
Chapter 75 Threats

Chapter 75 Threats


An awkward silence fell over the place, while the women didn't know what to do, but out of nowhere Sanza opened her eyes wide and pointed at Christian "I knew I had seen you somewhere, you're that kid that was on TV!"

"..." Blinking for a few seconds, Christian pursed his lips "There were a lot of kids that appeared on TV, you could have been confused."

Shaking his head quickly, Sanza exclaimed "It's impossible to mistake you, white hair and purple eyes, the kid who solved math shit, but also sent that white collar bastard to jail!"

"..." Frowning, Kim looked at Christian slowly, observing every part of his body.

"Don't look at me like that woman, it's illegal" Squinting, Christian put his hands to his chest and took a defensive stance.

"Now that Sanza says it... of course I saw you, you were even in the paper" Kim nodded.

"Shit, when I heard that kid say he came from these parts I thought it was a lie, I myself said 'If that bastard was from here, I'd know', now I feel like a fool" Ayana spoke in astonishment.

Pursing his lips, Christian nodded "Well, it's me".

"And why the fuck do you live around these parts, aren't you a millionaire with your books!?" Luna asked incredulously.

"We like the atmosphere"

"Don't talk shit to me, nobody likes this environment" Ayana laughed.

"Mom had a hard time buying this house, still being here has to do with feelings" Shrugging his shoulders, Christian continued "But let's stop talking about me, I heard you were chased when you went looking for something, sounds like an interesting story, can you tell it or would it be a lot of trouble?"

Looking at each other, Ayana, Sanza and Luna shrug their shoulders and look at Kim, who frowns slightly, then sighs and speaks "It's not something you want to know."

"If it's about drug shit and the like it's not something new let me guess."


"Kim's mother is something like a local mobster, Kim was commissioned to go looking for drugs or guns, something pretty stupid inside these streets, even more so when you consider that it's still daytime and the police usually roam around during these hours, in fact, I always see a patrol car pass by at about 6pm every day, I guess they do their routine during those hours."


"You arrived at the place and found people looking at you, you found it weird, but you followed your mission, but upon receiving the package, you were chased by the people, while they took out their guns to intimidate you, at that the police arrived who were doing their surveillance and the people had to hide their gun to avoid confrontations, but as the police followed their way, the people came chasing you, at that you hid outside my house and we arrived at this moment, where a boy is pointing a gun at you... what a shitty day if what I say is what happened"

"..." Scratching his head uncomfortably, Sanza smiled stiffly "That's what happened..."

"How did you know they were armed?" frowning, Kim asked.

"I heard them talking outside my house, it wasn't hard if you think about the fact that you guys were yelling, kind of unintelligent in case you ask me..... I mean who screams when they want to hide?"


Looking at the women's uncomfortable faces, Christian smiled "Did I get everything right? Damn, there's no use watching so many movies."


Pursing his lips, Christian sighed "I was hoping for some entertaining reactions, but their serious faces depress me at the moment *sigh*"


"Let me give you some theories" Looking at Kim, Christian speaks seriously "If those people weren't familiar faces from that place and at the same time they were looking at you specifically, you might have a mouse in your crowd, I'm not saying they are your friends, but maybe your mom told someone about this and that got to the wrong ears, that or the people who gave her delivery gave them a dirty play. .. now it depends on how trustworthy your delivery people were... I won't say more, you can watch TV for a while if you want, the control is on the side of the couch, I'll be at the table behind you, if you do anything unexpected, I'll shoot you... you have 30 minutes rest, after that you're on your way."

"..." Frowning even more, Kim just nodded, while Luna stood up and quickly grabbed the remote.

"I beat you bitches, I decide what we'll watch" Smiling, Luna turned on the TV and started changing channels, while Christian sat down and started drawing in his notebook, perfecting like every day his drawing technique, so that someday he could use the canvas his mother gave him with real confidence, a canvas that had been in storage since Christmas along with the easel and his uniform.josei

As time passed, the four women just watched TV and talked from time to time, but none of them got up from their seats as Christian suggested.

Picking up his cell phone, Christian saw that 45 minutes had passed, so, taking his gun, he stood up and looked at the women "It's been 45 minutes, you may go."

"Well, it's time" Getting up quickly, Luna yawned and stretched her limbs, while a big smile appeared on her face.

"Go get the bitches!" Ayana laughed.

Turning to Christian, Kim nodded and thanked "Thanks for letting us hide in here."

With those words, Kim opened the door and walked out, followed by her friends who only nodded towards Christian.

Staring at the door for a few seconds, Christian pursed his lips and looked at his gun, then took his shirt and cleaned the gun all over "It's time to get rid of this shit... mom almost found it too many times, plus I haven't given it proper maintenance..."

Running to the door, Christian opens it and shouts "Kim!"

"Yes?" A few feet away, Kim turns and asks hesitantly.

Stepping towards the woman, Christian looks her in the eyes and smiles as he stretches out his hand "Here, for you."

"...?" Receiving the gun in a daze, Kim looks at the boy and furrows her eyebrows "It's not your mother's or anything?"

"No, I stole it from a woman who died on my doorstep a few months ago, it has a bullet ready to fire and the magazine is full, I haven't maintained it properly, so be careful because it can fire by itself, or maybe it will jam... and don't let the police find you with it, if it has a name, it belongs to a dead man."

Raising her eyebrows, Ayana glares "You stole the gun from a corpse?"

Nodding, Christian speaks "A woman was killed outside my house, when I came to see if she was okay, I saw her gun and hid it, then I called 911, but she was already dead"

"I like you more and more every minute kid" Smiled Ayana with a dangerous smile, directly taking the gun from Kim's hands "I handle this beauty, if we see those bitches... hehe~"

"Thank you" Smiled Kim as she ruffled the boy's hair "It was nice meeting you Christian."

Smiling slightly, Christian nodded and walked towards his house, under the gaze of the 4 women outside, until he disappeared from sight and Luna spoke "I like that kid"

"He has ovaries" nodded Ayana, looking at the gun with a smile "And he gave us a great gift, a gun that can't be traced back to us, we just avoid the fingerprints and that's it."

"He's a man Ayana, he doesn't have ovaries" Rolling his eyes, Sanza spoke.

"I'm not talking about ovaries per se, stupid!" Ayana exclaimed with annoyance "I'm talking about the boy having guts, ovaries, whatever you want to call it."

"He has balls, that goes with men, no?" Luna added.

"Stop talking bullshit and let's get out of here, if someone sees us leaving the boy's house he'll get in trouble" Interrupted Kira.


Inside a seemingly endless darkness, Christian could somehow see a crimson liquid moving rapidly, while his consciousness seemed to have merged with the liquid.

He could not speak, he could not see, he could not breathe, his whole being became that liquid, but still rationality was within his being, not knowing what was happening as confusion prevailed.

The crimson liquid kept advancing and spinning rapidly, while the cycle seemed to repeat itself over and over again, but always the whole environment was dark and confused.

Until after an incalculable amount of time, Christian somehow managed to dazzle something new, something more than just darkness.

The crimson liquid began to reach a slightly illuminated place, advancing even faster towards him, until, from one moment to the next, a strong light of an unknown color illuminated Christian's consciousness.

The color was a mix between a gray and a light blue, while even violet could be seen in it, creating even greater confusion in Christian.

As the consciousness adapted to the strong light, Christian managed to easily see what seems to be a giant sphere of that light, while 72 chains seemed to come out of nowhere and suppressed the sphere of light from all angles, leaving only small places where its true form showed, places where the light escaped and bathed the crimson liquid. Christian doesn't understand how he could see that light, but somehow, everything was as clear as if he was looking at it with his own eyes.

The liquid began to swirl and swirl, always surrounding the light, while Christian slowly felt the light give him a nice, soothing feeling, until after a while, the liquid went on its way and the cycle repeated itself, over and over again.


Opening his eyes, Christian sat up quickly at the sudden noise, looking around in a daze, instantly noticing that he fell asleep on the couch.


"Are you okay? You looked like you were having a nightmare" With concern, Eva sat down next to him and held his hand.

"I... I'm fine" Christian replied groggily, as his mind continued to process what he saw 'That red liquid... is it my blood? And if it is... what's that light with chains? *sigh* again a shitty dream that I can't comprehend'

"Look how you're sweating, calm down my boy, mommy is here" Hugging Christian, Eva took the edge of his shirt and started wiping his forehead and face, drying all the sweat on the boy's face, then wiping his little hands, which were even sweatier.

"*Sniff*" Sniffing for a few moments, Christian frowned slightly "You smell like liquor."

"Oh... hehe, I went for drinks with Sara!" smiled Eva foolishly.

"*Sniff*" Sniffing even more, Christian found that his mother has a plethora of smells on her, something he had never felt before.

Frowning some more, Christian sniffed at his clothes, and found the source of the smell, his mother smelled of him, as if his scent was permeating her, causing for some reason, joy to spread through his body "Did you have fun?"

"*Sigh* The whole meeting was very boring, a lot of topics were talked about, but the group is excited, a few weeks ago they tried coffee and they have expectations."

"I didn't ask you about work, I asked you about your drinks with Sara" Christian smiled, instantly noticing that his mother is quite drunk by her flushed face.

"Oh, hehe~" Smiled Eva foolishly, pulling her boy closer, then hugging him against her body "Sara went home pretty drunk, I don't know what's wrong with her, but I had to call her a cab to come and pick her up"

"Was she sad?"

"No, she was just tired, I think" Laying down on the couch, Eva took Christian in her arms and pressed him against her chest "Hehe, my baby boy I waited on the couch for mommy to come"

"Well, I ordered a pizza, Hailie along with Alan ate and went to sleep, I just stayed waiting for you, you took too long and I fell asleep"

"Awwww~" Taking Christian's face, Eva kisses him repeatedly on his face, then looks at him and smiles "My boy is so tender~"

"Mom, you're so affectionate, let me breathe" With a little force, Christian tried to break away from the embrace, only to be stifled harder on Eva's chest.

"Hehe~" Smiled Eva foolishly "My boy is now shy~?"

"Mom, you're squeezing me" Christian whispered, trying to let go of Eva.

"I won't let go!" Eva exclaimed with pursed lips as her eyes reddened slightly "You're always on your own stuff, and when you're not playing, you talk the rest of the day with those friends of yours, you don't love mom anymore!"


Edited By: Lord_Shiva_

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