Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 16 - Start Of Leo's Academy Life

Chapter 16 - Start Of Leo's Academy Life


Chapter 16 Start of Leo's Academy Life

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

The next day, Leo soon woke up from his good sleep.

Looking around, Leo quickly found himself sleeping on his bed in the Heart manor. He quickly understood that it was the soldiers with them last night that had taken him and Cassandra back to the Heart city and that it was also Butler Xiao who had carried him from outside the Heart manor to his bed last night since it was only Butler Xiao and the other three, specifically Kevin, Fatty Ben, and Van, who was permitted to get inside the manor.

Yesterday was really full of mess, but Leo didn't regret anything he did to Cassandra. It was a must for him to try and make her realize something. If he had allowed her to continue acting wilfully, then a day would surely come that she would encounter a bottleneck that she can never overcome in her entire life. The same goes for him; a day would also come that his life would be threatened due to her willful act.

If only Cassandra made a move yesterday, then Leo wouldn't have had any excuses to use any force to educate her and would have instead just allowed time to teach her slowly.

Too bad it wasn't the case...

Getting out of his bed, Leo quickly went to the bathroom to take a bath. After he finished fixing himself, he then went downstairs to the kitchen to eat his breakfast.

Leo was really starving at this moment since last night in the Crescent Moon Dining he wasn't able to eat his lunch-dinner because of those 5 men who had disrupted his time when he was waiting for his food to arrive.

Coincidentally, when Leo arrived in the kitchen, Cassandra was currently eating her breakfast. He only ignores her as he sat on his usual chair and began eating soon after.

"Sorry... And thank you..." Cassandra said silently as soon as Leo sat on his chair.

Cassandra had realized a lot of things after she suffered from the punishment of the Blood Contract yesterday. She was indeed still acting like a princess and was also only showing a little bit of respect towards Leo.

It was only because Cassandra still had this little hope that things would end soon. It made her think; since she would soon return back to Crimson Rose Kingdom and become its rightful ruler, hence there is no need for her to act like a slave to Leo.

However, the reality was cruel. Cassandra finally understood last night that taking back her Kingdom wouldn't be that easy. After that punishment of the Blood Contract, she finally realized that it actually required her to take one slow step at a time to become strong, and becoming strong wasn't something that she could just achieve tomorrow, after a week, a month, or even a year later, too. Moreover, even if she indeed became strong, what could a single person even do? Even if she could really take back her Kingdom too, with no one helping her, its destruction would still happen sooner or later.

"I was really willful... No, a bit willful, just a bit willful..." Cassandra silently added.

Hearing what Cassandra has said, Leo immediately showed a smile towards her as he breathed a sigh of relief and replied, "As long as it helped you."

Leo was really relieved, knowing that Cassandra understood why he did all of those things to her. Well, she wouldn't be called as the strongest among the current younger generation of the Crimson Rose Kingdom if she was a narrow-minded person.

Actually, Cassandra wouldn't be able to really understand Leo's intention of punishing her if Butler Xiao didn't explain to her about it last night. She might even hate him right now because of the somewhat unreasonable punishment he did.

Last night, Cassandra was told a lot of stories about Leo from Butler Xiao.

It was Butler Xiao that had also carried Cassandra to her room last night. But she woke up along the way. When Butler Xiao noticed that she was awake and that the night was still young too, and just maybe because he had also felt pity towards how his Young Master had treated her cruelly, so he decided to tell her about Leo's past.

After listening to Leo's story from Butler Xiao, Cassandra finally understood why he had treated her that way. It was really out of her imagination that he was also the same as her before.

Leo had also lost his parents because of the Battle of the Races, and cruelly it was when he was still only 8 years old. He was so young at that time, yet he was still able to become a capable ruler of the Heart city.

It really made Cassandra think, "Just what had Leo been through for him to become his present self. Surely it would be something a lot worse than her, right?"

After listening to Leo's story, one thing also became clear on Cassandra's mind, "Since Leo could handle it when he was still a mere 8 years old, then how much more she who was at the same age as his present self. There is no way a kid is better than me!"

After the little scene in the kitchen, Leo hurriedly came to his office at the bottom of the mountain to adjust all the things that needed adjustments to the Heart city.

Today was a really busy day for Leo because tomorrow he would leave, start his academy life at the Silver Mage Academy. A lot of things in the Heart city still needed some adjustments though before he finally leaves, hence he would spend his entire day today fixing all of them.

It was already midnight when Leo finished everything. He took his lunch and dinner in the office, so he fell asleep immediately when he arrived in his room at the Heart Manor.

Without Leo noticing though, Cassandra was actually observing him as he made his way towards his room.

After hearing Leo's story, Cassandra immediately became really interested in knowing more about him. She was really curious how he had made his steps in order to become a capable ruler of the Heart city. It might even help her in the near future, right?


The next day, Leo started to panic as soon as he woke up from his sleep. He really can't believe that he had actually woken up late on such an important day!

"Ayysttt! What a headache!"

Leo was having a headache at this moment due to moving from one place to another and doing multi-tasking just to finish all the things he needed to prepare as soon and as quickly as possible. It was really a good thing though that General Kevin slept in the Heart manor last night because of the sole reason of wanting to help carry his stuff to Silver city. Hence, Butler Xiao had someone to help prepare all of his Young Master's luggage.

"Cassandra, are you finished with your stuff?" Leo suddenly yelled out from his room.

"In a minute..." Cassandra soon yelled out a reply from her room. She had also fallen asleep really late last night because of observing Leo for almost an hour.

Last night, Cassandra had actually gone to Leo's bedroom to see what he was doing. But, when she arrived and took a peek inside, she only meets the really tired Leo, who was already in a deep slumber on his bed in a not so orderly manner. She immediately went to his side to fix his sleeping position.

Without any reason though, after fixing Leo's sleeping position, Cassandra had actually spent half an hour just staring at Leo's not so handsome face.

"Ahhh! I can't believe I actually did such a thing!" Cassandra screamed deep in her thoughts while her face was burning red.

Fortunately, though, Cassandra didn't have a lot of stuff to prepare this time around. She only needed to put all the stuff that Leo had bought for her yesterday in her luggage and wait until Leo finished.

After a two-and-a-half hour-long journey, Leo, Cassandra, Butler, Xiao, and General Kevin, riding in their carriage, had finally arrived in front of Silver city's South gate.

As soon as they got inside Silver city, Leo quickly ordered Butler Xiao and General Kevin to book for a room to put his and Cassandra's luggage inside and to meet up at Sword and Magic later on before they hurriedly went to Silver Mage Academy.

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