Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 17 - Hidden Assessment

Chapter 17 - Hidden Assessment

Chapter 17 Hidden Assessment

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

Silver Mage Academy was currently holding an opening ceremony to introduce the fresh new students to the Mage Academy. However, unlike other Mage Academies, the opening ceremony held at Silver Mage Academy was actually held inside a huge stadium.

Yes, a stadium. Not a big gym or a huge hall, but in a huge freaking stadium.

Fortunately, Leo and Cassandra had gone touring around the Silver Mage Academy yesterday, so they were able to quickly find the stadium the moment they arrived at the Mage Academy gate.

With how plenty of stadiums Leo and Cassandra had found around the Silver Mage Academy yesterday, they would surely be really late today if they didn't learn of each of the stadium's purposes.

This time around, the Second Prince wasn't actually bluntly showing off of how rich and powerful he was, nor how prestigious was the Silver Mage Academy with a huge stadium just for the fresh new students opening ceremony in the Silver Mage Academy. He only did such a thing with the sole purpose in mind of being able to accommodate all the enrolled students in a single place.josei

With how tens of thousands of students had enrolled at the Silver Mage Academy every year, obviously, the problem where to accommodate them would follow after. So, the Second Prince had made such a huge stadium to fix this problem.

Arriving inside, Leo quickly saw a student representative for this new batch of juniors in the middle of the stadium, introducing all the school facilities, the rules, the reward system, and etc... about the Silver Mage Academy.

The school representative's name was Elizabeth Snow. Her beauty was on the same level as Cassandra. Though unlike Cassandra, who had disguised herself to become conservative. Elizabeth on the other hand was a natural-born conservative. Her every movement was really of that lady born from a respectable Noble Household and not a mere act.

Regardless of how the entire stadium was so huge, Elizabeth's voice in the middle of the stadium was actually still heard loudly and clearly by all the students throughout the entire stadium. This was only possible because she had casted a Sound Amplifier spell in her voice, which has then allowed it to become as loud as possible for everyone to hear in the huge stadium the moment she speaks.

Fortunately, Leo and Cassandra arrived at the stadium when the opening ceremony was just at the introductory part.

Leo and Cassandra were trying to quickly catch their breath when they came inside while also looking around the area to look for a place to seat.

Suddenly, Leo quickly grabbed Cassandra's hand as he pulled her towards two empty seats in the somewhat far location to their right from their current location.

As soon as they sat in their seat, Leo can't help but breathe a sigh of relief knowing that it wasn't really that bad even though they were a bit late. With how huge the stadium was, the 2 of them being late would surely go unnoticed, right?

That's what they thought...

Above the stadium, there were actually hundreds of rooms. And inside each of these rooms were hundreds of teachers of the Silver Mage Academy, observing all the fresh new students who had newly enrolled in the Silver Mage Academy.

The moment that new students walked inside the stadium, they were immediately being assessed from top to bottom and from every inch and edge of their being. Their information was also constantly being received by all the teachers through the Admission Office.

This was only possible because all the student's information was immediately gathered by the Admission Office soon after they finalized their enrollment to the Silver Mage Academy. So, it became easy for the teachers of the Silver Mage Academy to rate all of the fresh new students.

This sort of assessment was actually done on purpose so that no bad seed would be accepted unknowingly by the Silver Mage Academy.

Although all of the hundreds of teachers can't evaluate how powerful was all the present fresh new students seated in the stadium, that was still not a problem since their way of assessing was instead done by observing the student's character.

The teachers of the Silver Mage Academy don't really care about just how strong a Mage was nor how high would their potential be. If the Mage present in front of these teachers was not a good person, then they will automatically be deemed useless no matter how powerful they were.

This was how the teachers of the Silver Mage Academy access people from the very start of their establishment. For them, "What's the use of power if the one who had it doesn't know how to wield it?"

The Second Prince had also once told them, "What do you think was the difference between Strength and Violence? People may think that Strength and Violence are just the same since when a person uses strength they will be doing violence, and when they do violence, they will also be required to use strength."

"But in fact, these two words are different. Obviously, this two words with somewhat the same meaning are called differently because it has a different meaning, Hahahahaha!"

"For me, it would be called Strength if the person uses it in the right way, and it would also be called Violence when a person uses this Strength in the wrong way. I, the Second Prince, want to promote the meaning of Strength and not Violence!"

After the Second Prince speech at that time, all of the teachers of the Silver Mage Academy immediately changed their viewpoint at choosing the students for the Silver Mage Academy. They don't look into the power of the Mage anymore, but instead their character. How they act, their attitude, their temperament, morals, and etc...

In their opinion; good people equals to bright future, while bad people equals a dark future for the Humans of the Celestial World. The strength of a Mage was not the basis of their potential for them anymore, but whether those Mages can bring a bright future for the Humans or not.

Because of the War of Races, Humans can't afford to have any internal fight. Though there were still some small to medium size internal fights, those were still something easy to handle.

However, if the Humans carelessly groomed a bad person and hence making them powerful. It would surely become the reason for the destruction of the entire Humans internally. Some races were also destroyed in such a way, too.

This was actually something not only the Silver Mage Academy wants but also to all the Mage Academies located in every Human Kingdoms and Empire.

At this moment, inside the room, some teachers would nod and shake their heads from time to time. A nod from a teacher means that the student they were currently assessing was accepted and shaking off their head means rejected.

At Silver Mage Academy, it doesn't really mean that the moment a student finalized their enrollment in the Admission Office, they would then automatically be accepted at the Silver Mage Academy, and henceforth becoming the Silver Mage Academy official student.

If that was the case, then there is no need for the other ten Royal Mage Academies' existence anymore, since everyone would surely just enrolled themselves at Silver Mage Academy due to the sole reason that it was owned by the Silver Royal Family.

What these teachers were currently doing was actually called Hidden Assessment!

All the Top 10 Royal Mage Academy of the Silver Kingdom has this so-called Hidden Assessment that no students, even if they have any internal relation and connection within the Academy, would know.

Every time a Mage Academy accepts enrollment of a student, there would still be this final assessment to decide who would become an official student of their Academy and who would be rejected.

The purpose of this Hidden Assessment aside from separating the good seed from the bad seed was also to see which student was worthy of grooming.

Naturally, the teachers needed to take into consideration the fact that different student equals to a different mind, hence they established this system to decide whether the student was compatible with the teaching style of their Mage Academy, whether they could meet the needs and wants of a student, and etc...

In the case of the Silver Mage Academy, their Hidden Assessment this time around was specifically done while the opening ceremony was ongoing. They did it this way so that the students won't be able to notice anything suspicious, hence fully achieving their Hidden Assessments purpose.

With an hour-long boring discussion, the teachers would surely see sooner or later how these students discipline themselves. Obviously, if the students knew that the teachers were checking on them base on their character, they would surely just pretend. The purpose of their assessment would then be deemed useless if that was the case.

At this moment, inside one of the rooms, a teacher in his forties was currently paying close attention to Leo and Cassandra.

A while ago, just after Leo and Cassandra had entered the stadium, this teacher had immediately noticed them. He already shook his head in disappointment though due to them being late.

He thought in his mind, "There are actually students who would still dare to come late in such an important ceremony?!"

This teacher's name was, Marvin. He was a 4 Star Mage of the Silver Mage Academy. His height is 5'9 and his look, although with a bit of wrinkle, could still be called handsome.

In order to become a teacher at Silver Mage Academy, an applicant actually needed to become a 4 Star Mage. Hence, teacher Marvin's rank was obviously the lowest rank of a teacher at Silver Mage Academy. But don't underestimate him. Although his rank barely passes the minimum of the Silver Mage Academy, he was actually one of the best teachers of the Silver Mage Academy.

"Get me the file of these two!" Teacher Marvin suddenly ordered towards his assistant at his right side as he pointed towards where Leo and Cassandra were seated.

The assistant nodded his head quickly in response after taking a glimpse towards where Leo and Cassandra were with his eyes that was casted with an Eyesight Enhancement spell. In only a few seconds, he had already handed teacher Marvin two folders about the information of Leo and Cassandra.

Quickly browsing the folder, teacher Marvin was soon astonished to see that the two students were actually recommended by Sword and Magic.

It immediately piqued teacher Marvin's interest. After all, a student recommended by the Sword and Magic organization was surely something special, right?

Teacher Marvin quickly went to grab his assessment notebook and pen from the table on his left side as he quickly started his assessment to both Leo and Cassandra.

At this very moment, Leo and Cassandra were currently focusing all of their attention on listening to the student representative's speech.

Leo and Cassandra's exploration last time didn't allow them to gain a lot of information about the Silver Mage Academy. So, since Elizabeth was giving them a lot of useful information this time, they would, of course, pay all of their attention to her.

While Leo and Cassandra were paying all their attention though, they weren't aware that at this very moment, there was actually someone hidden who was deciding their future base on all of their action.

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