Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 348 - Two Veined Stone Feather?

Chapter 348 - Two Veined Stone Feather?

Upon entering the building Lin Wu could see the old equipment that had been greatly damaged and rusted. Not only that but he could even sense the remnants of formations in the building.

From everything that was in the building, Lin Wu reckoned it was a place where some Body Tempering realm commoners trained. Though it was likely, there were some Qi refining realm people here too at that time.

"This is the largest building in the village… or at least the largest building that is still standing. There is bound to be something here… plus this was the only place that had Dao Script on it." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

For someone of Lin Wu's size, it was hard to move in the building, but he still managed to do so by lowering his body a bit more. Eventually, he reached the innermost room of the building.

Lin Wu scanned the room with his spirit sense as he had been doing this entire time and finally found something interesting. There was a and old glass case kept on a shelf at the side of the room.

The room looked like an office of some kind. 

'Considering this is an academy, perhaps this is the office of the headmaster?' Lin Wu thought.

He approached the glass case and lifted its dusty lid, seeing the item that was placed inside it.

"Bingo! Just as I expected…" Lin Wu exclaimed.

The item in the case was nothing but another stone feather. Lin Wu picked it up and poured a little spirit Qi into it, making it glow. Here he could see the difference between this stone feather and the previous one.

This stone feather had two red veins instead of just one. Now, since Lin Wu had seen four stone feathers on the platform, he wondered if there were three more stone feathers like this somewhere.

"Hopefully it is just this one and I don't need to search for more of them." Lin Wu said to himself before leaving the room and then the building.

He returned to the platform where the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle was waiting for him.

"Look what I found." Lin Wu showed the stone feather.

"Another one?" The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle spoke.

"Not just that, it's different, too. Let's see what happens when we use this with the platform." Lin Wu replied before going to the altar.

He took out the first stone feather from the indentation and put the new one in. 

"Umm… seems like this does not work." Lin Wu said after seeing no change.

But Lin Wu would not give up this fast. He had played plenty of games in his past life and knew that there must be some trick to this. He looked at the tray and picked up the new stone feather. 

He then shifted the stone feather that was in the second position to the first and then put the two veined stone feather in the second position. 


As soon as he did that, the formations of the platform became active again.

"I knew it! They got a specific order to them!" Lin Wu exclaimed in joy.

The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle also watched on as the platform started to move again. Unknown to Lin Wu or the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle though, the platform transmitted some kind of energy to the pillars which then disappeared into the ground.

The platform soared to the sky before moving further south. Lin Wu didn't know just how far it would go since they were barely at the border of the Bing Kingdom right now. But if it went too far, he didn't know if others would notice it.


The platform soared through the sky, blurring past countless clouds. The gloomy and dark clouds of the Dread Coil Marsh were ever present and were one of the reasons why normal plants did not grow here.

If there was no sunlight, most plants would find it quite hard to glow. Only plants with some unique features would end up growing here, or spirit herbs that did not particularly need sunlight to grow.

Lin Wu had gathered and eaten quite a few spirit herbs in his time here. That was one of the reasons why his spirit Qi levels had grown so fast. Though he had only eaten the spirit herbs of a high grade. All those below it were stored by him, as they would not help him much at this point.

He may as well use them for others when his organization would be fully set up. He had already made separate sections in the inventory of the system using the few spatial storage tools that he had obtained till now from killing and eating people.

In fact, Lin Wu had them on his body at all times. If one looked at his back, one would see some different colored lights on it that were quite faint. These were the spatial storage tools that Lin Wu had just embedded into his crystalline body. 

The system had already told him that if he stored them in the inventory of the system directly they may get damaged. So instead of that, he let the system modify them and turned them into something like external hard drives.

With that done, Lin Wu could have items stored just by a touch and would not need to clutter the system's inventory. Yet if he wanted to, he could have it separately displayed on the screen.josei

Overall, it had made his task quite easier, and he was happy with this. In a happy mood, Lin Wu watched from the edge of the platform. But his expression turned a bit nervous as over an hour had passed by since they had started to move.

"With this speed and time passed… we should be nearly at the edge of the Dread Coil Marsh now. Why is this not stopping?" Lin Wu wondered.

And just as he thought, the dark and gloomy clouds of the Dread coil marsh disappeared a short distance from where he was right now.

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