Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 324 - Taking Over The Wall Part 7

Chapter 324 - Taking Over The Wall Part 7

Chapter 324 Taking over the wall part 7

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral

Leo turned to look at Jeffrey as he nodded his head to express that he was grateful for his great save. If Jeffrey wasn't able to think of such a quick reaction, then they wouldn't have been able to escape that easily, even if they laid all the women on the bed and pretended to be asleep, because the biggest flaw would be a missing soldier outside the door.

"I just did what I saw was the correct thing to do," Jeffrey scratched his head in reply.

Leo didn't reply but rather walked towards the armor stand at the side as he took off the Captain's armor and threw it to Jeffrey, "Put on the armor, especially the helmet, you would be pretending as the Captain in this outpost along with those 5 others."

Those hiding 5 other men coincidentally just left their hiding spot when they heard of Leo's word, which quickly made them want to hide back. What they have experienced just now was already enough for all of them to feel helpless in their lives, yet Leo actually wanted Jeffrey to pretend as the Captain along with them? That... is akin to pushing them to the pits of hell. No, it's more like they are going to enter Satan's castle.

"But..." Jeffrey also felt the same way as the 5 other men. The thing that he had done just now has already caused his heart to almost jumped out of his chest, not to mention pretend as the Captain of this outpost. His heart would definitely not only jumped off his chest, but it would definitely also run away for its life, leaving him.

"Acting is suited for you, so it should be fine if you pretend as the Captain of this outpost. Anyways, our men should already be almost complete in replacing all the Silver royal family's soldiers on top of the wall, so eventually, they would start coming here. You would be receiving them, while at the same time sending the remaining Silver royal family's soldiers to their deaths." Leo consoled Jeffrey.

To be honest, after hearing Leo consoling him, Jeffrey almost believed that it would just be fine, everything would be alright, nothing to worry about, he can do it, but then he realized that Leo has mentioned the word 'Should', which simply means it's not yet sure.

"Wou... would they really be co... coming?" Jeffrey can't help asking, a bit scared of the chances that they might not come and save him.

Leo patted Jeffrey's shoulder and said with a mischievous smile on his face, "Goodluck!" And he left the room, leaving Jeffrey with the 5 other men inside, still stunned on what Leo meant about 'Goodluck!'.

The moment Leo left the room, he calmly walked down the staircase before slowly making his way out of the outpost. Fortunately, no one was downstairs to see him coming down from upstairs.

Leo looked outside the outpost and observe all the Silver royal family's soldiers. Right now, he can't leave the same way as he got in because the soldiers would definitely be suspicious of why he didn't return after going to the dark alley.

He started observing the best opportunity to escape, and suddenly he noticed a soldier calling out other soldiers to prepare for a march.

That soldier was obviously gathering a group of soldiers to replace those that had just left.

But before Leo really went to volunteer himself so that he can finally escape from this place, he first looked at those new arrivals. A smile soon after slowly formed on his face.

The group that has just arrived were all sitting on the corner, still wearing their helmets to hide their faces, obviously feeling panicked inside about what to do next. He didn't hesitate to walk towards them, seemingly knowing who they were already.

The moment Leo arrived in front, he silently whispered to one of them, "The Captain of this outpost is Jeffrey, he's currently upstairs, so you can rest assured that you will be safe as long as you don't reveal your face until all the Silver royal family's soldiers left this outpost."

Hearing Leo's words, that person can't help heaving a sigh of relief knowing that they fortunately already have people in the inside of this outpost, a Captain on top of that, just like back on the top of the wall.

"Go and tell the others, especially Jeffrey. I need to quickly leave this place to go up the wall and inform the others on what to do next. All of you should still be careful, though." Leo said before approaching that soldier who was gathering a group of soldiers to march towards the wall.

The moment Leo left, that person quickly turned around and informed all of his comrades. They all nodded their heads before going upstairs to meet up with Jeffrey.

"I've rested enough," Leo said as he raised his hand.

That soldier turned to look at Leo and nodded his head before motioning him to go with the group.

Leo didn't bother replying as he just walked towards the gathered group of soldiers.

At this moment, there were already a total of 20 soldiers in this group, meaning they would be marching to the wall soon.

And just like what Leo expected, the moment the Logistics personnel safely arrived, their group immediately began marching to the wall.

The moment they finally reached nearby the door leading up to the wall, Leo, who was at the very back of the group, waved his hand to give some kind of signal to his men hiding in the dark.

And soon after, when the door was only a few meters in front of them, Leo grabbed the soldier in front of him and quickly slit his throat. His action quickly attracted the soldiers in front, but before they could really attack Leo, a group of 20 men charged towards them from the dark.

A few minutes later, all the Silver royal family's soldiers were all killed.

Leo took off his helmet to show his face to his men and quickly took command.

"Quickly hide all of these dead bodies inside and gather 19 men with me right now. We would be going up the wall." Leo ordered.

Matt who was on top of the one-story house roof jumped down and approached Leo.

"Is everything done over there?" Matt asked.

"Yes, so this operation would be ending soon." Leo replied.

"But what should we do about the 500 remaining men?" Matt can't help asking.

"They would all be going to the nearby part of the west wall after this is over. Ethan would be leading that operation, along with Sebastian, Dan, Jeffrey, you, and Venice." Leo informed. He then changed to another topic, "I've noticed a few of our men arrived back at the outpost, so I'm guessing that all the people on top of the wall right now are our men?"

"Yes! We have already replaced everyone and are now in the process of replacing the remaining Silver royal family's soldiers." Matt replied.

"Good, then keep ongoing until we replaced everyone. Once you finished, go up the wall and inform us so that we can begin with the other part of this operation." Leo said.

"Okay!" Matt nodded his head in affirmation.

The moment Leo and Matt finished their conversation, 19 men finally gathered together, waiting for Leo to command them to go up.

"I'll be going now, be careful always, even though we are now nearing the completion of this operation." Leo said before leaving along with 19 men towards the door leading to the top of the wall.

The same as before, Leo and the others walked up the stairs before finally arriving at the top of the wall. They then sent a signal to the Captain who was Ethan, to inform him that Leo has sent them.

At this moment, Ethan was no longer wearing his helmet to hide his face because everyone nearby him right now was already their men. So, there is no need to worry about getting found out, unless a soldier from the other part of the south wall, specifically 5 kilometers away from their current location, comes here.josei

Leo removed his helmet and walked towards Ethan.

Seeing Leo, Ethan smiled and said, "If you didn't remove your helmet, then I wouldn't have realized that it's actually you."

"How's everything here?" Leo can't help asking.

"Everything is fine so far, aside from the fact that your Earth Elementals nearly caused us trouble when they suddenly got destroyed." Ethan said as he shook his head. He then continued, "Fortunately, they were coincidentally inside the storage room when it happened, so no one noticed them crumbling into mere stones. Was it your doing?"

"Yes!" Leo nodded his head. What Ethan had said was indeed his doing. When he left the wall, he had almost forgotten about the information that his Elementals would automatically get destroyed when he is 1 kilometer away from them. Hence, before finally leaving to get the first batch outside the wall, he first secretly sent out a command to go to the storage room.

"Give me a warning next time." Ethan said. To be honest, if only he didn't know that those 10 soldiers walking towards the storage room weren't Earth Elementals, then them suddenly disappearing and leaving only rocks would have caused him a lot of trouble once a Silver royal family's soldier found such a strange thing.

"Next time," Leo said before walking to the side of the wall to look at the location of the relocation area.

They were almost done with this small part of the south wall, and next time it would be the west wall, and after that, the relocation area wouldn't need to worry anymore about accidentally getting found out by the Silver royal family's soldiers on top of the wall because their location would soon be surrounded by his own men.

"Soon," Leo whispered to himself.

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