Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 323 - Taking Over The Wall Part 6

Chapter 323 - Taking Over The Wall Part 6

Chapter 323 Taking over the wall part 6

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral

The moment Leo opened the door, he immediately saw the Captain still humping a woman on all fours with 5 others laying on the top and below the bed, showing how tired they were already.

He didn't waste any second as he immediately jumped forward and threw a dagger straight to the Captain's head. His jump also gave Jeffrey and the others enough space to get inside the room.


Although the Captain was momentarily stunned by Leo's group's sudden intrusion to his room, but the second he saw Leo threw a dagger at him, he immediately propels himself backward by pushing the woman he was humping forward.

Leo didn't just stop moving after he threw the dagger and expect it to hit the Captain's head like the last Captain. He runs forward as soon as the dagger left his hand to go for a close combat instead to completely restrict the Captain from casting any Magic spell.



Leo punched the Captain's face as soon as the latter landed on the floor. He right after moved his left hand to get a dagger from his Storage Ring, but the Captain quickly noticed this so he used his right hand to stop Leo's left hand from moving before headbutting Leo's head.


Leo became dizzy for a bit, but he still didn't allow the Captain to grab any opportunity to escape from him as he quickly sent a kick straight to the Captain's face.

Afterwards, he finally took out a dagger from the Storage Ring, and without wasting any second he threw the dagger straight to the Captain's head.

The Captain who was just kicked by Leo to his face quickly used his hand to cover his head.


The Captain purposely used his hand to cover from the dagger as he wanted to induce himself more to shout due to the pain and hence attract his men downstairs, but even the ability to shout was taken away from him when Leo unexpectedly threw a black-colored dagger to his head from another direction.


Using the Death Wake Dagger, which was nearly as long as a short sword, was enough to immediately end the Captain's life without anymore struggle.

Meanwhile, Jeffrey closed the door of Captain's room silently while the 5 other men had already rushed towards the 6 women and quickly killed them to stop them from trying to shout.

Unexpectedly, one woman was still able to shout. It was the woman that the Captain has pushed forward to propel himself backward.


A dagger soon hit that woman's head, quickly ending her life and making her shut up.

Jeffrey who was by the door immediately thought of a plan. He quickly opened the door once again and swiftly pulled that dead soldier's body inside the room. After doing that, he right after he got out of the room and closed the door, and he stood guard outside.

Leo who quickly understood of Jeffrey's intention quickly hid the Captain's dead body to the other side of the bed while he motions for the 5 other men to go and put all the dead women's bodies on the bed and covered them with the quilt. Afterwards, he jumped on the middle of the 6 women and pretended to sleep with his face being slightly covered by one of the dead women's arms.

Those 5 other men who finally understood the plan quickly cleaned the blood around the room, turned off the lights of the lamp, and after doing that they one by one began looking for a hiding place inside the room. Two hid inside the cabinet, two hid below the bed, and the other one who was the smartest of all, quickly went inside the small bathroom of the room.

Leo who saw their action can't help heaving a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they weren't stupid.

At this moment, everything would be relying on Jeffrey's acting outside the room.

*Thud! *Thud! *Thud! *Thud!

Dozens of soldier's footsteps were soon after heard going upstairs, each one of them was bringing a weapon in their hand.

The moment the soldiers arrived upstairs though, they immediately saw Jeffrey who was wearing a helmet to cover his face while acting like he's putting his ears on the side of the door, showing that he was eavesdropping inside the room.

"What was that shout about?" A soldier who understood Jeffrey's action quickly asked.

Jeffrey only replied with a "Shhhh!" while he motioned his hand to make them come closer.

All the soldiers who saw Jeffrey's action looked at each other first before they put down their weapons and walked forward.

The moment the dozens of soldiers arrived before the door, Jeffrey then asked, "Do you hear them sleeping, or are they still planning to go on for another round?"

Hearing Jeffrey's question, all the soldiers finally understood what he was doing.

Truth be told, all of the soldiers under this Captain have already experienced being a guard while the Captain was having fun with pretty women inside a room, and hence they all knew just how long it would take to finally be over.

Normally, the Captain would only finish after two hours or more, or to be more precise, after two hours or more of mental torture for them. Imagine, they would be guarding outside the room while hearing a lot of pretty women moaning in pleasure every single second inside. No matter how tough their minds were, it would still serve as a really hard mental struggle.

It's basically a fight between lust and fear in their minds. Lust because they also want to experience the pleasure of tasting those pretty women inside the room, even just one would be enough for them, while fear because if they leave their position and the Captain got found out later on because of doing prostitution in the middle of his working hours they would definitely die after the Captain was done receiving his punishment.josei

To be honest, there were already a few soldiers that have done that, and all of them died the very next day after the Captain received his punishment.

That's why they immediately understood just how much struggle Jeffrey had gone through while guarding the Captain's room.

On the other hand, Jeffrey was oblivious of their thoughts. The only thing he was thinking right now was to fool them that the shout was a moan of pleasure from one of the woman.

Quickly, all the soldiers one by one put their ears before the door to listen to what's going on inside the room.

"I think they are sleeping?" One of the soldiers replied.

"It seems like it."

"Are you really sure?" Jeffrey asked in confirmation, "How about let's open the door and check?"

Hearing Jeffrey's words, all the soldiers were immediately dumbfounded as it was just too ridiculous. They can't help asking themselves, "Who the heck would even dare to look inside the Captain's room?"

What if the moment they opened the door they would soon after see the Captain preparing for another round of fun? Wouldn't that mean they would receive punishment for disrupting the Captain's fun? And base on the Captain's character, it would most likely be a very painful punishment.

"No, no, no, just leave them be!" One of the soldiers immediately refused.

"Now that I think about it, that shout seems like the moan of pleasure. So, everything should be alright inside."

"Indeed, let's not cause any unnecessary trouble to the Captain, and especially to ourselves as well."

Despite all the refusal though, Jeffrey still opened the door, making all the soldier's eyes wide open in fear and shock. He was purposely doing it so that the soldiers will not have even a bit of suspicion.

All the soldiers quickly wanted to stop Jeffrey, but it was already too late, a small gap in the door was finally opened.

Contrary to all the soldier's expectations, the Captain's room was already dark, which means that he was finally done having fun.

They all subconsciously looked at the room and soon after noticed the vague figure of Captain sleeping in the middle of 6 pretty women. It even seems like the Captain was still enjoying while sleeping as his face was hugged closely by one of the women's hands, meaning he's being shoved straight to that woman's big breast.

Unbeknownst to all the soldiers, because the room was now really dark, all of those women were actually already dead.

After a few seconds of observing, or maybe envying the Captain, one of the soldiers finally closed the door very slowly, afraid of waking up the sleeping Captain.

"Just like what we have said just now, the Captain is already asleep."

"Correction, he's satisfyingly asleep on his bed, hahaha!"

"So, you don't need to be worked up, just take a rest out here and sleep. No need to worry about anything else anymore."

Soon after, all the soldiers went downstairs after patting Jeffrey's shoulder to express their empathy.

Seeing that all the soldiers finally left, Jeffrey can't help heaving a sigh of relief as they have fortunately avoided danger.

Jeffrey then opened the door of the room before getting inside.

The moment Leo noticed Jeffrey walking inside the room, he then jumped off the bed, looked for the lamp of the room, and then quickly summoned a small wisp of fire to lighten up the lamp. Though this time he only lit up one lamp so that the room wouldn't become really bright, which will surely make those soldiers below noticed.

As soon as the room was brightened up by a bit, Leo can't help himself turning to look at the 6 women lying dead on the bed. He quickly noticed their faces, which immediately sent a chill over his body.

At this moment, all the women have their eyes wide opened, seemingly like they can't accept their deaths, with their mouths opened wide as well, obviously wanting to say or shout some words but was stopped mid-motion after a dagger penetrated their head. The dagger that killed them was still stuck to their heads, dripping blood to the bed. It was really fortunate that no blood got on the quilt.

Leo wasn't really scared of looking at dead bodies or even be staying nearby them, even sleeping beside them. He had killed a lot of people already, so what's there to even be afraid of dead people? But to lay right beside them while their faces were all showing such a creepy look, all of them staring at him, in the dark, and not to mention even shoved his face near to that one woman's breast and allowed her to hug him, it really made him feel a bit weird inside. Rather than calling that chill as feeling scared or afraid, it was more appropriate to say that he felt weirded out of himself for actually doing such action.

Just what on Celestial World was he even thinking when he decided to shove his head inside that dead woman's breast?

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