm just a little tired"

"Good..." I nodded without thinking twice "I wanted to ask you something quite important... when Christian cried, he told me things about your father..."

As I finished my words, I instantly noticed Ashley stiffen, while her hands shook slightly.

"I see... so it's all true..."


Space for the author's complaints about life.

I went out to buy homemade bread, essentially I ordered it warm, since I wanted to accompany it with cheese. But when I got home, it turned out that the bread was cold, I didn't notice because of the large number of bags I was carrying. Now I feel cheated. Lately nothing goes right with my meals.

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