
Chapter 330 Trap

Chapter 330 Trap

But once you shell out enough money and have access to all the technology in the world, this all becomes relatively easy if you take the necessary care, causing the 30 tanks to be placed in position right now, completely covered by grass to camouflage them.

"What a beauty" With a face flushed with excitement, Gluttony caressed the tank iron with her trembling hand, while her legs trembled at the sheer excitement of imagining the beautiful fireworks she would see today.

"Gluttony, in position?"

Hearing Envy's voice on the radio, Gluttony sighed and commented "Zone 3 ready and set, the charge will be dropped at the first command with no possible contingencies."

"Enemies hovering?"

"Nothing for now, we have the area 300 meters covered."

"Way of retreat?"

"All protected and guarded" Turning her gaze to the laptop computer at her side, Gluttony continued "How long until extermination?"

"All are mobilizing to their targets, 30 minutes to initiate attack."

"What about Lucifer?"

"He went alone against the Chinese, he refused to bring help, but at least he's got a GPS."

"Is that bastard all right?" Frowning slightly, Gluttony continued "As far as I know, there were quite a few of them."

"They are, around 80, but the information is very scarce and maybe it's less or maybe it's twice as many... but you also know what he's like, so we can't do anything but wait and see."

"Alright... I'll be guarding the area, let me know when the time comes" Nodding still with a frown, Gluttony looked sideways and continued "If I were you I'd put a ambulance on hold for Christian, I don't remember a battle in which he hasn't been hurt and with bullets in his body."

"I know, don't worry."


"Is that her?" Sitting with a can of soda in her hand, a woman about 34 years old asked looking at another woman out of the corner of her eye.

"We've been watching her for 2 days, we're sure it's her" Fiddling with a glass of wine, another woman asked with disinterest.

Nodding, the first woman took a fry from the plate on the table and looked at the crowd around them "We're waiting for her to come out of the restaurant?"

"The operation should start in about 15 minutes, we have to follow orders and act as we are told" Quietly cutting a piece of meat, another woman in her 40's commented.

"So we'll keep it simple? One distracts the public by making a fuss, another comes to ask that woman for the time and I go behind and cut her throat" Lowering her voice a little, the first woman commented.josei

"Asking for the time won't work, there's a clock on the wall and she's a mercenary, maybe she'll notice. Better drop something when you pass by her, that will get her attention enough to hit her from behind" Shaking her head, the older woman put the meat in her mouth and continued "After this go home and go to sleep, don't screw it up".


As everyone prepared for the genocide of the time, Christian walked silently through the dark and desolate grounds on the outskirts of the city, while a large, dark forest loomed above him.

"So..." Looking at the thick forest, Christian muttered "These people are camping in a forest just outside of town... what archaic people."

Lifting his gaze to the sky, Christian observes the thick clouds blotting out the bright moon and mutters "A perfect ambiance..."

Turning his gaze back to the forest, Christian continued "The forests of Ireland... they have such a magical atmosphere that at night they seem to be tetric... even without feelings I feel strangely nervous..."

Looking down at his trembling hands, Christian took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he muttered "Today I will leave thousands of families without a loved one... it seems like this cycle will never end."

Shaking his head, Christian opened his eyes again and pulled out 4 knives from his clothes, then quickly placed them on each finger of his left hand while his right hand unsheathed his sword.

With a determined look on his face, Christian took the first step into the forest and with a small jump, began to run at full speed.

For the first time, Christian began to use the movement technique he copied from his 'fiancée', something that specializes in speed and stealth, fitting perfectly on this occasion.

The forest could not be described with any other word than dark and perhaps tetric.

The fog covers much of the vision, while the tall, leafy trees cover every little ray of light that manages to break through the thick clouds.

The cold air covers Christian's body, his cold purple eyes seemed to have a slight glow under the veil of darkness, while strange noises envelop everything around him.

The sound of Christian's footsteps is almost non-existent, he does not step on branches, touch bushes or leave footprints.

Practically an ordinary person would never detect him even if he had him by his side, but on this occasion, common sense is of no use.


Quickly tilting his head to one side, Christian watched in slow motion as a dark knife grazed his face, causing him to stop his pace and quickly turning his gaze to all sides, Christian took a big leap and nimbly climbed a tree next to him.

At the same moment Christian jumped, the place where he stood was filled with at least 30 small knives, while the atmosphere was as silent as ever.

Standing upright in the tree, Christian quickly looked around and slowly started to climb down from the tree, then touched the ground and took a small leap towards a large stone nearby.

Squatting down and with his back covered by the stone, Christian squinted at each tree while in his mind he thought 'I don't see anyone... it looks like the trees themselves attacked me'.

Although Christian can see at night as well as day, no matter how many times his gaze swept over the place where he was attacked, there was no one.

There are no signs of traps, no signs of footprints, much less the presence of any person around the place.

The weirdest thing is... how can they see under this darkness?'

To say that the darkness in this forest is so solid that even people would think they could touch it would not be an exaggeration.

The mixture of fog, cloudy skies and trees blocking everything, causes even the light of flashlights to be suffocated.

Even Christian would not have been able to see anything if it weren't for his unnatural purple vision.

Thinking for a few seconds, Christian picked up a stone at his side, then tossed it gently into the air so that it fell a few meters away.

Instantly, multiple knives stabbed around the stone, causing Christian's eyes to sparkle with recognition.

'Of course it's the trees attacking me... those bastards hollowed out the trees and are hiding inside' Frowning slightly, Christian thought 'But how to get them out? If I make noise, they'll automatically attack me... a knife will not pierce the bark in which they hide... I can use my gun and take down several of them, but the bullets would run out very quickly and I count more than 40 people in different trees... it would be impossible for me to stop to reload'.

'I'm sure that if I use all my strength, maybe my knives will get through the bark, but I don't know if they are wearing any special clothes to stop knives... I would risk a lot my neck for something that doesn't give me any security' Easily noticing how difficult the situation was, Christian suddenly found himself cornered alone at the beginning of his attack 'Not counting that I'm sure these people are not all they have... they seemed to be waiting for me and I don't doubt that in a few minutes they might have me completely surrounded and under siege'

"..." Blinking as his brain worked at full power, Christian realized more and more that he was really in a bad situation, where the control was from the beginning with the Chinese.

'They got me perfectly... these people... they'll keep me here and I won't be able to get out without being willing to take some injuries...' Taking a deep breath, Christian pulls out his pistol and takes the safety off.

'9 bullets, around 40 enemies, I have 10 magazines on me so all that's left is to dodge and attack'.

Realizing that danger is inevitable, Christian tightened his grip on his sword and stood up, then looked at the nearest trees where he saw the knives coming out and squinted his eyes.

With one last deep breath, Christian raised his pistol and opened fire.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Running quickly as he fired, Christian released the fourth bullet and his eyes darted around frantically, then he raised his sword and covered his face.


Without stopping his movements, Christian quickly dropped to the ground and rolled, narrowly dodging 13 knives coming straight at him.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Firing another 4 bullets into 4 different trees, Christian scanned the place with his eyes and gritted his teeth as he thought 'Impossible to dodge everything... I'll have to sacrifice'.

Covering his neck with his sword, Christian quickly darted to the right, while at least 17 knives fell where he was and one knife stuck in his back.

Gritting his teeth, Christian grabbed the knife in his back and yanked it out, then brought it up to his gaze as he ran around the place and sighed as he saw no visible poison.


Frowning deeply as he finishes his last bullet in the gun, Christian leaps towards his starting stone and crouches down, causing the whole area to return in the previous silence.

'Something's wrong...'

But even though his aim was perfect and he shot directly into the area where the knives were coming out, Christian went back to his memories and noticed an important detail.

Even after the bark has been shot and drilled, the knives came out again after a few seconds, something that should be impossible if we consider that the person in that place should be dead.

Picking up a stone, Christian threw it against a tree and silently watched as more than 30 knives were quickly thrust in, causing his eyes to tremble as his thoughts raced even faster.

'How is that possible?' With a deep frown, Christian realized that all his efforts were in vain and the wound on his back had no benefit.

Stealthily getting up, Christian carefully walked and slowly approached the first tree he opened fire on, then bent down and picked up several stones from the ground.

Throwing a stone into the distance, Christian advanced a little faster to the tree and kept on in the same manner, throwing stones and walking under that distraction.

Until after a few seconds, Christian reached the tree and with a sweaty face, leaned his ear gingerly against the bark.

Closing his eyes, Christian focused on his ear and calmed his own breathing.

*Ba-dump* *Ba-dump* *Ba-dump* *Ba-dump*

'Fuck...' Cursing inside his mind, Christian easily came up with a result, while the unbelievability of the situation forcibly expanded his own horizons.

'I underestimated them in a way that could cost me my life' Slowly sitting down on the ground, Christian smiles bitterly and continues 'There's not a single person in the tree.... each one must have around 4 to 5 people, one on top of the other... these people hollowed out each tree and hid inside... one falls, one climbs.... here there are not only 40 to 50 people... there must be around 200'

'Obviously they perceive everything with sounds, their sense of hearing must be extremely worked and stimulated... if I couldn't see at night, I would have already died without even seeing the knives stuck in me'

'I have no way to beat them, it's an impossible fence for me to overcome... not to mention that my clothes are resistant to knives and even so, one can easily get through them... skilled, strong people with good skills in a terrain completely prepared by them... they know the area to perfection and it is impossible for me to think how long they have been planning this...'

'Mn?' Quickly turning his gaze to the right, Christian narrowed his eyes and peered into the distance, easily noticing how lights suddenly began to appear.

'Fuck' Quickly turning his gaze as the lights continued to appear, Christian easily understood that each light is a torch and each torch represents a person.

Finally, Christian found himself completely surrounded and trapped.

'100... 200... no, around 400 people' Turning his gaze around 360 degrees, Christian quickly drew an estimate of the incoming enemies, while his heart began to beat faster and faster.

Christian's situation is precarious and absolutely hopeless.

Being surrounded by a very high number of enemies and not even being able to move without being attacked, is something Christian never saw coming and it certainly surprised him.

He never thought that the amount of hidden Chinese would be so many, just as he never thought that they would have spent so much time preparing a trap as detailed as this one.

At this moment everything that happened before made sense.

These people did not try to kill him with those girls, much less with the knife that was aimed at him as he walked through the city.


These people wanted to anger him and make Christian underestimate them, completely hiding his true capabilities.

As the Chinese saying goes, these people pretended to be a pig to eat the tiger.


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos

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