Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 564 - A Wish Fulfilled

Chapter 564 - A Wish Fulfilled

Lin Wu's arrival was met with acceptance and he was allowed to quickly enter the cave where the Slim Arm Ape King and The Demon Spine ape king were waiting.  josei

"What are you here for King Lin Wu?" The Slim Ape King questioned, even though he had an idea about it.

Lin Wu then went on to explain what he was going to do and make them into his subordinates officially. He also did explain to them that he had taken in the Twin Lights Liger King under him too and the phenomena that occurred previously was basically him getting the ownership of the entire forest.

"This… then you must know about the truth of the forest now?" The Slim Arm Ape King questioned with great expectations.

This was one of the desires that he had for a long item and was the dying wish of his master that he wanted to be fulfilled. Lin Wu was the person that had come closest to it and the Slim Arm Ape King wondered if it was already completed.

"Ah that… it is a long story. But yes, I know what there is to the forest now." Lin Wu said and told the Slim Arm ape about the tomb of the Dark Celestial and how it was sealed.

While Lin Wu hid some crucial parts, it was still enough for the Slim Arm Ape King to be satisfied. After all, this was the deal that he had made and now fulfilling it made sense. Though the Slim Arm Ape King still found it to be a bit difficult to believe that his goal of so many years would be fulfilled this quickly after meeting and agreeing to Lin Wu.

He now felt even more trust in Lin Wu and thought that he had made the right decision.

"Now then… I'll officially make you two my subordinates as well." Lin Wu stated.

"What will we have to do? Are there any conditions?" The Demon Spine ape King, who had stood up as a sign of respect to Lin Wu asked.

"Well, for the most part, you two will be doing the same things as you have been doing till now. You two will have control over your territory and do as you please as long as they don't go against my own goals.

Other than that… there will be a few changes that I'll ask to make in the future, but I assure you that they will be beneficial to not just you but also your subordinates and the forest as a whole." Lin Wu explained.

The two ape kings heard Lin Wu's words and thought over them for a bit before finally responding.

"Very well… I accept." The Demon Spine Ape King was the first to answer this time, which was a bit surprising to Lin Wu.

'I guess he's had enough of beat downs to now know there is no use resisting.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

"I accept as well. I never thought my master's wish would finally be fulfilled. I will be honored to follow you." The Slim Arm Ape chimed in.

"Alright, now stay still and don't move. It'll be done quickly." Lin Wu said before starting with the Pentagem implanting procedures.

None of the beasts knew that becoming Lin Wu's subordinate or servant was the same as being a slave in a sense. Though Lin Wu didn't really force them all the time. It was far more efficient for him to let them do their own things and only ask them for changes when needed.

Besides, with his bloodline control, the beasts themselves will be conducive to Lin Wu's orders and be willing to follow them. They would never think that they are slaves, rather they would feel dedicated to him instead.

Such was the benefit of the Bloodline and the Pentagem that allowed Lin Wu to extend it to other beasts. 

In just a few minutes, both the Ape Kings were added to Lin Wu's list of subordinates and were now officially part of the Emeraldine Legion. Similar to the rest, the two of them had the Pentagem in their forehead and their bodies were slowly adapting to the new bloodline.

The Slim Arm ape King could feel his body change slowly and knew that he would be seeing some new things soon. As for the Demon Spine ape King, he didn't feel it as much as his father, but he did sense the presence of the other beasts of the Emeraldine Legion Bloodline in the forest.

Lin Wu then gave the two of them a little information about the communication and teleportation before taking his leave.

Once Lin Wu was gone, the Demon Spine Ape King looked at his father and spoke.

"Father… do you sense others of your kind?" The Demon Spine Ape king questioned.

"Hmm… I do, they are far. But I can sense them." The Slim Arm Ape King answered.

"I can't sense any Slim Arm Ape other than you. Perhaps my bloodline has been far to distanced now." The Demon Spine Ape King stated.

"Hmm… perhaps it's just a matter of time. Maybe you'll sense them after you get used to it?" The Slim Arm Ape King suggested.

"Maybe…" The Demon Spine ape king said and went silent.

But a minute after that, his eyes suddenly went wide, and his fur stood on end. The Slim Arm Ape King sensed the change in his son's expression and was concerned.

"What's the matter?" The Slim Arm Ape King asked.

"I… I… I can sense someone… someone other than the Emeraldine Legion…" The Demon Spine Ape King replied.

"What do you sense… or rather… who do you sense?" The Slim Arm Ape King questioned, a few ideas appearing in his mind.

"The aura is very similar to me… and I'm thinking it's my Demon Spine Ape Bloodline that it belongs to. It's coming from very far though… I can only tell that it is somewhere far to the west, but nothing more than that.." The Demon Spine Ape King answered.

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