Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 347 - The Platform's Destination?

Chapter 347 - The Platform's Destination?

Lin Wu flew around a bit and checked the formations of the platform in more detail. He could tell that they were arranged into an array with multiple functions, but they were still far less than others that they had seen.

"System, show me the list of functions this has." Lin Wu ordered.



FUNCTION LIST: 1. Barrier 

2. Identification

3. Access Key

4. Propulsion

5. Transportation

6. Navigation 


After seeing the entire list, Lin Wu was reminded of only one thing.

"Is this thing… a car?" Lin Wu muttered. "No… an airplane in this case." 

Lin Wu didn't know where it was taking them and wanted to know more.

"System, create a virtual interface and see where it is going." Lin Wu ordered.

While the system had shown Lin Wu what the functions were of the platform, it had actually not created a virtual interface for it yet. Previously system needed to make it before it could show Lin Wu the functions, but now with its upgraded data banks, it could directly analyze what the functions were just from a basic observation.



TASK ADDED: Creating Virtual interface 

Please wait patiently…


"Hmm… I guess we can wait and see where it takes up till the Virtual interface is ready." Lin Wu said to himself.

The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle was also watching everything with interest. She had never seen such a thing before and thus was curious about it. Her spirit sense was moving around like a child in a new place and scanning everything.


The speed of the platform slowly started to increase, as if it was really an airplane. After a couple of minutes, Lin Wu realized its speed had reached the max speed as that of the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle.

"This is fast as hell… looks like the barrier formations protect us from the winds too." Lin Wu said upon experiencing the speed.

This was a rather novel thing for Lin Wu as this was the first mode of transportation that he had seen that could fly. While he had seen spirit weapons that could do the same, they were not fully intended for that.

'I guess this can be classified as a spirit tool too.' Lin Wu thought.

The platform kept on flying for about twenty minutes before it reached a random spot in the Dread Coil marsh. Lin Wu had noted that they were moving to the south of the previous location. So right now they were likely near the Bing Kingdom or perhaps even in its borders.


The platform came to a halt suddenly and then started to descend. This made Lin Wu check the map and see if there was anything particular here. 

"Huh? A village?" Lin Wu muttered.

According to the map, there was an old abandoned village here. This data did not come from the system's own scan, but rather from the information he had gathered from various sources. According to that, there should be a village here.

Lin Wu and the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle peeked down from the sides of the platform and saw the clouds below them. The platform soon passed through them, and they could see the scene below it.

There were old, dilapidated houses and buildings that could be seen as small dots. Slowly, as the platform got closer, they started to expand in size. Though for Lin Wu and the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle that distance was nothing and they could see it clearly.

"These buildings… they are not of a style that I've seen in this world yet." Lin Wu said.

The buildings and houses below were made of stone and wood. The stone looked quite similar to the one that was used to build the temples, except it did not have any of the carvings on it. As for the wood, it was from the twisty and coiling trees of the Dread Coil marsh. 

But even then, Lin Wu could tell that the village had been abandoned for a long time, perhaps even hundreds of years. 

"Why would the platform take us here? Is there something unique here?" Lin Wu wondered.


Lin Wu suddenly saw a change in them. The ground started to part as four pillars started to rise up from the ground. The pillars came from between the village and did not affect any of the buildings. Seeing their positions, one could tell that the entire village was actually build around it.


Finally, the platform reached the ground and came to rest upon the four pillars. The barrier of the platform lifted, and the four stone feathers that were glowing on the tray also dimmed down. 

"I guess, we're supposed to go down?" Lin Wu muttered.

The two beasts got down and checked out the area, unable to sense anything different for now.

"Can you feel anything here with your bloodline?" Lin Wu asked the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle.

The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle closed her eyes in response and tried to check.

"No… there's nothing here." The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle spoke.

"This is weird… is the platform not supposed to take us to something important?" Lin Wu wondered to himself.

Thinking that he must have missed something, Lin Wu wandered around the village, taking a closer look at everything while the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle simply continued to assimilate the bloodline.

Lin Wu spent about three hours wandering the village until he found something interesting. It was actually an old board that hung on top of a building. He had not noticed it before because it was covered with moss, but once he cleaned it, he was able to read it.

"Oh? It's written in Dao Script?" Lin Wu said in a surprised tone.

Lin Wu reads through the board and realized it was actually an academy.

"Kou's Martial academy." Lin Wu read.

Feeling curious even more, Lin Wu shrunk his body and entered the building. Or more like breaking through the doors since they had become stuck.josei

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