Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 518 - Demon Beast

Chapter 518 - Demon Beast


Seeing the person, Lin Wu was confused.

"Now who the heck is that?" Lin Wu questioned.

The person in the white fox mask waved his hands and pushed the two clouds away, pushing the Demon Spine Ape and the Sliver Tusk Tapir along with it. This was a shocking action to every one, since the ease with which he did it was stunning.

"WHAT?! Who is that?" The Slim Arm Ape king questioned.

He could very clearly tell that it was not a beast and was probably a human. But seeing the show of strength, he was even more varied. For a human to push a Dao Shell realm beast along with a Nascent soul realm beast meant that they had a high cultivation base than them.

The Slim Arm Ape instantly became alert and spread his spirit sense, trying to probe the person in the white fox mask. But the moment his spirit sense got close, it was blocked by an invisible layer.

"Huh? I can't check this either?" The Slim Arm ape was surprised.


The man in the fox mask casually glanced around him and sighed again.

"I'll get rid of them. You all stay back and don't interfere." The man in the white fox mask spoke.

The rulers and Lin Wu's servants were confused upon hearing this.

"You're talking to us?" The Beetle beast questioned.

"Yes, all of you. Now that I'm here, I'll deal with the Tapir beasts." The man in the white fox mask said before turning to look at the Silver Tusk Tapir.

The tapir beasts were similarly shocked and were wondering just who was it that was now interfering in the fight of their leader. 

"YOU DARE!? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" The Silver Tusk Tapir Beast lets out a loud bellow.


  It ran towards the man in the white fox mask, intending to impale him with his long silver tusks. But the man shrugged it off like it was nothing and dodged it with ease.


The Silver Tusk Tapir slammed into the ground, creating along gully at the side of the tomb.

"HNGGG!!!!" The Silver Tusk Tapir let out hot air from its snout and raised its head again.

It charged towards the man in the white fox mask, who waved his hands and created more clouds.

"Frost Land Domain!" The man stated.

The clouds started to spread rapidly in the area as the temperature fell. 


Soon, cold winds started to blow and snow started to fall from the clouds. A terrifying aura started to emanate from the man in the white fox mask. It was as if a dam had been broken and his true power was finally released.

"A Dao Shell realm cultivator? No… not just that… he's at the highest stage…" The Slim Arm ape king muttered.

He had seen such cultivators before and could tell the difference just from the intensity of the aura. But after a few seconds, the aura started to get a lot more colder and oppressive. 

"Ugh!" The Demon spine ape grunted in displeasure.

"What happened?" The Slim Arm Ape King asked with concern.

"That man… his aura is dangerous… but also familiar. It can suppress my bloodline somehow." The Demon spine ape stated.

"It can?" The Slim arm Ape king said as his eyes narrowed.

And while the father and son ape kings were talking and had just realized something about the man in the white fox mask, the Sliver Tusk Tapir Beast was the same. In fact, it seemed to be even more shocked.

"WHAT!? What's a Demon beast like you doing here?" The Silver Tusk Tapir beast questioned in shock.

The two words, Demon Beast, echoed across the area and were heard by each and every beast that was there. The Slim Arm ape had a face of realization and couldn't help but flinch a bit.

"It can't be… another demon beast? And one that has already attained the human form?" The Slim Arm Ape King muttered.

"A Demon Beast? What's that father?" The Demon Spine Ape King questioned.

"That is what you are… at least partially." The Slim Arm Ape King answered.

"Huh? I'm a Demon Beast?" The Demon Spine Ape was confused.

"Your mother was a Demon Beast… albeit not on the same level as that man. And thus you are a half Demon beast." The Slim Arm Ape King explained.

There were a lot of questions that were popping up in the mind of the Demon Spine ape, but he knew that now was not the time to ask them. Lin Wu was in a similar situation and was thinking about Demon Beasts as well.

He had read a bit about them before, and the system had given him some input right now as well.

Demon beasts were nothing but beasts that had the bloodlines of demons in them.

Similar to how humans could have beast bloodlines, the beasts could also have demon bloodlines. 

This was usually due to a beast having an ancestor that managed to reach a high enough cultivation base so as to transform into a humanoid form.

The offspring of a transformed Beast and Demon was a Demon beast.

Demon beasts were a rather peculiar breed of creatures. Due to how proliferated the demon race and the beast race were across the many worlds, they could be found almost everywhere.

Many beasts often had traces of demon bloodlines in them and the only thing that mattered was if it was pure enough or not. If it was pure, they would be able to awaken it and become a Demon Beast.

If it was not pure enough and had a lot of bloodlines mixed, it was called impure. Beasts with this were unable to awaken it, but there were still some beasts who, through some stroke of luck or a fortunate encounter, manage to awaken that bloodline.

The most common difference that was there between Demon beasts and normal beasts was the fact that they could actually gain humanoid forms way faster.

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