
Chapter 78 Dreams

Chapter 78 Dreams

"Did something happen? How did you lose the money?" With concern, Eva looked at Christian in search of sadness, finding nothing in his eyes.

"In a week we'll be billionaires."

"..." Raising her eyebrows, Eva asked in bewilderment "W-what?"

"You remember I invested in Whatsapp?"


"In a week it should be selling to Facebook, I'll take a third of the sale."

"Oh..." Nodded Eva dazedly "How much would it be?"

"It will sell for $25 billion, so I will receive $8.4 billion approximately"


"So we're not millionaires anymore, now we're billionaires... don't you think it's funny?" smiling, Christian climbed on top of his mother and leaned on her chest "A while ago we were really bad, now we're drowning in money."

"Billionaires..." Murmured Eva "My son became a billionaire at age 11... what kind of reality is this."

"In the reality I have you as a mother..." Christian murmured, then settled back and closed his eyes, finally feeling that he would be able to sleep in peace.

Looking down at the child who fell asleep quickly, Eva sighed and looked up at the ceiling with concern "I hope everything goes well... worst case scenario we sell everything and go to another country... maybe to some mountain."

"*Sigh*" Hugging the boy, Eva kissed his head and whispered "Everything will be fine..."


Saturday, November 19, 2011.

Stretching out at his desk, Christian yawned "With that we have 12 people involved..."

Looking at his 4 screens, Christian showed disgust on his face "I don't understand why in a world like this, men are still so shitty... of the 12 people I found in the sex trafficking ring, they are all men..."

"But it's not even the beginning yet... this woman must have the files somewhere to blackmail people... I know these 12 people are not all" Taking one of the 3 keyboards he has on the desk, Christian started typing quickly, while hundreds of files were filtering in on screen number 2.

"So far I only managed to get those 12 people by recorded calls and emails... I need the video proof while they do their shit... this Epstein woman is smart, she must have a copy in some private cloud in case she loses the data in physical... I just have to track her every move."

"I have images where she mistakenly appears, right now she's in paris, passing the arrest warrant through her ovaries..."

Muttering, Christian continued with his work, but suddenly a red message appeared on screen number 5, causing him to stand up quickly "Shit!"

Looking at the 8 cabinets beside him, Christian grabbed one and quickly unplugged the power supply, then ran to the side of his room and unplugged a large black Router in the corner, quickly tossing it into a bucket of water.

"Shit, shit" Biting his lips, Christian grabbed the cabinet and began to disassemble it "Third time they've started tracking me in 2 days, someone's following me."

"I'm sure Emily could do all this with no problem, but I don't want to drag her into this shit."

"I've got over a week working on this shit and I've got next to nothing *Sigh*" Finishing disassembling the computer, Christian shoved the components into a bucket of water and plugged another of the cabinets into the screen.

"In a few days the WhatsApp sale is ready, I already signed the documents and Aunt Sara went to Facebook headquarters to finish the paperwork, also in a week we officially open Starbucks... I don't have enough time and the longer I delay.... *sigh* I'd better get on with work."


Sitting down again, Christian looked at his screens "Maybe I could find something in the military or government data, but it's too risky... let's keep searching randomly"

Under Christian's total concentration, the day passed quickly for him, to the point that Eva had to start bringing him food in the room so as not to interrupt him.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011.

"So everything went well?"

Without stopping typing on the computer, Christian spoke into his cell phone.

"Yes, now we just have to wait for the paperwork to be accepted by the notaries."

"How did the deal end?"

"They gave $10 billion in cash, the rest is paid in regular stock."

"Percentages of shares?"

"15 million normal shares, about 12% of the company, all of that splits into 3 roughly."

"So I own 4% of Facebook and I have $3.2 billion."

"Yes, but just as you asked, we made a deal with Aurora and Georgia, we sold them 3% of your shares for $3.8 billion."

"With that I have over 100 million plus immediate profit, well... were you able to contact any Netflix investors?"

"Jayden contacted a firm of investors who have 12% shares in Netflix, they are interested in trading them for 0.35% shares of Facebook"

"They're not asking for anything else?"

"No, Netflix is sinking, they want to get out of there as soon as possible."

"Fine, accept the exchange"

"Are you sure? You're buying them for approximately $500 million? Netflix doesn't have much of a future, on the other hand Facebook dominates the internet, you would get a lot of money every year"

"Yes, I am sure, but tell them I will only give 0.30%, I researched the buyouts and 12% they bought it for $20 million, they will come out making a lot, if they don't accept just turn them down and look for another investor, we don't beg"

"Well, what do you plan to do with the remaining 0.70%?"

"Look for buyers, $900 million minimum for everything, I recommend you look among those who are already Facebook investors, they are thirsty for more percentages."

"Ok, I'll see about that"

"Aunt Sara, when we sell everything, take out 2% of the money, one for you and one for Uncle Jayden."

"Christian, it's not-"

"Aunt Sara I insist, I promised you and I will give it to you, I won't take 'no'"

"I thank you Christian..." With a sigh, Sara spoke earnestly.

"I consider you my family aunt Sarah, don't thank me."


"Aunt Sarah, hire someone to help you with my investments, a team of investments and businesses grow, you will die of exhaustion if that happens"

"How many people do you want?"

"You see the number you need, but keep in mind I need someone available at every moment, I have a lot of investments... you know what? I could create a law firm, corporate lawyers, legal lawyers, among others, what do you think?"

"Are you sure? That costs a lot of money"

"Yest... it is a risky move, since the best lawyers do not trust new firms, but little by little you start... I have money to start everything... are you interested in managing it as a partner? I'll raise your pay to $120,000 a month, will that work for you?"

"Christian... I don't have the experience for that."

"Experience is earned, you were already surrounded by lawyers from big companies like Facebook, and we've only been working together for two years or so"

"Well... What will the firm be called to patent it?"

"Grey Law Firm"


"Aunt Sara"


"We have 61 factories, 69 Coffee locations, over 1,600 employees, shares in different companies... I think it's time to announce ourselves to the world."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Is it useful to put it all together in one corporation? The firm, Starbucks, among others?"

"Yes, the taxes go down quite a bit, plus the firms will have to pay a certain percentage to the corporation overall, causing the firm to file on paper more losses, that gives us even less taxes."

"Ok, create 'Grey Corporation', all the companies and assets will be in that corporation, that way I avoid getting shit splashed on me if something bad happens, also inject a billion dollars from my accounts, I have a building in my mind that I want to buy to be the headquarters, but it will cost to get it..."

"What building?"

"The Metlife building in New York, I want it and then I will destroy the top half of the building, I want to rebuild something to my liking."


"It will be amazing, my Grey tower.... I'll have my apartment at the top of the building and it will have a big 'Grey' shining on the side of the building"

"You know it's forbidden to put company logos on top of buildings in New York, don't you?"

"It's not the company logo, it's my last name."

"I guess that wouldn't work either, but if you want the building you're in luck."

"Oh, why?"

"Metlife only leased the building for 20 years to Kelia Wolfson, the lease is up and now her daughter is auctioning off the building, adding the land next to it, an abandoned site free for construction"

"Abandoned? Wasn't there a bus station?"

"What nonsense are you talking, there used to be an investment agency there, but it burned to the ground 9 years ago."

"Oh... and that place belongs to the daughter too?"

"Yes, Jean Wolfson is auctioning the whole place off with a starting price of $600 million."

"Holy crap, that's a lot of money."

"Yes, but it's the whole block that's being sold, that's why it's the price."

"How do you know this?"

"I have a friend who works as a lawyer at the Trump company, it looks like they want to buy the place."

"When is the auction?"

"In a month"

"Let's buy that place, I want it" Stopping writing, Christian spoke seriously, while already imagining his fantastic Grey tower, completely copying the style of the Stark tower.

"Are you sure about that? Keep in mind that a lot of big corporations and companies will be attending, Trump for example... you might offend them."

"Fuck Trump, no one will take my building from me!"

"It will cost you a lot of money Christian, it's not worth it."

"It doesn't matter, I have 7 billion free.... well 6, no, I have 5 billion free to spend."


"I can spend up to 2 billion for the place, then I demolish it and create a building with a beautiful park next to it, private park for our people obviously."


"I'll get up in my apartment and sunbathe while looking at the whole city, it will be beautiful!" With stars in his eyes, Christian nodded again and again.


"I might as well make my villa Grey... it would be perfect... where was it? Malibu?" murmured Christian, remembering exactly what the house looked like inside.

"So you want to buy the building?" with a defeated voice, Sara asked.

"Yes, can you go to the place yourself? You call me on the spot and I'll raise the price like in the movies."


"Hehe~" Christian smiled, then put his hand to his chin and muttered "I need a good architect... I remember hearing about a Japanese woman who likes to take challenges with futuristic or difficult structures..."

"Tia Sara, to put my last name on the building it is necessary that it is not a company name, no?"

"Yes, name or logo is forbidden"

"Then yes I think the law firm or corporation would give problems?"

"I think so"

"Then do not register them for now, but look for lawyers to work with us, you see the pay that you consider acceptable for these attorneys, you raise your salary to 120 thousand as I told you, but I want you to be in charge of taking care of these people, do not leave them alone, I did not trust strangers... also start the project of the firm in papers and planning, so we launch everything when the building is ready"


"Also talk to uncle Jayden, tell him I want to build a building and I need a contract with the best construction company in the place, I want the best materials and I will create a design in drawing, I want him to find the best architect who dares to take the job."

"Anything else?"

"Raise Uncle Jayden's salary to 120 thousand as well, he helped me create almost all the companies and look for the factories, don't forget to let him know that he can hire more people on my behalf if needed, he can see what he needs for his job."


"If we count that with Whatsapp I received 8.8 billion, 2% would be 176 million dollars, divide it in two and pay yourself, keep the slips for me to keep record of the money and we charge it later to the corporation"

"Thank you Christian... I mean it from the bottom of my heart."

"Don't thank me, it bores me all those formalities" Smiling, Christian continued "It's all fruit of your help, if you had not made your efforts to look for these companies I could not have bought Whatsapp shares, I'm a kid after all"


Edited By: Lord_Shiva_

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