Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 178 - A Small Interruption?

Chapter 178 - A Small Interruption?

"Don't you dare stop us here little cricket! Do you not remember what happened the last time you tried this?" The sparrow beast threatened.

"Oh? You haven't lost your arrogance it seems, even though your king has abandoned you all. Hahaha!" The cricket beast ridiculed.

The other beasts laughed in accompaniment and seemed to enjoy it a lot too.

"Trust me, you do not want to mess with our master." The swan beast warned in a stern voice.

"And what can he do? What master do you even have, huh? The Olive viper king? He hasn't even left his territory after he injured himself, and why would he bother with you two lowly beasts?" The cricket beast replied.

While this conversation was happening, Lin Wu was having a different one with someone else.

He had used his communication link with the Beetle beast and was talking to her.

"So… I've met an obstacle here. Some insect beasts are blocking my path and say that they are the Beetle king's subordinates." Lin Wu spoke.

"Umm… I don't know them, you can deal with them as you see fit. Ancestor wouldn't pay attention to it either, there are far too many beasts dying these days due to the conflict over the new territories and thus they will just be more numbers to that." The beetle beast said, straightforwardly.

"Alright…" Lin Wu said before cutting the link.

The insect beasts and the two bird beasts were still having a verbal exchange which seemed rather strange to Lin Wu. He had expected for them to have broken into a battle right from the start. After all, they had numbers on their side. 

But it had not happened yet.

'Hmm… perhaps they have some reason for it…' Lin Wu thought but did not act right away.

He looked at the map to check if there was anything around and discovered something.

"Bingo! So that's why they are not fighting…" Lin Wu muttered to himself after seeing a few different kinds of markers on the map.

These markers were much smaller than that of the beasts and Lin Wu had a small guess what they were.

"System, scan and tell me what these exactly are…" Lin Wu ordered.



SCANNER ACTIVATED: Multiple targets detected

TARGETS IDENTIFIED: Insect beast eggs found (multiple types)


'So they want to avoid fighting or it may turn bad and the eggs may get damaged.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

He observed the insect beasts in front of him and decided to use the same carrot and stick method he had used before. Except the stick will come first…



The ground ripped open and Lin Wu appeared out of it.

"KREEEEE!!!" he let out a loud screech.josei

Lin Wu's aura spread in the area, his bloodline suppressions in full force.

"Wh-who… who are you?" The cricket beast said with difficulty.

The other insect beasts had already collapsed on the ground, unable to move. Lin Wu himself could be considered an insect type of a beast and thus his bloodline suppression was very effective on the other insect beasts.

They instinctively felt obliged to prostrate to him in submission.

"He is our master…" The sparrow beast said smugly.

"Your… master?" The cricket beast muttered.

'When did an insect beast of this caliber appear in the forest? This bloodline… it is even stronger than the kings…' The cricket beast thought with shock.

"So… will you let us pass now?" the Swan beast questioned while Lin Wu glared at the insect beasts.

"Su-sure… please go ahead senior. Oh, and… the Split Thorn Horn Beetle King would be happy to meet with you, if you so please senior." The cricket beast replied.

"Hmm… I'll think of it." Lin Wu replied.

The sparrow beast took to the skies again, and the swan beast did as well. Lin Wu gave the insect beasts one last look before speaking in a low voice.

"You need to work on better conduct. If you are going to protect eggs, don't provoke the fights in the first place…" 

"Yes, Senior. Thanks for your guidance." The cricket beast said hurriedly.



Lin Wu entered the ground again and followed behind the sparrow beast. He didn't know why he had chosen to spare the insect beasts, but he just attributed it to the innate humanity he had left with him. Except this time because of him becoming a worm, it was directed against other insects instead of humans.

If it had just been the beasts provoking them out of nothing, Lin Wu would have eaten them without a blink. They were no challenge to him, anyway.

The rest of the journey went relatively smoothly, but they still had some bumps. A few beasts attacked them, and the two bird beasts were able to take care of them. But about thirty minutes later, when they were very close to the tomb, they were stopped by a Peak stage core condensation realm beast.

Lin Wu was annoyed at this point and did not even give the two beasts a chance to flap, before he devoured the beast whole.

The scene of Lin Wu eating the beast had stuck newfound fear in the hearts of the two bird beasts, but it was also accompanied by respect. Beasts innately respected and feared power, this was what Lin Wu had displayed from the start.

After that, they soon reached the area where the tomb was located. Lin Wu noticed the demarcation of the area as the vegetation here was very scarce. It seemed as if any plants that grew here either died or mutated to become extremely hardy.

Lin Wu also saw the skeletons of a lot of beasts lying around the borders of the tomb and a strange scent was also spread in the air. The spirit qi in the area was also in a disarray, and it made it uncomfortable for one to stay there for longer periods of time.

The sparrow beast landed a short distance from the border and spoke, "here we are…"

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