
Chapter 332 End

Chapter 332 End

[A/N: People, at the end of the chapter I will leave a notice with the chapter schedules, please read it so you can be aware of it.]


Considering those two options...' Thinking for a few seconds, Christian continued 'Both are very likely, from the beginning they acted with a good strategy and with maximum caution, maybe the delay is to wait for the turrets to kill me and at the same time for Blackwater to arrive'.

'But considering they don't seem to be waiting for me' Smiling slightly, Christian closed his eyes for a few seconds and focused on the footsteps next to him, then firming his palms on the ground and applying force, he stood up with a strong impulse and grabbed his sword in the air, then waved it to his side and caused a head to fly through the air.


Before another woman could manage to scream, her head flew through the air, while Christian kept running in a straight line decapitating without a problem anything that moves.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

The bodies fell heavily to the ground, the torches covered in oil didn't take long to ignite the ground and the corpses themselves, causing the whole area to start burning wildly in a matter of seconds.

"He's here!" shouting loudly while throwing 4 chops at Christian with one hand, a woman shouted.


Striking all the knives with his sword, Christian arrived in front of the woman and in one swift slash, blew her head off, already taking in less than 40 seconds, more than 9 casualties.

But while Christian started a direct confrontation on one side of the circle, not far away on a big tree an old woman was looking at everything with a frown.

"What a terrifying child..."

"Elder Chu... Is it okay for us to do nothing? We already have hundreds of casualties and at this rate he will end up killing all the female disciples" Frowning slightly, a young girl beside her asked.

"Little Long, do you think you could kill that young man?"

"Me?" Looking at Christian with a frown, the young girl finally sighed and shook her head "Strength, speed, strategy, skills, weapon...he surpasses me in everything, I can't fight him for now"

"Would you believe me if I felt the same way when I saw him?" With a strange smile on her face, the elder Chu continued "I think I will really die if I fight with him."

"Y-you too!?"

"Yes... I honestly thought he was a young man with some skills, but now that I see him in person... he's a real monster, and not a growing monster, but a fully blossomed one ready to devour everything" With a deep look, Elder Chu looked up to the sky and sighed "Little girl, your sister got us into a lot of trouble."

"My sister-" Cutting off her words, the young girl looked at Christian's last move and opened her eyes a little wider "Th-that move is..."

"Yes... a final technique exclusive to the sect leader" Frowning slightly, the elder Chu nodded.

The technique Christian just used, is none other than throwing several knives and making those knives collide with each other to change their directions.

"But how did he get it?"

"According to the records, this kid never traveled to China, in fact he spent most of his life in prison.... so he most likely learned it on his own."

"He learned to calculate every little centimeter and weight of the knives, along with the air and and force needed by himself!?"

While the technique is something anyone could imagine, replicating it is incredibly difficult.

It's not just throwing knives with the same amount of force and to the same point, no, it's all much deeper and more complicated, after all calculating where the enemies will be gets into the formula and it certainly takes great skills for that.

That's why it is incredible to these two women that Christian has replicated it himself, after all even the leader of the sect had trouble learning it even with the help of the records left by the previous leaders.

Hundreds of years of fully recorded experiences that help the new generations quite a bit.

"What was his teacher's name?" turning her gaze to the young woman, the elder Chu asked.

"A certain Dimitri, he is from Russia and seems to be part of the Bratva. At least that's all we got from the government."

"If the disciple is that scary... how dangerous is the master?" Frowning slightly, the elder Chu continued, "Do you know anything more about his master?"

"I know we shouldn't worry about him, as the Chinese government negotiated with Russia and gave the green light to these operations, although they forbade touching this man's family."

With a new light of understanding in her gaze, the old woman smiled bitterly and sighed "In this fight it is not we who do the hunting."

"What do you mean?" frowning slightly, the young Long asked.

"Don't you see? They are using us to train the child, they want us to be their stepping stone. That's why his master allowed this but he made sure to take care of the boy's family, they want him to be unencumbered and dedicated to bettering himself."

"But if we kill him-"


Being interrupted by a loud explosion in the distance, the young girl and the old woman frowned and looked at the smoke billowing out of the city.

"Looks like we won't be getting reinforcements anymore...all failed."

Clenching her fists tightly at the old woman's words, the young woman turned her gaze toward the fight and commented "I don't think so, look, they've already got him cornered."

Raising her eyebrows, the old woman turned her gaze towards the fight and indeed, Christian is currently bitterly resisting attacks from all sides, having to use his sword and knife at the same time in the face of so many attacks coming at him.

His clothes have visible cuts and his blood is constantly flowing on the ground, while the number of people arriving in the area is increasing and it is obvious that this will end with the death of the young man.

But even so, the old woman shook her head and sighed "They won't be able to take him".

"But he's already tired."

"Didn't you hear the gunshots a few minutes ago? The boy is armed.

"One gun won't be able to take out more than 200 people attacking him at the same time."

"But what if he's carrying something else?"


"There it is" Seeing the explosion on the battlefield, the old woman chuckled and commented "A bomb".

Gritting her teeth, the young woman exclaimed with anger in her voice "Doesn't that man know honor!?"

"He's a westerner, he has no thoughts like honor and pride, didn't you see that already?" With a blank stare, the elder Chu continued "He doesn't mind rolling on the ground and getting filled with dirt, he doesn't mind throwing dirt or using corpses as shields, he also doesn't mind using guns and using bombs. He doesn't know oriental pride and only knows how to survive, don't expect him to share our ideals."

"What will we do? At this rate he'll really kill them all."

"*Sigh* I guess there's no choice" Taking out a small vial with a clear liquid, Elder Chu continued "I didn't want to use this since it goes against the sect's ideals, but... we can't fail"

"Will you use the poison?"

"Yes... I will go personally"

*Boom* *Boom*

"Teacher... it's dangerous" Frowning slightly, the young Long murmured with concern.

"It's okay" Gently stroking the young woman's head, the older woman laughed and commented "I'll be sure to hit and retreat, he's already quite tired and as you see, he's only blocking vital attacks."

While these two women were talking, Christian was going through one of the most difficult moments of his life.

Carrying a corpse in his left hand and a sword in his right, Christian gritted his teeth and waved his sword constantly, while his right hand kept moving to block every incoming attack.

Even though Christian is killing these people like flies, in the face of so many attacks at the same time, he is being completely overwhelmed.

He attacks the person in front of him and 3 attacks come from behind.

He dodges 15 knives in his back, but 7 attacks come from the front.

He has literally been trapped in that cycle constantly and even he is having a hard time killing a single person.

At first he killed everything in his path and tried to use the tactic of not standing still to avoid being locked up, but there came a time when there was literally nowhere to move and he was completely blocked, causing the current bad situation.

Quickly pulling another bomb from his pocket, Christian tossed it up and placing the corpse in front of him, Christian quickly ran forward. As a path opened up, Christian tossed the corpse to the side and moved as far away as he could from where he was.


Grabbing a woman by his side, Christian squeezed her neck tightly and thus got another shield, while in the short course before throwing the corpse, at least 9 more cuts appeared on her body and a knife stuck in her back.

But with his senses of pain dulled, Christian pulled out the knife and threw it quickly, while his breathing became more and more agitated and his mask was drenched in sweat.

The area is a real mess.

Mixing the fire from the torches, the corpses mutilated by Christian's sword and the corpses torn to pieces by the bombs, he transformed the whole area into a bath of flesh and blood, while the metallic smell of blood permeated the air.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

'Damn' Feeling the lack of strength in his arms, Christian quickly looked at his body and cursed in his mind, instantly noticing that he lost enough blood to cause his muscles and promptly his organs to begin to fail.

Frowning slightly as he noticed a strangeness in the formation, Christian looked sideways and thought 'Why is no one attacking now?'

But as Christian was pondering, a shower of knives suddenly fell on him causing him to open his eyes wide and with one swift movement he lay down on the ground and placed two corpses on top of him.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

Hearing multiple knives clashing together, Christian grabbed the two corpses and stood up with a quick leap, then waved one corpse 360 degrees and re-wielded his sword.

"Mn?" Looking sideways in confusion, Christian quickly scanned the place and muttered "They left?"

"Why would they? They have me cornered" Sensing the strangeness of the situation, Christian did not let his guard down and kept scanning the area, but even after a few minutes, no one appeared.

With his legs shaking from the adrenaline rush, Christian gritted his teeth and looked down at his body, then frowned even more and looked at the knife stuck in his thigh "And when did this come?"

Shrugging, Christian tossed the knife aside and sat down on a pile of corpses, then gritted his teeth and swallowed saliva at the pain that assaulted his entire body.

Picking up a small hearing aid in a pocket hidden by his clothing, Christian muttered weakly, "I need medical assistance and lots of people to clean up corpses."

"Are you okay?"

Receiving Envy's voice instantly, Christian smiled casually and replied "I don't think I've ever been as close to death as I was today, but how did it go for you guys?"


"We had to blow up the whole house, but everything went well, according to the reports, we have 5 injured but none seriously or dead."

"And in Africa how did it go?"

"Gluttony almost passed out from the pleasure."

Chuckling, Christian sighed and commented "Send me the video of Gluttony, but please get me medical help, I can't move and if I don't treat these wounds in about 10 minutes I will certainly die".

"I already sent a team, I had them ready because I knew this would happen to you."

"Envy, this was fucking crazy" Looking sideways, Christian sighed "Do you know how many people I killed today?"


"Even I don't know how many people I killed, but I think it's around 350."

"That many?" Raising her voice unconsciously, Envy asked in disbelief "How did they get that many people in without us knowing!?"

"Don't even ask me, but the bastards were certainly prepared, I swear I thought I would die today" Laughing painfully, Christian continued "I'll talk to you in detail later... I think if I talk any more I'll die."

"Any man would be screaming and in agony."

"But I'm not any man my dear, the pain is secondary *cough* *cough*" Frowning at the blood he coughed up, Christian muttered even lower "Shit... bring me some of the blood I have in storage... you'll certainly need it."

"It's all set, I'll hang up on you for now, don't waste energy on bullshit."

"Goodbye..." Dropping the headset, Christian dropped his arms as his back hunched weakly "What a piece of shit..."


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos


We have a new chapter upload schedule.

Monday: Reversal and Savage (20:00 Pm)

Tuesday: Reversal (19:00 PM)

Wednesday: Reversal and Savage (20:00 PM)

Thursday: Reversal (21:00 PM)

Friday: Reversal and Savage (18:00 PM)

Saturday: Savage (18:00 PM)

Sunday: Free.

Each chapter will be around 2000 words as usual, and at the same time the time mentioned above is the universal time, you can check it on google.

This schedule will start working from Thursday and it is something that I will have no problem to keep since it is adjusted to my schedule.

The chapters will be previously programmed and will be uploaded automatically, so the time should be punctual every day.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.