
Chapter 77 Changes

Chapter 77 Changes

"*Sigh* But thank you... I think I understand a little bit now what I want, I don't feel so lost anymore" Christian whispers, holding his hand to his heart "I want both things, not to let them go unpunished and at the same time take care of my family... it's greedy, I may end up failing at both... but I won't be at peace with myself if I don't fulfill my wishes."


"Mom, you have appeared in my two worst moments in my life, although well, in the first one you left me nothing but uncertainty and loneliness..."


"I can't think of an idea to make it all go well..... any idea mom?"



"Just glow~" Whispered the voice again, leaving Christian stunned.

"Just glow... just glow..." Murmured Christian repeatedly "Shine so bright, if they want to put you out, they'll burn."

With a light in his eyes, Christian got up from his bed and rushed downstairs to his mother's room, finding her awake with her cell phone.

Jumping onto the bed, Christian lay down next to the confused woman and looked at her with concern "Mom, I have to talk to you about something important and I need your opinion."

Putting the cell phone aside, Eva looked at her son with concern "Will you finally tell me what's wrong?"

"..." Nodding, Christian takes the cell phone from his mother and gets off the bed, quickly carrying it into the kitchen and setting it aside the refrigerator, then rushing back and closing the door.josei

Looking around the room, Christian nods, noticing his mother's laptop wasn't here either.

"What's wrong with you?" frowning, Eva asked.

"Mom... I have something to tell you and I need your opinion" Swallowing saliva, Christian settled back and looked at his mother with a complicated look.

"Just tell me Christian, I'll help you in any way I can."

"Have you heard about Jossey Epstein?"

"Yeah, he was on TV a lot a while back, why?"

"He is still free, he has a sex trafficking network with underage children, there are many powerful people involved, celebrities, artists, politicians, policemen, rich people, many people involved" With his eyes reddened by the burden he has been carrying during these days, Christian blurted out all the information at once.

"..." Blinking in a daze, Eva looked at her child blankly.

"I know it's confusing, and hard to believe, but it's what's happening mom, this shit is happening today, and it's been happening for years, I found that out by chance and now I'm scared"


"A big part of me wants to scream to everyone what is happening, but another part of me screams in fear for what might happen to us, that's why I made the choice to stay silent, but the guilt overwhelms me and I can't reconcile my mental stability" Releasing some tears, Christian continued to vent "I imagine every second how many kids are suffering while I do nothing, this whole thing has me overwhelmed... i... can't take it anymore mom" With his hands shaking, Christian cried after a long time, feeling really overcome by the situation, but still, a ray of light is seen in his thoughts, ray of light that gives him the courage to tell this situation to his mother.

"..." Processing everything for a few seconds, Eva quickly took Christian in her arms, then whispered painfully "Th-that's what you've been carrying around for the past few days?"

"Mn!" Christian nodded slightly.

"My boy..." Whispered Eva sadly, caressing Christian's back with her trembling hand "I was stupid not to ask sooner... sorry."


The silence lasted for a few minutes, Christian felt as if a great weight was leaving him, while Eva was still processing everything inside her mind, knowing perfectly well the shitty situation her son was in.

"Are you calmer?" Eva whispered.

"Yes" Letting go of his mother's embrace, Christian looked at her with concern "Do you believe in what I tell you?"

"I will always believe you Christian, even if you tell me you saw the goddess standing in your room" Eva smiled softly.

Blinking for a few seconds, Christian smiled "I love you mom."

"Me too, but let's get to the important thing...does anyone know that you know this?" seriously, Eva gripped her son's shoulders.


"*Sigh*" With a sigh of relief, Eva nodded "Good... then everything will be okay for now... now what do you want to do?"

"..." Looking at his mother, Christian spoke seriously "At first I made the decision to keep everything quiet... I even have that thought still.... it's too much risk for us, I don't want something to happen to them... that's why I came to you to ask your opinion."



Caressing the boy's face, Eva smiled "Christian, my boy... just do what your heart tells you, no matter your decision, I will be with you every moment... those are my only words, I support you in everything you do, even more if it is for situations where you do good, and don't worry about the risks, mom will take care of everything."

Stretching her arms, Eva squeezes them and shows her muscles, while her face had a confident smile.

Biting his lips, Christian nods, but still looks at his mother seriously and speaks "Before that, we have to prepare ourselves mom, because this shit is dangerous".

"Talk about what you have planned"

"For starters we can't live in this house anymore, I didn't tell you, but yesterday some women came to hide outside the house because they were being chased by other armed women."

"..." Opening her eyes wide, Eva looked at the place with an awkward expression, then sighed and nodded "Well..."

Hugging his mother, Christian looks at her face and speaks with a soft smile "Mother, I'm not saying we should get rid of this house, we can keep it and pay someone to keep it clean and taken care of, so every time we want to come or we get bored of other houses, we come to this place, what do you think?"

"Sounds like a great idea" Eva smiled slightly.

"Well, the second thing is that we should have a safer car, one that is resistant to potential crashes."

"Right..." Nodded Eva reluctantly.

"Perfect" Smiled Christian, quickly kissing the woman's cheek, then pushing her back against the bed and sitting on her stomach, looking her straight in the eyes "Our new home has to be the most luxurious apartment that exists in this place, since those places are the ones with the most security... no wait, if a person leases or buys an apartment they will have direct access to us without security... we'd better see a mansion and create panic room"

"Right..." Nodded Eva with a little hesitation.

"Next, I'll sleep with you every day from now on, that's irrefutable and no exceptions" Turning his gaze slightly, Christian talked about his 'plans'.

Instantly Eva's gaze lit up, but quickly changed it to a hard expression "I don't know..."

Quickly raising his hand, Christian grabs his mother's lips and forces them closed "I said it's not refutable, I won't take 'no' for an answer."

"*sigh* Fine" Eva nodded as she tried to hide her smile.

"Now the last but not least" With a serious look, Christian looked at his mother "We will hire private security, I won't let you say no, because your life and ours will depend on it, you have to understand that the more money you have, the bigger the target on your back"

"What do you mean?" frowning, Eva asked.

"Just imagine it mom, we are a family with hundreds of millions of dollars, how hard is it for a random evil person to kidnap one of us and ask for rewards, what would we do?"

"Call the police..."

"But what if the police don't find the kidnapper? What if he finds out we called the police and the person we kidnapped disappears? Is that a risk you would want to take?"


"That's why we need security, more in the new mansion, we'll hire about 40 armed people, let about 30 people guard the house and the rest go out with us."

"Don't you think it's a lot?"

"The money comes back sooner or later, our life doesn't, we have to take care of ourselves at every moment mom"

"Who knew life with so much money was so complicated" Sighed Eva, then nodded "Fine, do it."

"Perfect" Christian smiled, then frowned and turned his gaze towards the door.

"Is something wrong?"

"My cell phone is ringing, give me a moment" Getting off the bed, Christian walks moodily, cursing the rude person calling him at 8 in the morning.

Reaching his room, Christian looks at his cell phone and finds the call from Georgia Koum "Hello?"

"I have some important news for you."

"Tell me?"

"Facebook wants to buy us"



"How much are they offering?"

"They are paying with different means other than money, among them normal shares, preferred shares and finally cash, but it's $25 billion in total."

[A/N: A few chapters back I talked about preferred and normal/basic shares, I had a big mistake. There are many types of shares, but to streamline everything and not make it complicated, we will leave only 3 shares: the stock market, the normal and the preferred. The stock market shares have no right to anything but to be sold among buyers, the normal shares have the right to money and vote within the company, and the preferred shares have the right to receive money from the company, so the shares that Christian bought were normal, not preferred. I will modify that in the chapters already uploaded, but I warn you now so that you take it into account. I will use 3 names with shares: 1. public shares (the ones sold in the stock exchange) 2. preferred shares 3. normal shares].

'25? Wasn't it 19 in total? Besides this was supposed to happen in 2014, not 2011... is it because we already have the same amount of users as Whatsapp had in 2013? Today we have approximately 160 million users according to what I know'.

Frowning, Christian asked "Georgia, tell me the truth... had you been contacted before?"



"Yes, they contacted me 2 months ago, I've been talking to them for two months, I didn't want to tell them because I thought they would get carried away by the money and not take my ideal into account."

"I guess Aurora doesn't know about this either."

"I let her know a few minutes ago, she accepted without hesitation, but I want to know what you think, I still have doubts."

"What's the problem? Why are you telling me now? You two are shareholders with the most votes together, if you choose to sell, I can't refuse".

"I told you about my dream, I want a free app, free of spying and annoying ads appearing out of nowhere on the screens, I don't know if Facebook will keep my ideal..." With a sigh, Georgia spoke "But Facebook said they will give us that price if we sell it this very month, so we have a week and a half or so to decide, because after that the offer will drop to 21 billion"

"Georgia... Facebook may keep your ideal for a few years, but it will fall sooner or later to spying, it's inevitable" Raising his eyebrows, Christian spoke with sincerity.


"But let's sell Facebook, it's for the best" Thinking for a few moments, Christian spoke again.

"What?" asked Georgia in disbelief.

"Whatsapp doesn't have a great economic future, even if you can finance it for years, we don't know what will happen tomorrow, and if we look for more investors, sooner or later you will lose the company."


"Let's accept the sale and take a vacation, once we have money we can start another project, I have two ideas that can take us to the top of the industry and I would like to work with you."

"What ideas would those be?" With hesitation, Georgia asked.

"For now I can't tell you, you know, trade secrets... but I will work on the basics of the applications and talk to you about them with that already created, give me 5 months max."

"*Sigh*" With a weary sigh, Georgia was silent for a few seconds then spoke "Okay, we'll sell."

After coordinating the negotiation and sale, Christian hung up the cell phone and sent a message to Sara, asking her to patent Instagram and Tik Tok, plus in 3 days she has to go see the terms of sale with Facebook.

"*sigh* I'm sorry to bring Tik Tok to this world... I'll be the beginning of global human stupidity... but better I control it than others control it."

Putting the cell phone aside, Christian goes downstairs and goes back to lie down with his mother, who was looking at him doubtfully "What took you so long?"

"We're not millionaires anymore" sighing wearily, Christian looked directly at his mother, snuggling a little more in her arms.


Edited By: Lord_Shiva_

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