
Chapter 74 Risks

Chapter 74 Risks

Biting her lips for a moment, Emily began to write quickly "The tip to the CIA was sent today, might as well make my friend not exist and that tip never get sent.... even though Christian told me to stay out of these parts..."

Typing rapidly for about 30 minutes, Emily frowned "They have two copies in the cloud, when a file is deleted it sends notification to central... they also have copy offline, but the copy is saved every 7 days, the notice is not saved yet... I have time, I'll start neutralizing the alerts."

So began Emily's riskiest job, where a small wrong change could lead to her demise, but with a big smile, she typed codes for 2 hours without stopping, and then she pressed a key and the whole screen started to fill up with codes.

5 minutes later, Emily sighed with relief "Done.... Christian Grey will no longer be named at the CIA... the Pentagon should no longer be interested with what I add to him"

"Subject studied, no longer a risk to the nation, CIA closes investigation."

To then look at his second screen and whisper "Evans Hotel Group.... the man is husband of the heiress... what was his name? Henry Holmes? Yes... the wife Margaret Evans, heiress of the Evans group... so they want to include Christian in their list of people involved as a supposed collaborator... he may well be able to leak some data."


While Emily was saving Christian's ass, the boy was lying on the bed talking Elisa.

"Did that bitch really say that?" asked Christian in amazement.

"Can you believe it? She said my hair was dry and split, all to charge me more at her fucking salon!"

"How atrocious" Sighed Christian with a smile "You should burn her place down at night."

"That's a very good idea~"


So, while Christian chatted about unimportant events, Emily made the mission of a lifetime by modifying CIA and Pentagon files.

But at some point during the call, Christian saw a shadow from under his door, causing him to frown instantly as his body tensed, knowing that it's not yet time for his mother to arrive.

"Elisa, I'm hanging up on you for now, something happened" Without waiting for an answer, Christian hangs up the cell phone and walks quietly to his room, instantly pulling the gun out from under his mattress.

"So... the movie says it's simple, you take the safety off, aim and shoot" Taking a deep breath, Christian tucks the gun into his polo shirt pocket and quietly walks downstairs, not alerting his brothers on the way, not wanting them to worry about these problems.

Once downstairs, Christian saw the shadows disappear, but the murmuring could still be heard from the window next to the door.

Stealthily, Christian approached the window and opened the curtains slightly, easily finding 4 women lying on their grass, apparently hiding from someone, as they looked out into the street with panic on their faces.

"Damn, I told you we didn't have to go to that shitty street!" A woman exclaimed in annoyance.

"What are we supposed to do? Kim's mother ordered us to look for the fucking merchandise!" Exclaimed another woman with a scowl, clenching her fists tightly as she looked down the street "Those fucking bitches were no big deal, they just took advantage of the fact that they were armed, we were just fucking lucky that the police happened to be passing by and they got lost!"

"I told you those bitches gave me a funny feeling" Interrupted another woman.

"Stop fighting!" Exclaimed a little louder the last woman, looking angrily towards the streets "We have to figure out what to do, they'll be looking for us around the place!"

"What if we go towards the abandoned school? It's across the street, we could reach it before they see us if we run."

"No, we won't get there without them seeing us, besides it'll be the first place they'll be looking for" Quickly shook her head the first woman "For now we can only hide here, the grass is high and unkempt, it gives us some cover"


Looking at these pitiful women, Christian raises his eyebrows at their words and problems.

"These bitches are saying that our yard is poorly kept" Pursing his lips, Christian looks sideways at the outside of his house, realizing that really his yard looks like a dump "No one would suspect that we are millionaires."

"Now what to do..." Rubbing his chin, Christian observes the women with a frown "They plan to stay at the door of my house... I can't allow that, if they find them here and those women have guns as they say, they will shoot at my house... too much risk."

"Let them in?" rubbing his gun doubtfully, Christian squints his eyes "No matter how much I think about it, it's a stupid idea too... but I can't leave everything to chance and hope they don't find them to prevent them from shooting towards my home."

Hiding his gun in his pocket, Christian walks to the door and opens it, then pokes his head in and speaks "You guys, come in!"

With a start, the 4 women turn, instantly noticing that the door was open, so that a second later, without hesitation they run inside and sigh.

"*Sigh* Now we're safe" Clutching her chest, one of the women sighed with relief, only to turn around and look for the one who spoke to them, finding a boy staring at them.

Smiling softly, the woman bent down slightly and asked "Thank you child, what is your name?"


"Holy crap, look at that TV!" In amazement, one of the women walked over to the TV and started looking at it from all sides "This shit must be 60 inches or more!"

"Holy shit, look at this couch!" jumping on the new couch, one woman smiles and speaks "This shit must be worth thousands of dollars, it's unbelievably soft!"

Frowning, Christian looks at all the women and speaks coldly "Position yourselves on the couch and don't move" Turning to the other woman touching the TV, Christian spoke again "And you stop touching our stuff!"

"Careful how you talk to me child" Turning her head, the woman replied in a threatening voice, not caring that it was a child the person in front of her.

"Ayana, calm down, he opened the doors to help us, behave" Frowning, the woman thanking Christian spoke.

"I don't give a shit" Snorted the woman "The kid talked to me like I owed him money, I don't like that shit"

"I said sit down, all of you" Looking at all the women, Christian spoke again, as his frown deepened.

"Or else what?" scoffed the woman on the couch.

Reaching into his pocket, Christian pulls out his gun, pointing it directly at the seated woman, then flicking his finger and pulling the safety off "Need I say that again?"

"Shit..." I mutter to the woman on the couch, quickly raising my hands.

"And do you know how to use what you have in your hands kid? Will you even stand the recoil?" scoffed the woman fiddling with the TV.

"I don't know, but I do know that I at least have one shot before I lose the gun, now the question is...will you sit down or will we see which one of you will be the unlucky one?" Squinting, Christian took the gun in his two hands and looked towards all the women.

Smiling slightly, the woman on the television nodded and walked over to the couch "I like you, I'll sit."

Sighing, the woman who greeted Christian nodded and sat down, being accompanied by the silent woman next to her, being at last, the 4 women where Christian asked.

"Well..." Nodding, Christian walked cautiously to the table and pulled out a chair, then dragged it a few feet in front of the women and smiled "See how much easier everything is with peace and quiet? We don't need to be so violent in life."


Not caring about the women's incredulous look, Christian continued "Now let's go over the facts... I saw shadows at my door, then I heard them through the window, I heard about their problems and I let them in... after that they didn't treat my home with courtesy and spat in my face, I don't like that"

"it was just a little-"

"Don't interrupt me" Shutting up the woman who greeted him, Christian moved his gun and continued "Since they spit in my face, they lost my good will, now if I keep them here it's to prevent those people who are looking for them from coming to interrupt my peace"


"Now let's start with the introductions, I feel uncomfortable without knowing their names, you start" Pointing at the woman who threatened him, Christian smiled "You look like the most talkative one, you won't have problems telling me your name and age, no?"

"Not at all" Waving his hand with a smile, the woman spoke "My name is Ayana Jackson, I'm 18 years old."

Ayana was a woman who screamed aggressiveness all over her face, her skin was dark with a thin build, her hair was short and black, reaching no further than her shoulders, while her eyes were a dark brown color.

But one thing that stood out in Christian's eyes, was a tattoo on his neck with the letter 'G'.

"Thank you" Christian nodded, then turned his gun towards the silent woman "And you? Name and age?"

"Sanza Taylor, 17 years old."

Sanza was the one who drew the most attention in the group because of her large stature and plump body, she was about 6'3", being the tallest woman Christian had ever seen in this life.

Her skin was a dark color, her eyes were a dark brown color, while her hair was black and long.

Sanza had a rather shy look for her size, being the quietest, but at the same time showing the most nervousness.

"Well, nice to meet you Sanza, you don't have to be nervous, I'm not a maniac" Smiling slightly, Christian pointed towards the woman who sat on his couch without permission "And you? Tell me your name?"

"Haha, I like your guts kid" Laughing, the woman spoke "I'm Luna Lewiz, 17"

Luna could only be described as an exotic beauty, a dark-skinned woman with long light brown hair, while her eyes were a dark green color.

Her body was slim, with B cup breasts but at the same time a big ass that highlighted her curves, even Christian could easily compare it to Elisa's.

But what Christian found most striking about the woman was the piercings she wore on her tongue and nose, lending a touch of sensuality to her face, even more so with her full lips.

"Well" Pointing towards the woman who had the politeness to say hello, Christian spoke "Finally you, can you tell me your name?"

"Kim Haines, 18 years old."

Kim was a dark skinned woman with brown eyes, her hair was a light brown color, while her build was slim, but not wearing a sweatshirt or anything to cover her arms, Christian managed to see worked muscles on them, showing that the woman works out quite a bit.

"Nice to meet you all, thank you for giving me your names so kindly" Smiling amicably, Christian stopped pointing at the women and put the safety on his gun, leaving it on his legs in case something unexpected happens "It would be rude not to introduce myself, I'm Christian, Christian Grey and I'm 11 years old."

"Damn, an 11 year old boy threatened us with a gun, I thought you were 14 or 15!" Ayana exclaimed in astonishment.

"Hahaha, if the FBI finds out what I thought a few minutes ago, I'm going to jail!" Luna exclaimed with a nervous smile.

"..." Turning her head, all her friends looked at her with a strange face, while Ayana looked at her with disgust "You really think shit with kids? Even if she's 14, she'd still be a minor, you creep!"

"As if no one knew your ex-boyfriend, How old was he? 15?" sneered Luna disdainfully.

"He was 16! And I was 17 at the time, it's legit!"

"*cough*" Drawing attention with a fake cough, Christian looked at the women "I'll continue where we were."


"Listen to the shit they're into, I'll let them hide out here for a while, when things calm down they'll leave"

"Thank you" Kim nodded gratefully.


Edited By: Lord_Shiva_

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