Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 322 - Taking Over The Wall Part 5

Chapter 322 - Taking Over The Wall Part 5

Chapter 322 Taking over the wall part 5

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral

Leo turned to look at Jeffrey and the 100 hiding men who were having few red faces, implying that their minds were being tempted by the scene they are currently looking at right now.

He can't help himself from shaking his head, a bit disappointed, "Pull yourselves together! Having fun with pretty women is something you all can do as long as you all are still alive and kicking, so it's not something that you should be jealous about or be tempted to do. One of these days, you can definitely also do something the same as what that Captain is currently doing right now, or even much better because you are not being plotted to be assassinated. Right now, let's focus on the main important thing."

He was really disappointed at all of them right now, especially to Jeffrey, a potential Leader figure. Just with a little temping scene, they are already being affected. He was actually also tempted, but his mind was still focused on the main thing which is to assassinate the Captain. To be honest, he believes that whoever amongst them right now he would bring to assassinate the Captain, they would start hesitating whether to really kill those pretty women or not, thinking of doing them rather than killing them instead.

Lust was really a huge variable to consider. Sometimes it can cause good and satisfaction, but most of the time it causes bad things to happen and trouble will also follow after. For assassins, they would sometimes use lust to assassinate their target, so he was really wary of it.

Inside his mind, Leo ultimately decided to also consider training all of his soldiers to fight against such kinds of mental problems, such as lust, envy, temptations, richness, and many more that can affect a person's mind, as it would definitely affect their performance in every future battle to come. He absolutely doesn't want his soldiers to get affected just because of such kinds of small problems, at least for him.

Jeffrey and the 100 men immediately turned embarrassed the moment Leo mentioned their intentions. He was indeed correct; they were affected mentally due to lust.

Although Leo has just mentioned that whoever he brings amongst them would definitely cause him trouble, he, unfortunately, doesn't have any choice but to choose people amongst them. If he brought back other men, especially females, it would take him so much time to travel from and to, anyways this could also be considered as training for them.

"Jeffrey, choose 5 other people you know are capable, we will be assassinating that Captain, and also all of those Women." Leo said while putting emphasis on 'Those Women,' as he was sure that those women would be his biggest trouble.

After saying that, Leo left to observe the Captain closer, leaving Jeffrey to choose 5 people.

The moment he arrived nearby the window, Leo finally discovered the cultivation of the Captain.

Just like that former Captain they had killed back at the wall, this Captain was also in the 5 Star level. Although he could still kill the latter nonetheless, considering that the Star level isn't really something that he should worry about because the only difference they have with ordinary people was the fact that they can cast Magic spells and that every level means they can cast an even more powerful Magic spell and a bit of improvement to their body in terms of physical, mind, and spirit, it would still be a bit troublesome if he got careless and makes a mistake because it would be easy for a 5 Star level to cause loud noises, especially with their powerful Magic spells.

And aside from that, he also needs to consider what's the Magic Integration of this Captain. Why? Because unlike that Captain he had killed back at the wall which he had completely caught off guard hence wasn't able to retaliate, this Captain right here, would immediately be alerted the moment someone dares to disrupt his fun, and would definitely do some means to alert his men outside, and it would definitely be by using a Magic spell that has undergone a Magic Integration with him.

Although the Captain was having fun right now, that still doesn't mean he could just walk in, kill, and then replace the Captain with Jeffrey. Killing the Captain is indeed considered easy, but he still needs to consider being careful in order to not cause any possible accidents.

Moments later, Jeffrey along with 5 other men arrived behind Leo.

"Leo, we are ready." Jeffrey said.

"Are all of you sure that you can really kill all of those women present in that room right now? You should already be aware of the fact that once they alerted the soldiers outside of that room, including those people outside the outpost, it would be game over for all of us." Leo didn't hesitate to warn Jeffrey about the worst-case scenario once they make a mistake which was actually what would really happen to them once they made the mistake.

Truth be told, even if they can indeed kill the Captain, but if those women, even just one of those women present inside that room, alert the soldiers outside, it would still be enough to alert all of the soldiers in the entire Silver city. This was the reason why he brought that Captain back then at the wall to the storage room where no one was present before killing him in order to not alert anyone because just one Silver royal family's soldiers alerted back at the wall, would one hundred percent mean the entire Silver city to be alerted, unless of course if they can stop the Silver royal family's soldiers from alerting the others, which is, even for him at that situation, was impossible.

Hearing Leo's question, Jeffrey breath in and out before he replied, "Yes, I can do it."

Just with this reaction of Jeffrey alone, it was enough already to show that he was indeed having trouble fighting over his lust.

Well, Jeffrey has lost his wife early, and as someone who has once tasted the satisfaction brought by women and wasn't able to taste it once again for so long, it was just reasonable for him to crave for it, especially during their situation right now, where once they finally killed the Captain, such opportunity to taste the satisfaction brought by women once again would immediately be presented in front of him, freely and openly. Although he knows what's important right now, the main problem was, could he really kill those women that he could definitely enjoy himself? As a man himself, that was really a struggle to consider.

"How about the rest of you?" Leo turned to look at the 5 other men.

"Jeffrey specifically chooses us because we are... actually eunuch... so such temptations, although very tempting indeed, don't work that much on us compared to the others." One of the 5 men immediately replied to Leo, feeling a bit embarrassed of admitting being an eunuch.

They actually don't want to be an eunuch, but because they are slaves, a woman who likes to have a harem of men of her own bought them in the past, and in order for them not to accidentally impregnate her, she decided to remove the important function of their dicks, specifically to impregnate woman, and hence right after turning them into an eunuch. And when she finally got bored with them, she resold them to a slave merchant to buy new men to have fun with. It's actually still possible for them to have sex, but they won't be able to feel that much of satisfaction compared to the others.

Leo was surprised about this unexpected information. Fortunately, he has chosen slaves to be part of his army, so each one of them has some uniqueness compared to ordinary people. No one knows. Maybe he could also find some she-male, meaning a person that looks like a female but was actually a male. It seems like he also needs to understand all of his men after this battle so that he can separate them into different responsibilities suited for their ability.

"Very good," Leo nodded his head in satisfaction. He then turned to look at the window and said, "Then, let's begin our assassination."

With that said, Leo then jumped down from his location, soon after landing on the ground. Jeffrey and the 5 men quickly followed after.

Moments later, because to cross the outpost they needed to walk an open space first, they decided to wait for some Silver royal family's soldiers to walk nearby them and kill them for their armor.

Leo already has armor, but Jeffrey and the others still don't have any, so he needs to get them one each.josei

Fortunately, it didn't take that long for a few Silver royal family's soldiers to decide to take a piss nearby Leo and the other's current location.

The moment those soldiers unzipped their pants, their mouths were immediately covered before a dagger or sword was stabbed towards their neck, which is the only easiest place to kill a person with armor.


Those people soon after died, with their bodies soon after being carried to the back of the nearby houses, specifically in the dark alley.

Afterwards, Leo, Jeffrey, and the others came out of the dark. All of them were wearing their helmets to hide their faces.

Because some soldiers were still wearing helmets, it didn't raise any suspicion for Leo and the others to also still be wearing their helmets.

A soldier who noticed them nodded his head, which Leo nodded in return so as to go with the flow.

"Are you still playing?" That soldier asked Leo.

Leo then pretended to cough before shaking his head in refusal.

"Okay!" That soldier replied before turning back to playing cards, not minding Leo and the others anymore.

With that, Leo and the others were able to blend in easily within the group of Silver royal family's soldiers. And without any hesitation, they got in the outpost.

What greeted them right after was the first floor almost full of supplies and a separate room full of beds for the soldiers to sleep. In front of them were the stairs leading upstairs.

Leo nodded his head to Jeffrey and the others before leading the way upstairs.

The moment they arrived, they soon after saw a sleepy soldier guarding the Captain's room. It was really easy to guess that this soldier has become very tired already while waiting until when the Captain would finish having fun.

That soldier didn't notice Leo's group slowly walking towards him, and when he finally noticed, it was already too late because Jeffrey has already covered his mouth, locked his body, and stabbed his neck with a dagger.

After killing that soldier, Leo then turned to look at the door of the Captain's room.

"Prepare yourselves," Leo silently whispered before twisting the doorknob to open the door of the Captain's room.

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