
Chapter 331 Strategies

Chapter 331 Strategies

These people did not try to kill him with those girls, much less with the knife that was pointed at him as he walked through town.


These people wanted to anger him and make Christian underestimate them, completely hiding his true capabilities.

As the Chinese saying goes, these people pretended to be a pig to eat the tiger.

'Since it's come to this...' Inhaling deeply, Christian tightened his grip on his sword and stood up, then reloaded his pistol and stowed it in his clothes.

Looking at each tree in the identified attackers, Christian licked his lips and raised his sword in the air, then swiftly brought it down in the direction of the tree and cut it in half with no problem.josei

Easily feeling how he split even a spine, Christian glanced sideways at his sword and noticed that there wasn't a drop of blood on it, causing him to smile slightly while with a small jump, he ran towards the other tree nearby.

*Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash*

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

Using his top speed, Christian cut down every tree in his path, while the thud of trees crashing to the ground could be heard non-stop.

With several knives following in his wake, Christian didn't stop and split even the trees that shouldn't have people in them, clearing the entire area around him in a matter of minutes.

"*Sigh*" With no more knives trying to pierce him, Christian sighed with relief and looked at the blade of his sword, then turned his gaze to the pools of blood and the women crawling miserably out of the tree.

'Not a drop of blood stuck to the sword...' Ignoring the women for now, Christian brings the sword close to his face and looks at it with narrowed eyes 'The edge is not spent, still as lethal as ever'.

'But... that's not the weird thing now' Raising his gaze to the women, Christian focused his gaze on each of them and raised his eyebrows as he took in their tetric looks.

The women unlike Christian, were not wearing dark clothing or anything like that.

In fact all of them were completely naked but with black paint covering their entire bodies.

But what surprised Christian, was that they all had obvious mutilations on their bodies, having horrible empty sockets where their eyes should be while the lower jaw of their faces were completely cut off with an obvious lack of tongues.

'So that's why they don't even make noises of pain from being cut in two...' Looking at the dying woman with her lower body missing, Christian continued to think coldly 'That's why their hearing senses are so strong... maybe since they have no eyes and mouth since they are conscious... they don't speak and only listen, the perfect tools for any crazy bastard'...'

'Now with their hiding places out...' Looking at the large number of knives tied on ropes surrounding the women's bodies, Christian thought 'They are no different than pigs in the slaughterhouse'.

Without these people being hidden and under the protection of a tree, Christian actually relaxed quite a bit, knowing full well that the enemy weapon had just been disabled.

Having only your sense of hearing, these women are currently unable to fight properly, as they were bred to be human turrets to begin with.

If they move, their entire sense of hearing is greatly disturbed and they would not be able to recognize whether the person in front of them is enemy or friend, causing the probability of them killing each other to be at least 99.99%.

'But still...' Quickly counting each woman in the area, Christian frowned and turned his gaze to the people in the distance 'We have these 127 women alive... they move erratically and currently look no different from zombies, they're certainly not a risk'.

'But... with those people on their way, I can't leave such a big variable' Taking a deep breath, Christian looked back at the women and thought 'Besides... with that lifestyle they lead, they're no different than corpses... at most they can only eat soup or be fed with holes directly into the throat'

With a last deep breath, Christian stopped thinking and bent down slightly, then hardened his gaze and with a small jump, began to cut down each person in his path, even piercing the heads of the women who were still dazed and disoriented on the ground.


After only 2 minutes, Christian was back in the center but this time with his clothes slightly soaked in blood, while his dark sword was still as clean as ever.

"Nor did they put up any resistance..." Shaking his head, Christian wiped the blood from his face with his forearm and muttered "I hope that the next life of each of you will be filled with happiness and joys..."

"*Sigh* I can't believe they locked me up like this..." Shaking his head, Christian turns his gaze to the torches in the distance and mutters "In about 5 minutes they should be here... if I leave right now I can break through and escape, but... I can't do this, these people will keep trying and it will become more dangerous if they get ready again."

Lowering his gaze to his sword, Christian gently stroked the metal blade and murmured "My new companion, you saved my life today... I'm counting on you to deal with the rest."

While Christian may have survived this time, he would undoubtedly have died bitterly were it not for two key aspects.

For starters, his superhuman speed.

Since Christian had the great change in his strength, his speed also gained a great boost, causing if he mixed everything together with the movement technique he stole, his top speed would easily surpass the fastest woman or man in this world for at least a minute.

Even surpassing the maximum limit the human body is believed to have, surpassing the estimated 64 km/h by at least 10 km/h.

[A/N: I don't know if this is clear, but Christian's top speed is around 74 kilometers per hour. Usain Bolt has a current record of 42 kilometers per hour, but according to science, the human should be able to reach an estimated 64 kilometers per hour. That means that Christian is not only the maximum human estimated by science, but he also surpassed it by quite a bit and can maintain it for about a minute].

The point is that if Christian did not have his current speed, he would undoubtedly have been transformed into a human sieve thanks to the large number of knives that flew at him, and certainly even for the most experienced veteran it would be almost impossible to survive this kind of attack.

The second key point, and certainly the most important, is Christian's sword.

If he didn't have a sword that can easily cut trees, Christian would have undoubtedly been restrained and cornered until the rest of the Chinese arrived, and then the situation would have been unfortunate.

With human turrets watching his every step and an army surrounding him and even with the possibility of attacking him from a distance, Christian would literally have zero chance of living, no matter how smart, fast or strong he is.

"They planned everything but they didn't know my cards" Looking at the lights with a deep gaze, Christian finally turned his gaze to his surroundings and muttered "Almost 50 meters clear of trees... I don't suit this area with so many people approaching".

Without thinking twice as he perfectly understood his situation, Christian took a small leap and started running towards the forest, then jumped on a tree and started climbing agilely.

Clinging to a branch, Christian knelt down and narrowed his eyes at the people "Bows, knives and people with swords... they came ready to finish me off in case the human turrets couldn't kill me... although no doubt they never thought I would kill everyone."

"My next action must be..." Thinking quickly for a few seconds, Christian finally continued "Get down as many as possible."

With determination and a path in mind, Christian jumped down from the tree and ran quickly to the right, then stood about 30 meters away from the army's hedge and lay down on the ground.

Grabbing handfuls of dry leaves from the ground, Christian covered his body as best he could and inhaled deeply, then slowly began to slow his breathing to the point where even his heart began to beat weakly.

Closing his eyes, Christian waited patiently for a long five minutes, until the sound of footsteps began to be heard all around him.

Although a large number of people were walking together, no one spoke and no one left the formation, forming a perfect, gigantic circle around the area where Christian was supposed to be.

Opening one eye, Christian quickly observed the people next to him and quickly closed it again while thinking 'Their clothes seem similar to mine... dark and with an apparent resistant fabric... even if they wear balaclavas, I see their eyes... common warriors and not something as bizarre as those human turrets I killed'

But why are they going so slow?' Hearing how each step they take has a perfect 5 second interval, Christian frowned slightly and thought 'Did they really expect those turrets to kill me? If so, why completely surround me?'

'I only see two options, to give me mental pressure and force me to go all out with the turrets, even if I had beaten them in a hard fight, I would end up wounded and unable to resist them. That would have happened if I didn't carry my sword, that's something they don't know' Slightly opening one of his eyes, Christian observed the women for a few seconds and closed them again 'The second option is that they are trying to delay me, they are waiting for something else and most likely that something they are waiting for is Blackwater... with firearms but trained warriors, I would have died no matter how good my sword is or how strong I am'.

'Considering those two options...' Thinking for a few seconds, Christian continued 'Both are very probable, from the beginning they acted with a good strategy and with maximum caution, maybe the delay is to wait for the turrets to kill me and at the same time for Blackwater to arrive'.

'But considering that they don't seem to be waiting for me' Smiling slightly, Christian closed his eyes for a few seconds and focused on the footsteps next to him, then affirming his palms on the ground and applying force, he stood up with a strong impulse and grabbed his sword in the air, then waved it to his side and caused a head to fly through the air.


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos

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