Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 519 - A Blizzard

Chapter 519 - A Blizzard


Even in the Nascent Soul realm, there were several demon beasts who managed to gain a humanoid form. And the higher their cultivator base went, the closer they could get to a true human form.

"Huh… so the Demon Spine Ape king is basically three quarters Beast and one quarter Demon?" Lin Wu estimated.

Lin Wu took a few more looks at the Man in the Fox Mask, or he must say Demon Beast in the fox mask.

"Hmm… looking at his choice of attire, he must be a fox Demon beast, right?" Lin Wu guessed.

"Oh yeah, system what's his cultivation base? He seems way too strong even for Dao Shell realm. Perhaps even comparable to Zhu Tianying." Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: The Fox Demon Beast is at the Shell Expansion Stage of the Dao Shell realm. According to the System's estimation, the Demon beast has been in this stage for at least several centuries.


Reading this Lin Wu was rather confused.

"Why has he not chosen to breakthrough? It's quite obvious that he has all the requirements. I mean… his control of ice and frost seems as good as Zhu Tianying's control over fire. It should be easy for him to create a Dao Embryo." Lin Wu wondered.

But since he could not get any answers now, he had to shelve it for the time being and focus on the fight. 


The falling snow gained momentum and turned from a gentle snowfall into an all out blizzard. The snow blew and buffeted all the beasts that were around the area. 

"EVERYONE GET BACK!" The Slim Arm Ape King ordered.

He didn't even need to speak half of the sentence and all of the beasts that were there were already retreating. This included the Split Thorn thorn beetle king, the Demon Spine Ape King, Lin Wu's servants, and even some of the Tapir Beasts that were getting affected by it.

Thankfully for them, the Fox Demon Beast controlled the clouds and made it so that it only spread towards the Tapir Beasts and not towards the others. 

"Why is someone like you interfering? What do you want? Territory? With your power, you can easily get it!" The Silver Tusk Tapir questioned.

"My aims are none of your concerns. All you need to know is that if you do not retreat, death is your only option." The Fox Demon Beast said.

Hearing the voice, Lin Wu could clearly tell that it belonged to that of a man. One that was possible in his thirties. 

'Just what kind of a deal did the system make with the Demon beast? For someone as strong as this to accept, there must have been some kind of a price.' Lin Wu thought.

He watched as the Silver tapir beast only got more angry and steam came out of his snout and mouth.

"So you don't agree… fine… I'll just end it." The Fox Demon Beast said before raising his hands.

"Forbidden Frost Scripture: Absolute Winter Barrage!" 

The moment the incantation was said, it was as if a white carpet had been spread all over the area. Everything became white and cold. The trees and ground could not be seen at all, and a bone chilling wind blew.

The Silver Tusk Tapir beast that was huffing hot air angrily was nowhere to be seen, having been buried under the massive snow blanket. The blizzard raged on as it spread more and more.

"RUN!!!" The Souther Tapir Beasts shouted and tried to escape.


The blizzard drowned all of them and soon covered a large area of the fifth ring of the millennium forest. No trace of the Tapir beasts could be seen, and only the man in the fox mask could be seen standing in the sky.

He looked at the scene below with a high gaze, as if what he had killed were mere insects. The Slim Arm Ape King and the others who had just seen all of this were left with fear in their hearts.

They felt that they were lucky this person was on their side, otherwise, they probably would have perished either way. 

"Just what kind of people does master know? He even got a strong cultivator like this to help out?" The High Wind Gale sparrow spoke.

This sentence was like water being poured over the head of the Slim Arm ape king. He realized the crux of the entire thing. 

'Of course! It was him who asked this demon beast to come help. If he can do something like this, then he must have some strong connections… I don't think I've even heard of a demon beast like this before.

It has certainly lived a long time and with ice abilities like his, he should have been well known. Even when I was with master, I never heard of a beast like this…' The Slim Arm Ape King thought to himself.

The image of Lin Wu in his mind went up a few more ranks and a strange glint appeared in his eyes.

"If he can call a Demon beast like this, then… he can certainly fulfill that… he should definitely be able to figure out the mystery of the millennium forest! He will fulfill master's last wish." The Slim Arm Ape King muttered to himself.

While the others did not hear him right now, Lin Wu certainly did.

"Huh… now he's mistaken… and a master? He wants me to fulfill his master's wish, what's that about?" Lin Wu wondered as well.

'Guess I'll talk to him about this later.' He decided.

He put his attention back on the area and saw the man in the white fox mask wave his hands again. This time though, the clouds started to retreat and were absorbed back into his hands.

In about a minute, all of the clouds were gone and just the snow was left below. 


The Nascent soul realm beasts and ruler swallowed their saliva and looked at the aftermath.

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