
Chapter 53 Friend

Chapter 53 Friend

"*Sigh* That's all I can tell you for now, for more information you can call me anytime" Getting up, Jordan arranges things, carefully putting the exams inside a file, to then say goodbye to his sister and leave quickly, but being at the door Jordan thinks for a moment and turns to Eva "Mrs. Eva, you may be bothered by my comment, but... please take good care of your son, make sure he is a good child, because with the potential of this child... we don't know what he is capable of achieving"

"..." Frowning, Eva turned to the man, but she didn't manage neither to answer nor to see him, Jordan had already left the room.

"I'm sorry, he's usually very quiet, he must be a bit dazed by the whole thing" Smiling uncomfortably, Mrs. Smith took her place in her main seat.

"Don't worry..." Still frowning, Eva nodded "I have to go, thank you for everything principal"

"No worries, and I'm sorry for how it all ended" Shaking her head with a bitter smile, the headmistress spoke.

Wiggling Christian, Eva wakes him up "My boy, mommy has to go, wake up"

"Yes, mom..." Christian mumbled dazedly.


"Christian, this is Sarah Jones" Pointing with both hands, Mrs. Evelyn pointed to a woman sitting next to her.

To call her a woman is a bit premature, since, from her face, she didn't look older than 18, maybe 17.

Sarah Jones is a woman about 1.78 cm tall, she has long black hair, beautiful emerald green eyes, she had a rather voluptuous body for her age, with C cup breasts, it was hard to say exactly but her ass was perfectly round and big, not to the point of Eva, but only slightly lower.

On top of that, she was wearing a short white T-shirt exposing her stomach, slightly showing a 6 pack in it remarking that she trains her body, on the bottom beast a tight Jeans style pant, perfectly accentuating her waist and ass.

No doubt Sarah is quite a beauty, something that Christian dazzled few times in this world or the previous one, but there was something to Christian that caught his attention more, her gaze.

The woman had an indifferent and boring look, one could even say it was somewhat intimidating, looking at Christian with no emotion whatsoever.

"And he is Christian Grey" Smiling, Mrs. Evelyn introduced Christian, who was sitting in front of Sarah, staring at her without blinking.

"..." Silence came to the room, as Mrs. Evelyn's smile began to falter from discomfort.

But after a few seconds, the boy's serious look broke and he smiled, standing up from his seat, Christian approached the woman, looking at her with bright eyes face to face, then slowly circled around her and looked at her carefully.

After a few seconds, Christian stopped, slowly bringing his face closer to the woman, coming only inches away from touching their faces, but not caring, Christian smiled "I know that look, Sarah"

"...?" Raising an eyebrow, Sarah looked at the boy with disinterest, but still asked "What look?"

"That facade of yours... that look... you're an orphan, aren't you?"

Eyes widening, Mrs. Evelyn wanted to interject, not wanting two important writers to argue "Christian-"

"Heh" But Sarah only smiled slightly, looking at the boy with interest for the first time "And I know that look of yours, despising everyone naturally, you were born with a golden spoon in your mouth, weren't you?"

"Hehe~" Christian smiled with amusement, Christian raises his hands and lightly caresses the woman's face "You couldn't be more wrong honey, but I see you evaded my answer"

"..." Looking at each other, Christian and Sarah smile at the same time.

Pulling away a little, Christian stretches out his hand with a big smile "I'm Christian Grey, from today you'll be my friend"

Smiling, Sarah shakes the boy's hand "Why would I want to be friends with a spoiled child?"

"You should feel blessed, you got the better part of it all, I'm the one who will have to put up with an annoying bitch"

Looking at each other, they both laughed "Hahaha~"

"*Sigh*" With mental exhaustion from how tense she was, Mrs. Evelyn spoke "Sarah, Christian can help you with your block in your book, I'll leave you two alone...oh yeah, don't worry about your mom Christian, I'll be having coffee with her so you can take your time"

Finishing her words, Mrs. Evelyn left, leaving the pair alone.

Sitting down at the table to be at Sarah's level, Christian speaks "How old are you?"

"19 and you?"

"You look 15... I'm 9"

"And you look 90"

"That's rude if you say it to a man"

"I don't give a shit"

"That's why I like you"

Smiling, Christian leans back on the table and turns his gaze to Sarah "What do you write?"

Lifting her feet, Sarah props them up on the edge of the table and settles into the chair "Usually mystery with horror, but I also write fantasy and the occasional erotic novel."

"Oh, you're such a pervert."

"I only write what makes the most money."

"But if you're not a pervert you couldn't write erotica."

"What do you know about erotica, you chattering boy" Rolling her eyes, Sarah smiled.

"Surely more than you do, virgin woman" Christian smiled mockingly.

"I'm not a virgin."

"You've been with a man?" Raising his eyebrows at the lack of disgusted feeling, Christian asked.


Raising his eyebrows, even more, Christian gets up from the table and walks over to Sarah, and spins around her "You're lying woman"

"..." Frowning, Sarah looks at the boy with narrowed eyes "I don't understand what you're saying."

"You're not a virgin, but you haven't been with a man" Christian smiled, feeling this revelation getting more and more interesting.

"You're talking bullshit" Sarah scoffed, as she folded her arms.

"No *Sniff*" Sniffing at the woman teasingly, Christian smiled with a sly twinkle in his eye "I get it, you're a lesbian, aren't you?"

Losing her smile, Sarah looked at Christian menacingly "Watch what you're talking about kiddo."

Positioning himself by her back, Christian massaged Sarah's shoulders and whispered in her ear "You don't have to be tense woman, I don't judge you."

Looking at the boy with narrowed eyes for a few seconds, not finding displeasure or anything similar, Sarah pursed her lips and relaxed her posture "You're pretty weird kid"

Smiling, Christian sat back down at the table "How did you find out you like women? The truth is, your face hides your tastes quite well."

Thinking for a moment, Sarah spoke with a soft smile "She's called Elisa... for as long as I can remember I was with her, living together at the orphanage... one thing led to another and we ended up together, that's all"

"How boring, the details give fun to everything and you skipped them"

"*Sigh* I don't even understand why I'm telling you all this"

"So you grew up with her?"


"She's older?"

"No, she's 18"

"Oh, so you were almost born together"


"And you don't like men?"

Biting her lips for a second, Sarah tapped her fingers on the armrest of the chair and spoke "I would say yes, I usually look at one or the other on the street, but they're simple attractions, I would never betray Elisa"

"So you're bisexual then?"

"Something like that"

"Your erotic books talk about similar relationships?"

"No, they're the typical kind, I just use the typical phrases like 'And she sucked him off with her tight vagina' or similar things."josei

Looking at the woman quizzically, Christian thought 'I swear I don't read erotic books in this world, at least not anywhere the protagonist is female'

"Why the fuck am I saying so much?" Frowning, Sarah straightened up straighter in her chair, looking at the boy with narrowed eyes "You drugged me?"

"You think they'd sell me drugs at my age?"

"I've seen people selling drugs to younger kids"

"Touche" Christian nodded with acknowledgment, then shrugged and smiled "I just talk normally, you're the one who answers"


"Let's put that talk aside and tell me, what are you writing now? Mrs. Evelyn told me you were in trouble."

"Oh, right you're a writer" Nodding, Sarah tosses a set of sheets she had on her lap towards Christian "Being a writer at 9 years old? That's another bullshit"

"..." Ignoring the woman, Christian takes the sheets and looks at them quickly, thus passing 15 minutes of silence "I see, you try to create a story about a woman who hunts monsters, but you ran out of original monsters and created the ugliest and stupidest shit you could come up with... What the fuck is a pig with 15 pussy's? Do you really plan to sell this?"

"Do you know how hard it is to create beings that don't exist!?" Sarah exclaimed angrily "I just thought of the most horrible or disgusting shit I could think of and added it!"

Laughing mockingly, Christian spoke "You could have added yourself to the book, you're the most horrible thing I think of now!"

Snorting, Sarah smirks "You fucking bastard"

Grabbing his backpack, Christian pulls out 4 notebooks and throws them at Sarah, unfortunately, the woman didn't reach to catch them because of the suddenness and they crashed into her face.


"Oops" Christian smiled apologetically, looking sheepishly at Sarah's annoyed face "Read these things, they're mine, they'll help you quite a bit, they even have drawings in them."

With annoyance, Sarah takes the notebooks and opens it to the drawn cover, finding a rather strange name "Lovecraft? Is it romance?"

"Don't judge a book by its cover...or its name...just keep looking at them, the drawings will give you an idea"

Frowning, Sarah quickly turns the pages, looking mainly at the pictures and names.

Minutes later, Sarah looks up with sparkling eyes "These books are gold!"

"Obvious, I'm showing them to you for a reason"

"This would certainly help me continue writing" Sarah murmured, quickly glancing at the other 3 books.

"And that's why I showed them to you, stop saying such obvious things"

"Tsk, what an annoying child" Clicking her tongue, Sarah ignored the child and continued reading.

After a few minutes, Sarah nodded with sparkling eyes "I got what I needed"

"It was time, I was falling asleep" Yawned Christian, leaning lazily on the table, looking boredly at the woman.

Looking up, Sarah asks doubtfully "These books are yours, aren't they?"


"And you're not publishing them yet?"


"It's okay for me to use it in my book if you don't publish them yet?"

Waving his hand lazily, Christian speaks up "I have patented those books, just make sure you name me somewhere in your work, so you promote my book and we'll call it even"

"Fine, I'll talk to Evelyn about it to avoid problems"

"As you wish"


"Bye Sarah, see you~" From his mother's hand, Christian cheerfully said goodbye to the woman, momentarily ignoring his mother's annoyed look.

"Bye midget" With a slight smile, Sarah waved her hand, while Christian's 4 books were in her other hand.

Turning to Evelyn, Christian spoke "Ms. Evelyn, I left you all my books written so far, you should check them out and tell me how they are, they all include covers and pictures"

"Good, I'll be reporting back to you"

Turning to Sarah, Christian raises his middle finger behind his mother's back, as a smirk appeared on his face at the sight of the bulging vein on the woman's forehead, Christian turned and walked away.

"Who is she?" asked Eva with a frown, quickly leaving the publishing house, not wanting to leave her son a second longer with this woman who is obviously a bad influence.

"She's a famous writer, I helped her with her book"

"..." Frowning, Eva didn't speak anymore, but the bad mood showed on her face.

"Shall we go get Hailie and Alan?" noticing that his mother wasn't walking to the car, Christian asked with confusion.

"They're fine with Sara and Jayden, let's walk for a while, I want to spend more time with my boy" Pulling Christian a little closer to her, Eva pursed her lips, still feeling bad remembering how friendly her boy looked with that bitch.

Walking leisurely through the streets, Christian as always ignored the curious glances at him, watching carefully every little detail, but a certain spot in a store on the street in front of him caused his brow to furrow.

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