
Chapter 70 Excitement

Chapter 70 Excitement

"'re scary" Sarah murmured, quickly flipping channels.

"Honey, hasn't Christian arrived?"

A soft-sounding voice rang out next to the pair, causing Christian to raise his head slightly to look at the source, only to be stunned as he looked at the woman.

"She's... gorgeous" Christian murmured inaudibly, looking at the red-haired woman in a daze.

Elisa was just finishing dressing, she was wearing a long white t-shirt, reaching her knees, while she was carrying a towel drying her hair.

Looking at each other, Christian and Elisa froze, not believing their eyes so that seconds later, Elisa dropped the towel and ran to Christian.

"So cute!" Elisa squealed sweetly, causing Christian's eardrums to be soothed with the first completely feminine gesture he sees from a grown woman within this world.

Taking Christian into her arms, Elisa snuggled him to her chest, quickly rubbing her cheeks with the boy's head.

"What an adorable little piggy~" Lifting Christian to her height, Elisa rubbed her cheeks on the boy's face, then looking into his eyes and smiling sweetly "And what beautiful eyes~"

"Hehe~" Smiling sweetly, Christian let himself be pampered, feeling that, for moments like these, this world is wonderful.

"Look Sarah, isn't he a cutie!?" Turning around with the child in her arms, Elisa looked at Sarah with sparkling eyes.

"Hmph" Sarah snorted, squinting at the damn child who right now looks so innocent, knowing full well it's a facade.

Sitting down on the free couch, Elisa positioned the boy on her lap and looked him in the eyes with a smile "Christian, I'm Elisa, Sarah's girlfriend."

"I know, Sarah talked about you when we met."

"Huh? Sarah talked about our relationship on the first day?" With surprise on her face, Elisa turned her gaze to Sarah.

"That kid figured it out on his own" Sarah shrugged.

"Bullshit Elisa, Sarah has a big mouth."

"And she doesn't make you uncomfortable?" Elisa looked at the child with concern.

"Not at all, we all have different tastes, once you understand that detail, nothing impresses you anymore" Shrugging, Christian leaned against Elisa's breasts, looking up with a victorious smile at Sarah.

"What a sweet boy" Elisa smiled, pressing Christian even harder between her breasts.

"If that boy is sweet, all criminals are cute little bears" Sarah teased.

"Sarah, stop bullying Christian!" With reproach in her voice, Elisa glared angrily at Sarah.

"But honey-"

"No buts, can't you see you make him sad?"

Hearing that sentence, Christian quickly changed his look, showing teary eyes and a sad look as he leaned on Elisa's shoulder.

Stroking the boy's head, Elisa whispered "Don't worry Christian, I won't let Sarah bully you."

"*Sniff* Thank you" Christian murmured weakly, then turning his gaze slightly and smiling mockingly at Sarah.

Her face showing her frustration, Sarah could only glare angrily at the boy, knowing full well that saying anything would only bring trouble for her.

"Okay, I'll go serve lunch" Leaving Christian on the couch, Elisa stood up with a smile "Do you like lasagna?"


"I'm glad~" Smiling happily, Elisa walked towards the kitchen, leaving Christian and Sarah alone again.

Turning his gaze to the beautiful frustrated woman, Christian sighed and walked towards her, laying down next to her again, but this time looking directly at her.


"What do you want!?" Sarah asked with annoyance and a bit of aggression.

"Thank you..."

"...?" Furrowing her eyebrows, Sarah looked at the boy doubtfully.

Moving a little closer to Sarah, Christian hugs her and rests his head on her breasts "I have fun talking to you, even if you always get angry... it's relaxing."


"I know I can be annoying... that's why I thank you for continuing to put up with me" Christian murmured, speaking from his heart.

In a daze, Sarah looked at the boy with complicated feelings, then sighed and somewhat awkwardly hugged Christian, the place falling completely silent.

"Let's eat" A voice woke them up from their intimate moment, making Sarah quickly separate her hands from the boy's back, but still, Elisa managed to see what he was doing.

"My, my..." Smiled Elisa mischievously, slowly approaching behind Sarah "Who knew I'd see you like this someday."

Dodging Elisa's gaze, Sarah felt that this moment couldn't get any more awkward.

Sarah is a woman who finds it hard to express herself emotionally, any act of affection or anything to do with emotions, stresses her out due to her lack of showing emotions being a habit, causing even the hug she gave Christian to be something very uncomfortable for her.

"You don't have to act so shy, I'm glad to see you like this" Elisa smiled softly, then turned and grabbed Christian "Now let's go eat!"

Letting himself go, Christian just nodded, enjoying the atmosphere.

Lunch was pleasant, Christian sat on Elisa's lap and let himself be fed, while Sarah sent the occasional envious glance at the boy.

Having finished eating, Sarah busied herself washing the dishes and Elisa took out her computer, dedicating a few minutes for her work, attracting Christian's curiosity.

"What are you doing?" standing to one side of Elisa, Christian asked curiously.

"I'm investing money in the stock market" Elisa replied softly, with absolute seriousness looking at information and graphs.

"Oh... I have money there too" Christian nodded, then pointed over a box and spoke, "Invest in Tesla".

"You invest?" Arching her eyebrows, Elisa looked at the boy.

"I have over $100 million in different investments, but only a few million in the stock market."

"That's a lot of money" Elisa murmured, then pointed at the screen and asked, "Where do you think I should invest?"

"Tesla, currently the stock is at $40, but I assure you that in a few years the price will exceed $900 per share."

"But those are long-term stocks, I momentary leverage."

"That gives little money and the risk goes way up... if you are interested in investing long term I recommend Tesla, I myself invested 20 million+ in normal stocks... I also recommend Netflix, right now they are at 50 dollars, but in a few years I am sure it will exceed 600 dollars"

"Those are big numbers."

"But I have the security on them"

"I see... I'll keep that in mind" Elisa nodded "You said you've been invested over 100 million, what else do you do?"

"I own a part of Uber"

"That company in San Francisco?"

"You know it?"

"Sure I do, and all its of its problems they have with cab drivers."

"People who can't stand change, sooner or later their business will fail" Christian shrugged.

"You think?"

"100% sure."

"I see..."

"In another year Facebook should go public, with a price hovering around $30 to $40, in 3 years it should be over the $200 mark, in case you're interested"

"How do you know that?"

"I know a lot about a lot of things" Christian smiled, looking intently at the woman's beautiful face.

"What else do you invest in?"

"I own a third of WhatsApp."

"That messaging app!?"

"You know it?"

"Who doesn't, even I use it!" Elisa exclaimed with an 'isn't it obvious' expression on her face.


"You must make a lot of money with that app, no?"

"The truth is we don't make any money, we don't use advertising or anything similar."

"So it's run on a loss?" Arching her eyebrows again, Elisa looked at the boy with confusion.

"For now yes, but all losses will be paid back in the future."



"You're a very smart boy Christian" Without urging further, Elisa stroked the boy's hair.

"I know" Christian nodded "What do you do in your spare time?"

"I usually help Sarah with her books, but I like music."

"Do you sing or play any instruments?"

"I play acoustic guitar and electric guitar, do you want to see them?"


Getting up from the couch, Elisa walked to her room and returned with the two guitars, one of the typical acoustic guitars while the electric was red with white accents.

"Do you want me to teach you how to play~?" Sitting down next to the boy, Elisa asked with a smile.

"Can I borrow it?" Stretching out his hands, Christian pointed to the acoustic guitar.


Taking the guitar in his hands, Christian settled in and began plucking the strings, noticing that two of them were out of tune.

Fixing the problem under Elisa's surprised gaze, Christian smiled and looked at the woman "What style of music do you like?"

Holding a finger to her lips, Elisa thought "I like almost every genre of music, why?"

Pursing his lips, Christian thought of some song that everyone likes, then nodded and started playing a tune.josei

"I had seen you play Ukelele, but I didn't know you also played guitar!" Elisa exclaimed with a surprised expression, to then take out her cell phone and record the boy.

"♪ Someone told me long ago

There's a calm before the storm

I know, it's been comin' for some time

When it's over, so they say

It'll rain a sunny day

I know, shinin' down like water

I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?

I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain

Comin' down on a sunny day? ♪"

With a smile on his face, Christian began to sing a song quite well known and accepted in his former world, under the incredulous gaze of the woman next to him.

Although the voice wasn't perfect for this kind of song where you have to force your voice at some points, his soft voice gave it a special touch to anyone's ears, causing Elisa to smile unconsciously as she remembered certain things thanks to this song.

"♪ I wanna know,

I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain

Comin' down on a sunny day? ♪"

Lowering his voice more and more, Christian finished singing 'Have You Ever Seen The Rain?', then looking up at Elisa and asking with a smile "Did you like it?"

"I loved it Christian~" Smiling, Elisa put her cell phone aside and hugged the boy with excitement "Your song was amazing!"

"Do you want another one?"


"What kind?"

"Mmmmh" Bringing her hand to her lips again, Elisa exclaimed happily "A love song!"

"Good" Nodding, Christian settled back in and thought of a particular song he liked.

"♪ Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry

You don't know how lovely you are

I had to find you, tell you I need you

And tell you I set you apart

Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions

Oh, let's go back to the start

Running in circles, coming up tails

Heads on a science apart ♪"

Christian started singing 'The Scientist by Coldplay', a song that is practically an anthem for this group.

Finishing singing, Christian looked back at Elisa, as she recorded the boy with stars in his eyes.

"That was amazing Christian!" Elisa exclaimed excitedly, as Sarah watched the whole thing from the kitchen with arched eyebrows.

"Hahaha~" Laughed Christian loudly, feeling the blood flow quickly through his veins "This is funny, so funny!"

Staring at the guitar, Christian's eyes seemed to shine brightly even with the natural light on him 'This emotion... I haven't felt it in a long time... I didn't even feel it when I was singing for the scientists.'

Many years ago in his other world, when Christian was only 13 years old, a person tried to mug him and rob him of the little money he had on him, Christian seeing a knife in front of him, instead of feeling fear, he felt a strange emotion, while adrenaline hit him so hard that he felt for a moment that he might become addicted to adrenaline.


Edited By: Lord_Shiva_

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