
Chapter 69 Friendship

Chapter 69 Friendship

Minutes before with Sarah.

"But it doesn't matter, if it's for you Sarah, I will fight against society and we will carry on our relationship, don't worry, I will talk to my mother and make her understand that we love each other strongly, bye."

Squeezing the cell phone tightly, Sarah breathed heavily, then quickly got up and threw it against the sofa.


"Haha~" A soft laugh was heard from beside her "He pissed you off again?"

"I really can't stand him, he talks a lot of bullshit!" With a red face, Sarah turns to Elisa.

Elisa was wearing a cute pink apron, while underneath she was wearing a simple white short-sleeved t-shirt twice her size, but still, you could see her abnormally large breasts underneath the t-shirt, looking like her genetics don't care about age and gave her all her splendor before her peak sets in. Underneath she wore a short black skirt, reaching above her knees, but still incredibly accentuating her juicy thighs and incredible ass.

Her face was a pale, her eyes were a sea-green, being adorned by long, curved eyelashes, while her plump, pink lips stood out even more with her thin nose.

But her gaze was even more enchanting, an incredibly tender, yet sizzling face, an exotic and beautiful combination, and certainly a rare look in women of this world.

Her long hair down to her waist, curly and red-haired, gave a hot touch to the tender woman.

Wiping her hands on her apron, Elisa rolls her eyes "Yes, yes, yes, yes, I hear you say that every day how much you hate him, how much he makes you despair, and how irritating he is!"

"Then why are you inviting him!?" Sarah asked angrily.josei

"Because he's the only person you don't ignore besides me, and even though he's a kid he's the closest person you have to a friend" Elisa smiled, sitting down next to Sarah.

"That child is not my friend!" Crossing her arms, Sarah sits back down.

"But you still talk every day about him."

"Because he won't stop calling me, every damn day!"

"But you still answer him and take your time to talk, even tell him how your day is" Patiently, Elisa replies.

"I answer him because the publisher asks me to!" refuted Sarah.

"If it was just for that you wouldn't answer his calls every day, you even hang up on your editor, don't lie to yourself."

"What do you mean!?" Squinting, Sarah looks at her girlfriend.

"You like the kid somehow, but you refuse to admit it."

"Hmph, I would never like that stupid kid" Snorting, Sarah rolls her eyes.

"I find him likable, even though I've never spoken to him, I like that he calls you every morning and evening."

"It's because he doesn't call you that you don't get it!"

"How bad can it be?"

"Elisa, that damn kid calls me at 9 o'clock in the morning, calls me bitch, and hangs up!"

"It's just child's play honey, don't take it the wrong way" Forcing herself not to burst out laughing, Elisa smiled shakily.

"He's just doing it to annoy me!"

"If he did it for that reason, he wouldn't last so many days calling you, that boy really cares about you" Stroking Sarah's hair, Elisa spoke softly.

"..." Refusing to look at Elisa, Sarah just stood silently with her arms crossed.

"Besides, you look quite a bit livelier since you met him, and you've never talked so much about a person before" With a playful smile, Elisa continued, "I think you know very well that the boy is a good friend, but you're too shy to say so~"

Trembling slightly, Sarah only snorted again, but her ears reddened slightly.

"Besides..." Lowering her voice slightly, Elisa continued earnestly "I saw you shed a tear when the boy talked about his life, I'm sure that boy told the truth, he's been through a lot too, don't be hard on him"

Turning her gaze to the TV, Sarah just stayed silent, not wanting to talk anymore.

"Tomorrow I'll meet that supposed annoying kid" Elisa sighed.


"Christian, come down quickly!"

Frowning, Christian gets up and rushes downstairs, finding his mother and friends staring directly at the television.

"Is something wrong?" More calmly, Christian walks over to the couch and looks at the TV.

"Look, they're talking about you."

"What's new?" looking at the TV, Christian raises his eyebrows at the reason.

"Wow, so they already investigated that company" Christian smiled.

"Legal action is brought against Henry Holmes, founder of the Theranos company for fraud and 11 other charges, including embezzlement and medical malpractice" The TV blared.

"It's amazing the investigation you managed to complete Miss Gabriella, anything to say?" Pointing her microphone at a woman, the reporter spoke.

"Yes, I want to thank Christian Grey, because if it hadn't been for his warning we would never have suspected this farce" Looking at the camera seriously, the same reporter who compared Christian to Henry Holmes, spoke.

"Hehe, so she took the case in hand" Christian smiled.

"I guess many owe the controversial boy an apology, proving that a genius of his caliber doesn't talk nonsense" Nodded the reporter.

"How did you find out about the charade, Christian?" asked Sara, looking at the boy with arched eyebrows.

"That man has a phony look on his face, it couldn't be more obvious" Christian replied lazily.

"Christian, you won't get in trouble for this?" asked Eva with concern.

"He might be called to testify if he knows anything" Sara nodded with a serious look on her face.

"I need a legal attorney?" Raising his eyebrows, Christian asked Sara.

"No, it's a simple thing, if it comes to it I'll represent you."

"I really don't think it's necessary" Shaking his head, Christian turns and walks towards his room "I won't be called to testify, that man is well connected in the country, apart from paying a sum of money, I don't think he will go to jail, at most he will be banned from running companies... they will prevent as many people as possible from testifying"

"Sometimes this kid scares me" Sara sighed, turning her gaze to the screen where they talk about the kid's achievements.

"I don't even understand what he's talking about most of the time" Shrugged Eva, looking proudly at the screen "The important thing is that my child proved that he doesn't lie"

"Mom, I forgot to tell you, I've been invited to Sarah's house for lunch tomorrow, can I go?" Poking his head up the stairs, Christian blinked tenderly at his mother, causing the woman to look at the boy in horror.

'NO!!! I can't allow my child to go to that bitch's house!.... BUT I CAN'T SAY NO TO THAT FACE!!!' Smiling stiffly, Eva nods "i-if that's what you want..."

"Thanks, mom~" smiled Christian sweetly, quickly disappearing from the place.

"He did the same thing again!" pulling her hair in frustration, Eva groaned.

"I understand you..." Patting Eva's shoulder, Sara looked at her pitifully "He's not my son, but seeing the look on his face even I wanted to tell him yes."

"Sara, I want a boy like Christian" Blinking repeatedly at Sara, Jayden whispered.

"*Sigh* Not again."


"Christian, it's 12:30 PM, I'll be here at 7 PM, I want you to be ready on the spot, got it?" standing in front of Sarah's apartment door, Eva scowled at Christian and spoke angrily.

"Yes mom, I'll be ready 15 minutes early to wait for you" Smiling happily, Christian nodded.

"I will also call you every 30 minutes, you have to answer or you will no longer have the authorization to come again, understood?"

"Yes mom" Hugging his mother's leg for a moment, Christian turned and knocked on the door.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*.

Grabbing the straps of his backpack, Christian waited patiently for the door to open.

After a few seconds, Sarah appeared in the doorway, looking boredly at the boy in front of her, but still, her eyebrows twitched slightly at the sight of what Christian was wearing.

"Nice costume" Sarah commented casually.

"Its pajamas, not a costume" Looking down to see his new piggy pajamas, Christian refuted.

Over time Christian has been growing steadily, causing his dinosaur costume to become obsolete, but Eva being a visionary, bought the cutest costume she could find, a pink piggy.

Something that right now she deeply regrets, as she never thought her child would want to go out with it on the street, much less show it to a person she found unpleasant.

As if sensing Eva's intense gaze, Sarah looked up and looked at Eva "Good afternoon Eva."

"Good afternoon" Eva nodded curtly "Christian has permission until 7 o'clock, not a minute more".

"If he wants to you can come and pick him up earlier" Sarah replied in the same tone of voice.

Snorting, Eva turns to Christian and smiles as she kissed his forehead "See you my boy, behave yourself and call me if anything happens, ok?"

"Yes mom, bye" Kissing his mother's cheek,

Turning, Eva walked towards the elevator, turning every step to look towards Christian, who was waving her off with a smile.

With Eva out, Christian turns to Sarah and smiles "Nice shirt Sarah."

She was wearing a white muscle-cut shirt, exposing her shoulders and arms, while from the side her black bras could be easily seen.

Lowering his gaze, Christian nodded "It looks perfect on you with those sporty tights, although is it not tight? Your ass looks really fat."

Turning a little, Christian looked closely at her ass curiously, noting that her roundness is perfect to his eye.

"No one asked for your opinion" Sarah snorted in annoyance, turning to enter the apartment.

"But it looks great on you though, you have a nice ass Sarah" Smiled Christian, following the woman then closing the door behind her.

Upon entering, Christian was surprised by the homey style of the apartment.

The apartment wasn't small at all, having a small hallway with a closet next to the exit door, while a few steps further, you came across a fairly furnished kitchen on the left, wherefrom the front you can see a large TV and a couch that looks quite comfortable. The place had multiple windows all around, showing a beautiful view of the whole city.

Turning his gaze, Christian sees that there is another hallway to the right of the couch, where you could see 3 different doors "What's in there?"

"My room, a guest room, and a guest bathroom" Sarah lazily answered, lying down directly on the couch.

"Oh" Christian nodded, looking curiously at his surroundings "Your apartment is bigger than my house".

"You have money, buy a new one" Picking up the TV remote, Sarah turned it on and left the boy in oblivion.

"And your girlfriend?"

"She's taking a shower."

"Oh" Nodding, Christian set his backpack down on one of the couches and walked over to Sarah, watching with pursed lips as the woman occupied the larger one without giving him room "Move"


"I want to sit down"

"You have another place to sit down" Pointing towards the vacant couch, Sarah replied.

Shrugging, Christian lay down on one side of Sarah, forcing her to move further back, then curled up and watched TV with the woman.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Sarah looked down and asked, "What are you doing?"

"You're lying on the couch, I want too" Christian replied lazily.

"Lie down on the other one."

"I don't want to, this one is in front of the TV."

"..." Staring at the boy in piggy pajamas for a few seconds, Sarah sighed and let it be.

"You like these kinds of shows? I don't find anything entertaining about those people jumping objects dangling over a big pool."

"What would you find more entertaining?"

"Having them jump over fire, would give it more excitement."

"It would be terrible... but exciting" Nodding Sarah, switching the TV to a children's channel.

"I don't like that" Looking up, Christian spoke seriously "Learning colors is not something I like in cartoons."

With a vein marking itself on her forehead, Sarah asked with annoyance "What do you like?"

"Action movies, death, blood, gore, destruction... and lots of explosions" Christian quickly replied.


Edited by: Lord_Shiva_

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