Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 565 - The First Feast

Chapter 565 - The First Feast

Lin Wu returned to the Tomb after being done with the two ape kings and decided to treat himself to a good meal.

"I just finished a lot of tasks that I've been meaning to do for years now. This is the right time for a feast!" Lin Wu said out loud.

He quickly sent out messages to his servants to set things up while he himself decided to watch some screens to entertain himself. With the monitoring formations, there was always something to watch and Lin Wu could find some beasts that were having a fight.

Since he had already told his servants and subordinates to direct their underlings to fight and determine their rankings, Lin Wu had plenty of fights to watch. 

"Ahh~ reminds me of my childhood when I used to watch one wrestling match after the other. Just pure mindless violence for fun~" Lin Wu said to himself as he munched on some of the snacks he had stored in his inventory.

He ate them very carefully so as to not go through them. With his appetite, he could virtually eat all that he had stored in just a couple of bites. He definitely did not want to empty out his snacks that fast and wanted to savor them.josei

'After all, what use for a snack that simply satisfies that hunger. It is the taste that gives its true meaning…' Lin Wu thought to himself.

Over the years, his servants and their underlings had carried out his orders rather well. There were now many farms and orchards in the forest that produced both normal vegetables and fruits along with spirit herbs.

For Lin Wu, snacks were more for enjoyment, thus he didn't mind them not being useful for his cultivation. Plus, another benefit they had in the forest was that due to the higher concentration of spirit Qi, even normal veggies and fruits grew quickly.

Not only was their growth fast, but their yield and quality were also higher too. Lin Wu had checked the reports and records and even wondered if they would turn into spirit herbs after a certain point.

"Let's see how they are preparing for the feast… hehehe," Lin Wu muttered to himself as he pulled up a monitor screen that showed one of the halls of the tomb.

In it, a lot of movement and noise was currently going on as the beasts worked.

"QUICK! QUICK! QUICK! Master has asked us for the first time to cook! We have to do our best!" One of the Emeraldine monkeys that was at the Peak stage of the Core Condensation stage shouted.

"YES SENIOR!" The rest of the beasts replied.

Lin Wu could see several other Core condensation realm beasts working and replying to the Emeraldine monkey. They weren't mutated by Lin Wu and thus weren't part of the Emeraldine Legion, but they had certainly increased their intelligence after a certain point.

Most of the beasts that Lin Wu saw there were other monkey beasts, but there were also some beasts like a large Crab beast that used its claws to hold a large ladle and then walked around a pot to stir it. 

There were beasts that could use fire, heating up things, while bird beasts would use their wings to fan the flames. Various beasts came together to make the best use of their abilities, all under the direction of the Emeraldine monkeys.

"Seems like they've got this under control. Hmm… reminds me of a certain celebrity chef I liked to watch…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.

He watched the entire thing like some cooking show and then switched to something else when he got a bit bored. Just like that, he kept on scrolling through the screens as if he was watching TV and spent his time in relaxation.

And just like this, hours passed, and the food was ready.

"Master, we have the feast prepared for you in the dining hall as you asked." The Emeraldine Monkey sent a message.

"Oh? You're done already?" Lin Wu asked as he switched his attention from one of the screens on which a pair of beetles seem to be in a flipping competition.

"Yes! Master can come for the feast now!" The Emeraldine monkey replied.

Lin Wu then nodded his head and teleported away to the dining hall. 

"Ooooo! I like the decorations too." Lin Wu said, upon observing the drapes and curtains that hung on the walls.

He remembered the last time he checked this hall. It was just empty and filled with broken debris. He had randomly assigned this place to be a dining hall and had then forgotten about it.

"Please tell me if you are pleased with everything. The food is waiting for you to grace its presence."  The Emeraldine Monkey said in an eloquent manner, which made Lin Wu chuckle.

"Have you been talking with the Emeraldine Sky Light Ape recently?" Lin Wu asked curiously.

"Umm… yes. I went to him so that he could teach me the way humans talk and something called as dining etiquette." The Emeraldine Monkey replied.

"Huh, I see." Lin Wu replied casually, though internally he wondered something else. 

'I wonder where the heck does the 'Monk'ey beast, learn all this from…' Lin Wu thought to himself.

He soon came up to the food, which was placed on a large stone table. It was a bit strange to call it a table as it was over a hundred meters wide square and looked more like a platform instead.

There were large platters made out of wood and stone placed on it that contains the dishes made by the beasts. While it looked a little sloppy when Lin Wu compared the presentation, Lin Wu didn't mind that.

'All that matters is the taste…' Lin Wu said and got ready to eat.

With his every transforming and multipurpose tail, he quickly turned it into a spoon and took a sip of a large tank of soup that was placed at the very front.

Fine pieces of meat and vegetables could be seen floating in it, looking rather pretty.. The aroma was rather nice as well and made Lin Wu's mouth water.

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