Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 583 - Goals Are Aligned

Chapter 583 - Goals Are Aligned

Lin Wu wondered just how viable this method of making a contract was. He was interested in this because it was actually useful to him. After all, he too was after a certain beast that was an invader in this world.

'That beast that came with the meteor… it's technically an invader too, isn't it? That means its power should be restricted too. Guess I'll have a better chance at killing it, if this restriction of the world thing applies to it as well.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

He then focused on Yun Bai's situation and thought over it a bit, before figuring out a few more things about him.

"So I'm guessing you regretted making that agreement later on?" Lin Wu questioned.

"Yes… our contract stated that I would serve as a guardian for five hundred years minimum, and after that, I would only stay with the sect as long as I didn't find a solution to leave this planet. 

The contract was made with someone of this world, so it allowed the world to give me somewhat of a leeway and it eased up on me. Taking that time, I broke through to the Dao Shell realm. But I cannot progress anymore.

Another clause was for the sect to help me find a solution as well." Yun Bai answered.

"And they did not do that?" Lin Wu asked.

"No, they actually did… but that method is not something we can use. The way to leave the world was to reach the Immortal Ascension realm, but of course, the world will not allow us to do that.

I tried to look for other methods and researched a lot. I tried everything from teleportation formations to spatial rifts that occasionally appeared in the world. But none of them turned out to be a viable option.

The teleportation arrays that could have been used for leaving this world were either destroyed after the invaders were repelled, or they became useless due to the defenses of the world increasing due to the temples of the guardian beasts." Yun Bai replied.

"So you know about the three guardian beasts too… that is something not many people in this world know of." Lin Wu said.

"I do… I got to learn plenty about them in my years here. Half of my problems can be attributed to them. If it were not for them bolstering the world, we would have been able to leave with no problem.

But now we can neither become part of this world and neither can we leave it. Those three guardian clans also prevent any knowledge of the beasts from being revealed to the world. They want to keep the true power limited so that they can stay as the overlord of this world.

After all, if the people learn the true powers of the temples, they will start to grow strong at a far greater speed than before." Yun Bai stated.

"The bloodlines of the guardian beasts… the three clans don't want others to have it, but the temples can offer it to them. Thus by restricting the knowledge, they can prevent them from obtaining it as well." Lin Wu summarized.

"Indeed. Humans can find so many ways to oppress their own kind. If only they let everyone have more knowledge about the temples, there might have been a lot more experts.

Perhaps if there were enough of them, the world would have grown in its overall power and reached the next level. Thereby allowing the travel between worlds freely. At least that way we would have had some hope of leaving." Yun Bai said in a frustrated tone.

"Hahaha!" Lin Wu couldn't help but laugh upon hearing this.

"Seems like our goals are aligned in the end." Lin Wu stated.

"They are?" Yun Bai repeated.

"Indeed. We both are against the great powers of this world. You are against them for your reasons, while I am against it because they are not on the right path. There is a great danger that is in this world that no one knows about it." Lin Wu replied.

"The shadow calamity… and the skull god… I saw them." Yun Bai said, recalling all that he had seen in the memory slip.

"The first incident has already occurred. This time, the target was the Dread Coil marsh. I managed to stop it but I do not know if it will be possible again." Lin Wu revealed.

"That was you!?" Yun Bai was surprised again.josei

He knew of the incidents at the Dread Coil marsh as it had become a big shocker to everyone on the Long continent. Everyone, from the commoners to the top clans and sects, now knew of it and were investigating it.

Even after ten years, they had little to no clues about who could be behind it. The flames that burned the Dread Coil marsh had died out by now, but even then there was little to nothing for them to see.

Only ash and dirt were left behind with all the trees and places in the Dread Coil Marsh gone. The same could be said with the Jiao Dian city as it was already confirmed that it was done by the same being.

"Yes… and so was the Jiao Dian city. The shadow calamity had already spread amongst the populace there." Lin Wu stated.

"No wonder… seems like this world is far too unlucky. Not just for us but for the humans as well." Yun Bai replied.

"Mmhmm… though I want to change that." Lin Wu spoke.

"Change it? How?" Yun Bai questioned.

"By taking over it, of course. My master's initiative was for his disciples to spread to different worlds and establish a great power that would protect them from the Shadow calamity. 

But he didn't specify that we only had to protect it. We can take over the world as well, if its powers was far too incompetent to look after themselves. And from all that I've seen after awakening, this world needs us far more than we need it." Lin Wu answered.

Hearing all this, Yun Bai was stunned.. He had not expected Lin Wu to have such great ambitions.

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