Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 584 - Yun Bai's Agreement

Chapter 584 - Yun Bai's Agreement

Yun Bai was now certain that there was a great chance with the help of Lin Wu, he and his clan might have the chance to leave the world. The only questions left for him were now, how and when?

"Hmm… what you want to do is certainly not something the powers of this world will like… but I will support you. As long as you can fulfill your end of the deal." Yun Bai stated after hearing Lin Wu's words.

"Of course. As long as you are willing to follow me and go ahead with the plan, I'll do my best to fulfill my end of the deal." Lin Wu replied.

"Alright, say if I do agree with this. What are the requirements that I would have to fulfill and when is it that we might be able to leave this planet?" Yun Bai questioned.

"For the requirements, I do not have that many. I simply want you to cooperate with me in establishing my organization and spreading it. Of course, I've heard that you have certain restrictions and cannot act directly, and I understand that. We can find some ways to overcome that and work something out.

As for when we will be able to leave the planet, it will be slightly difficult to say… at the minimum, it might take us a hundred years." Lin Wu answered.

Hearing Lin Wu's words, Yun Bai secretly took a breath of relief. He was pleased that Lin Wu understood his restrictions and even if it was going to take a hundred years to leave, it was within his consideration. Leaving a world was not something easy to do anyway for an average cultivator, not to mention the fact that he needed to take his entire clan with him.

If he had to wait till all of his clansmen reached the Immortal Ascension realm, which was often the minimum needed to leave a world, it would have been at least a thousand years or more to do it. This was obviously an option that he didn't have.

Thus, a hundred years was far less than he had expected it to be possible.

"If you can truly do it in hundred years, it will be amazing." Yun Bai stated.

"Yes, but if we want to get started on it, I need to know what are the things you can do and cannot do." Lin Wu asked.

"The things that I can do are anything that my strength allows, as for the ones that I cannot do is anything that goes against the Frozen Cloud sect. I cannot interfere in its internal matters and neither can I do anything about its internal conflict." Yun Bai replied.

"I see… for the Frozen Cloud sect, I'll handle it since Wang Xiong is my junior. Frozen Cloud sect is certainly a good place to start with our mission. I've already taken over the Millennium forest and thus the beasts there will be supporting us." Lin Wu stated.

Yun Bai nodded his head and the two of them discussed for a couple more hours and planned on the things that needed to be done. In that time, Lin Wu also got to know more about Yun Bai and his clan. The Frost Foxes were currently living in a different area than the Frozen Cloud sect. 

The area was under great formation arrays that had been made thousands of years ago, and it was said to be one of the strongholds of the invaders. After they were repelled, Yun Bai's ancestors turned it into a place for them to live in.

It was hidden in a grotto to the south of the Frozen Cloud sect and could only be accessed by those that had the bloodline of the Frost Fox Demon beasts. Lin Wu took note of it and the system quickly extrapolated the location.

Lin Wu also learned more about the situation of the Frozen Cloud sect and the division that had happened in the recent times. 

'So the conflict has been ongoing for over three hundred years already… and it has been brewing since then. A rivalry between fellow disciples that continued onto their juniors…' Lin Wu thought.

The reason for the conflict started when the patriarch, who was the predecessor of the current one was chosen. There were two candidates back then as well and both of them were chief disciples. But in the end, Wang Xiong's master, the current patriarch won.

The one who had failed was the head of the discipline pavilion. But that was not the only identity the man had. He was also the son of the current supreme elder. The supreme elder had been in his position for over eight hundred years now and was even older than the patriarch.

Though both of their cultivation base were close and the patriarch was only stronger due to the techniques and skills he inherited. This was also why he couldn't fully oppose the competition either and could only maintain the balance.

This was also where Yun Bai's position came into play. In the sect, only a few people knew of his existence, which included the patriarch, the supreme elder, and the ancestors of the sect. He was their guardian and would also act as an arbitrator when problems arose.

His powers were restricted by the contract he made and he would have to be as fair as possible. He could not favor one party over the other. Thus, if they wanted to do anything, it would have to be Wang Xiong and Lin Wu would do it.

With the plans determined, Lin Wu decided to call Wang Xiong and Ye Jin back.josei

"You called for us, senior?" Wang Xiong said after returning.

"Yes… come sit. We have some things to discuss." Lin Wu replied.

Wang Xiong and Ye Jin felt a little nervous, but acquiesced nevertheless. Once Lin Wu started to speak of his plan though, Wang Xiong and Ye Jin were blown away.. This had gone beyond their understanding and left them short of breath.

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