Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 177 - Eight Sigils Chrysanthemum?

Chapter 177 - Eight Sigils Chrysanthemum?


The two bird beasts could only wonder what miracle Lin Wu had done to make the tree disappear like that. They knew about spatial storage treasures but did not think that a beast may have one. Looking at Lin Wu, they were sure that he did not have any spatial storage treasure on his body.

Plus, most of the spatial storage treasures were made for humans and not beasts. Just their forms would make it difficult for most beasts to carry them around. Though there were a few beasts that obtained spatial storage treasures and used them as trophies.

But their surprise was increased to utter shock when they finally saw the Eight sigils chrysanthemum. Even Lin Wu couldn't take his eyes off it and felt attracted to the flower.



Alarm!: Mental interference detected



A calming feeling spread throughout Lin Wu's body and he felt normal.

"What the hell was that!" Lin Wu said, after the feeling of calmness faded away.

A tinge of anxiousness appeared in his eyes as he got apprehensive of the flower in front of him.

"System, scan this thing…" Lin Wu ordered, his voice a bit stern.

In the days that he had spent here, Lin Wu had kind of forgotten that this was a cultivator world and danger lurked in every corner. He had been leaning towards carelessness but this had given him a wake-up call again.

The Eight Sigils Chrysanthemum had eight petals Nada each petal had a sigil on it. From these petals, streams of spirit qi were being released. They would leave one petal and enter the next after spreading a bit. This way they bounced eight times before returning to the first petal.

A unique pattern was thus formed that had a mesmerizing property.



SCANNER ACTIVATED: Target selected

TARGET IDENTIFIED: Eight Sigils Chrysanthemum

INFO: The Eight Sigils Chrysanthemum contains potent spirit qi equivalent to that of, 2,000,000 units of liquid spirit qi. But this is not pure spirit qi and is rather in the form of medicinal property. The patterns on it can create a mental interference field that can stun and attract creatures.

SUGGESTION: Store it in the inventory and the system can perform a more detailed analysis on it, while decoding its properties.


Lin Wu had not expected that such a small thing would contain such a large amount of spirit qi. It was almost the same amount that he had with him, but that was obtained from eating a lot of spirit beasts. Still, Lin Wu did not feel greedy for the flower and did not want to eat it.

He knew that there must be more to it and if it was used for an alchemical pill, then using it straightaway like this would be a waste. 

Lin Wu thus extended his tail to the flower and gently touched it. A chill spread through his body and he heard a scream in his mind. It was as if multiple ghosts were screaming in agony. A moment later, it changed and now he heard the voice of beasts crying. It then changed again, but this time it was men and women crying. This repeated for about eight times, each time the being that was making the noise changed.

The sound stopped quickly and not even a second had passed but Lin Wu felt as if it had been an hour.

'Truly terrifying…' Lin Wu thought.

"Store it in the inventory, system." Lin Wu ordered.


Then in the blink of an eye, the Eight Sigils Chrysanthemum disappeared into thin air just like the tree before. The two servant beasts saw it with wonder again, but this time they did not seem as surprised, already getting used to the abilities of their new master.


"Alright! Now that this is done, take me to the tomb that you were talking about." Lin Wu spoke.

"As you wish, master. But this is going to be a bit dangerous. We are going to pass through the territory of three of the rulers of the forest. The tomb lies at the intersection of these territories." The sparrow beast said.

"How far is it from here? And why is it at such a location?" Lin Wu curiously asked.

"It will take us about an hour to reach there, if we take the more safer path. As for its location, it is because of the danger that it has. The rulers don't dare get close to it and thus the tomb is the only area that is free of the influence of any ruler." The sparrow beast explained.

"Oh, I see. Well then, let's go further." Lin Wu replied.

The sparrow beast nodded and flew up in the air with the swan beast following it. The speed of the sparrow beast was actually much faster than the swan beast, and it had lagged behind a bit. But Lin Wu was even farther compared to both of them.

'Hmm… flying really is the faster way to travel… Cultivators can fly in the Nascent soul realm, right? I should be able to as well…' Lin Wu thought to himself.

The path that the sparrow beast was taking seemed to be rather winded and twisted. They went in many curves and circles which didn't make much sense to Lin Wu. But that was until he checked the map and saw the beasts in the surroundings.

"Oh, so it is avoiding all the areas that have a higher amount of beasts…" Lin Wu realized.

Their journey didn't go smooth though, as after twenty minutes they were discovered by a group of beasts.

"Where do you think you two are going? Passing through the territory of the Split Thorn Horn beetle king without permission? Humph, impudent." The cricket like insect beast that had stopped them spoke.

There were many more insect beasts accompanying it, and they ranged from core condensation realm to the peak stage of the qi refining realm.

"Oh? So they belong to the Split Thorn Horn beetle king… looks like I need to have a talk…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.

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