
Chapter 52 Exam

Chapter 52 Exam

"It would be perfect since we need your permission for the exams."


"I hope what you said is real sister" Sighed an older man, looking wearily at the woman next to him, as she arranged her sister's desk to give exams.

"Stop complaining Jordan, I already told you that you'll realize the child's potential just by looking at him" Rolling her eyes, Mrs. Smith sat down at the side of the desk.

"I want you to keep in mind that this is a special situation, usually the children have to go to the venues to complete the exams"

"Yes, yes, it will just be, for now, the mother was quite stressed about this whole issue."

"That woman I saw was the mother?"


"She's about our little sister's age *sigh* women these days"

"At least she took responsibility, I find her quite admirable for carrying 3 kids with her young age"

"You have a point, usually they would take off and leave their children motherless" Nodding, Jordan sat down, having finished arranging everything to give a satisfactory exam.

"Mom, what do I have to do these things for? they're boring"

But as they were talking, a child's voice was heard, as the mother and son pair entered the office.

Raising his eyebrows, Jordan looked carefully at the boy "You're right sister... this boy has a special air about him"

Squinting, Jordan stared into the boy's eyes, not finding the typical trace of childishness in them.

"I already told you that it will help you learn more fun things"

"But exams are boring, mom, nothing fun comes out of something that demands something boring from you"

"You have a great point, my boy"

"Exactly mom, that's why I'm telling you to let's drop this, and by the way could you withdraw me from school today, it turns out the publisher wants to introduce me to a writer and wants me to present at 6 there, I don't mind coming early and showing my other works"

"That won't happen, my prince, I told you studies come first"

"You are so boring, mom"

"..." Looking at the interaction in front of him, Jordan raised his eyebrows even higher and turned to his sister and whispered "They certainly are peculiar"

"Told you so" Smiling, the headmistress stood up "Hi Christian, haven't seen you in a while"

Pursing his lips, Christian stopped talking to his mother and looked at the headmistress, not missing the old man at her side "Headmistress, it's good to see you"

"Don't look like it Christian, I heard you complain" Raising her eyebrows in amusement, Mrs. Smith spoke.

"You interrupted my leisure time Headmistress, at this hour I play solitaire"

"Didn't I tell you that you are only allowed to study?"

"I study even in my free time, at this rate I'll die of a stroke"

"Understandable" Nodding with an amused smile, the headmistress pointed towards Jordan "Christian, this person is coming to give you some tests, his name is Jordan"

Pursing his lips, Christian shifted his gaze to Jordan, looking at him fully with narrowed eyes "You have bad intentions towards me?"

Not expecting that question, Jordan looks quizzically towards the boy and shakes his head "No..."

"With my family?"


"Good, let's do the test" Smiling, Christian turns to his mother and whispers "After this I want you to spoil me a lot mom, I'll only do it for you"

Shaking her head with a smile, Eva nods "Then I'll have to try harder with my boy"

"Good" Nodding with satisfaction, Christian walked over and sat down, looking curiously at the papers in front of him.

"Ok, let's start" Momentarily forgetting everything that just happened, Jordan became serious and started moving the papers, leaving 3 sheets in front of Christian "You can start with any sheet, you have the amount of time you need, but you won't be able to ask anything either if you don't know any, you can skip it and that's it... as soon as you finish a sheet set it aside and go on with the next one, understood?"


"Then..." Taking a stopwatch from his pocket, Jordan looks at Christian and nods "Get started."

Taking the first sheet, Christian reads the first question 'What number is missing in this sequence? 4, 9, 16, 25, ?, 64... this is very simple 49, they are all square numbers'

Placing his answer, Christian read the next question 'What letter should be next in this sequence? L K J H... what the fuck is this, it's very simple: G, The order of the letters you find them from right to left in the middle row of a keyboard'

'What word do you get when you rearrange the letters UCPRAATHE? Parachute'

'What is the number that is one-half of one-fourth of one-tenth of 400? Obviously, it is 5'

'George has as many brothers as sisters; however, one sister has twice as many brothers as sisters. How many boys and girls are in the family? Easy, 4 brothers and 3 sisters'

'PEAR IS...-'

'If we divide...-'

'The moon is...-'

'Finish' a minute and a half later, Christian finished the 15 questions on one paper and moved on to the next, causing Jordan to raise his eyebrows as he marked a time.

Four minutes later, Christian laid the last sheet on the table, then stretched lazily, "Done"

Squeezing the stopwatch, Jordan frowned "Are you sure? I can run the time again, you don't need to finish so fast"

"No need, I'm done"josei

"Suit yourself" Shrugging, Jordan sighed and pulled 8 large sheets out of his bag, leaving 4 in front of Christian.

"Now we'll play something really fun, you have to memorize what I show you on a sheet for 10 seconds, then write or draw what you saw on your sheet... make sure it's in the same order you remember, got it?"


"Okay, I'll show you the first one" Taking the sheet with his right hand, while with his left hand he takes the counter, Jordan quickly turns the sheet and touches the button "Now"

With a quick glance, Christian comes across a large square made up of small squares, exactly 10x10. Each square had a circle or the word banana written on them.

"Time's up"

Without waiting for Jordan to put the sheet down, Christian takes his paper and quickly fills it in, finishing everything in 15 seconds "Done".

"Good" Although the doubt was in him, Jordan took the second piece of paper and repeated the process.

This time it was a 15x15 shape, while the figures and words increased in difficulty, leaving circles, squares, and the word door in some squares.

"Ready" But not even 30 seconds passed and Christian was done.

"Let's move on to the next one"



The process was repeated twice more.

The last image was considerably more difficult for anyone, it was a large 30x30 square, where there were drawings of triangles, squares, and circles, all combined with the words banana, door, dog, and cat.

But with Christian's memory, it was all a walk in the park, causing Jordan to frown thinking the kid didn't take the test seriously, something quite common in his job.

But being an adult and at the same time knowing a little of what the boy is capable of, Jordan didn't judge the boy and took all the tests, then looked up and smiled "Give me a few minutes, I'll review everything and tell you the result"

Nodding, Christian turned to his mother and patted her seat "Don't just stand there mom, sit with me"

Smiling, Eva reaches over and lifts Christian, sitting down on the seat then laying the boy on her lap.

Smiling reassuringly, Christian leaned back against Eva's breasts and closed his eyes.

Minutes passed, and Christian couldn't stand the boredom, falling asleep only 5 minutes later.

At 30 minutes, Jordan looked up in absolute amazement, staring dazedly at the sleeping child.

"This is... unbelievable" Jordan spoke in a daze.

"Is something wrong?" hesitantly, the director asks.

"This child is not a simple genius, sister..."

"I already know that, I heard a lot from his mother."

"No... you don't know, you don't understand how scary it is" Jordan murmured, looking at the papers in her hand with trembling.

"What do you mean?" frowning, Eva asked, hugging her child a little tighter.

"Mrs. Eva... Christian is not a genius, much less a super genius" Jordan spoke, still not waking up from his daze "To say that would be an insult to him... Your son is the closest thing to a... I wouldn't know the right term for it. I wouldn't know how to give him an adequate term."

Getting up, the headmistress walks over to her brother and lightly smacks him on the head "Wake up stupid, you're scaring everyone"

Blinking for a few seconds, Jordan took a deep breath and calmed down "*Sigh* I'm sorry"

"Can you tell me what's going on?" asked Eva with concern.

"Let me explain Miss Eva..." Taking the papers, Jordan turns them over and shows Christian's results "We have different tests for people, these here that I did to Christian are logical reasoning, memory, and mental quickness"


"The normal for geniuses is to finish everything in 40 minutes, maximum 45... the super-geniuses of the world, it took them 20 to 25 minutes to finish them all"

"But your son took no more than 8 minutes to complete everything" Swallowing saliva, Jordan points to the results "But the time itself is not important... your son finished all the exams in 8 minutes, but the most incredible thing is that all his answers are correct... the boy even remarked a bug in our exam... that bug we left it to give an extra score to whoever finds it... but since the bug does not affect the result, nobody pointed it out... in the whole world"


"Leaving that aside, on the memory test... Christian manages to complete everything flawlessly, drawing even the geometric figures with the same flaws we added... an uneven square, a circle with a slightly larger border, everything is exactly the same"


"I can't give you the exact result of your son's IQ, as we would have to do more tests... but if I go by just what we have, considering answers and time..." Breathing heavily, Jordan looked up at Eva "Christian far surpasses the smartest woman in the world, scoring at least 450 points on our scale.... while the smartest woman has 320 points... and we consider 450 points because that's our maximum in these exams because she could have more!"

With those words, Eva trembled, as she felt as if lightning struck her head.

"That's not all Mrs. Eva... most, if not all, of the geniuses of the world usually focus on one area... most are pretty stupid outside their area, but... according to everything I was told about Christian, he is outside that norm... music, art, literature, languages... and according to my sister, Christian manages in everything the school shows, history, math, among others... that means Christian's intelligence is not just with one focus... what I mean is Christian could be a genius in everything he sets his mind to"

"..." At this point, Eva felt like she was dreaming, staring dazedly at the child in her arms.

"Are you sure about that?" doubtfully, the headmistress looked at the child with strangeness and surprise.

"I don't play with these subjects sister" Jordan whispered "This child puts geniuses to shame."


"*Sigh*" Sighing wearily, Jordan pulls a business card out of his pocket and passes it to Eva "The result is ready, I will inform it at the headquarters and Christian will be accepted any moment, it is in his will if he wants him to join us or not... as for the benefits of enrolling... they are many"


"We have agreements with many companies and universities, hotels, travel agencies, among others... we have personal life insurance, health insurance, practically insurance of all kinds"


"We also organize national and international events for the children, so that they can surround themselves with people just like them, usually children with more intelligence usually suffer from loneliness or isolation, all thanks to not finding someone they can get along with, and that's exactly what these meetings are for, to be able to help them develop connections with other people and not end up isolated as it usually happens... we also offer guidance to parents and teachers, in order for them to learn how to deal with the situation... you may not believe it, but having a gifted child is a very difficult thing for many, you don't have to feel bad if you feel exhausted"


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