Rosie's Games

Chapter 234

Chapter 234: Threats

In Milith's story, she was immediately taken by General Lytton and Lieutenant Bohan. They had to show everyone that they were doing their best to find her body.

Milith said that General Lytton was very convincing when he threw a tantrum in front of the Royalty, forcing the Emperor to actually send more soldiers to search for her body.

The Lux Family did not even have a funeral ceremony for Rosalind which made Milith cry.

"We heard rumors that they had to throw out all the things that were touched by the Young Miss in the house where we were staying. Not only that, they even instructed the maids to burn everything including the clothes. It seemed that they really wanted to get rid of the Young Miss's memories," Milith said. "Even General Lytton was angry when he heard the rumors. However, we cannot exactly do anything about it."

"So, you have been here for a few weeks?"

"Days. However, I have not been able to walk around."

"Was it because of the weather?"

"No. They have some rules that everyone needs to follow. One of them is that no one is allowed to leave their chambers after nine in the evening."

"No one?" Rosalind frowned.

"Yes, not one." Milith then leaned closer. "Young Miss, I think something is strange in this mansion."

"Everything in the North can be considered strange, Milith," Rosalind said as she finished her food.

"No. I really think that something else is going on."

"You have only been here for a few days."

"I know, but it's just that there are people that seem to give off something different."


"I cannot explain it, but I know different when I see it." Milith shrugged.

"Did the maids bully you?" Rosalind could not help but ask.

"Bully?" Milith frowned. "No, Young Miss, I think you misunderstood. They never talk to me and would simply avoid me as if I had some sort of disease. However, I prefer it like that since I do not want to talk to anyone else. I did not think that could be considered bullying."

"Is that so?"

Milith nodded in response. "Do you want me to get you another bowl of porridge?" she asked.

"Yes, please."

Not long after, Milith came back with another bowl of porridge. However, this time, there were two other people with her.

"Young Miss this is—"

"I will introduce myself, thank you very much," the lanky man wearing all-black clothing spoke with a deep authoritative voice that did not suit his weak-looking appearance. "I am Lance Walford, the butler of His Grace Lucas Rothley. I have been working with the Rothley family since before His Grace was born." Lance put his right hand on his left chest and gave her a shallow bow.

"This one is Madam Clemence Spencer, you can call her Madam Spencer. She is the head maid of the mansion. She is in charge of everything, including the maids." Lance eyed Milith. "Everything that concerns the welfare of the maids and the house."

Hearing this, Rosalind got out of bed.

"It is a pleasure meeting you two—"

"We are here to tell you about some rules." Butler Walford interrupted her with the same authoritative voice. "The estate is owned by the Rothley Family and the rules that we follow are the rules that were made by the first Rothley Duke." He then made a deliberate pause. "Take your seat. There is no need for you to stand up when in front of any servants."

Rosalind compiled without saying a word. She could feel hostility coming from the two, but quickly dismissed it as something that they show to new people.

"You are meant to stay in this tower until the Duke decides to see you. By then, he will personally visit the tower. You are not allowed to visit other towers and are only allowed to visit the gardens. We will provide you with food and everything else that you need. Books, clothes, fabrics, delicacies, you name it," Butler Walford continued. Then he eyed the head maid.

"To continue," Head Maid Spencer said, her face devoid of any expression. "You are not allowed to step foot near the mansion and you are not allowed to see the Duke without proper protocols. You are not allowed to go out after nine in the evening. You will only have one maid, but some maids will come here weekly to take care of the cleaning and everything else."

"You are given a monthly stipend, but you are allowed to spend your own money if you want to buy something that is above your monthly stipend. Whatever it is that you brought from the south shall belong to you alone. We will not touch it or even lay an eye on it."

"You can tell us what you want and we will do our best to give you everything." Madam Spencer said. "Do you have any questions?" she asked.

"Where is Lucas?" Rosalind asked. Almost immediately, the Butler and the Head Maid's faces morphed into an ugly scowl.

"No one is allowed to call him by his name. Please call him His Grace."

Rosalind pursed her lips. "I have no time for this. I want to see him." josei

"You must follow the rules, Lady Rosie," Butler Walford said. "You are not allowed to see him unless he comes here and visits you. I suggest you listen to our words. That is, if you want to survive long enough for you to officially become his wife."

Rosalind could feel her blood boil. For some reason, she felt a surge of anger from the inside. "I do not respond well with threats, Butler Walford."

"Many people speak the same thing without knowing the consequences of their words," Butler Walford said. "All of them have met their end not long after they said that."

The man was clearly threatening her. Suddenly, Rosalind was tempted to cut the man's tongue, cook it and feed it to the wolves. Then she blinked, surprised by her sudden violent thoughts. Her chest raised and fell abruptly.

"Since you no longer have any questions, we are leaving."

"Who gave you permission to leave?" Rosalind asked in a cold voice. Then her eyes widened as she used her hand to cover her mouth.


She did not want to say that at all!


As always, thank you for your support. Everything has been edited except the last 2 chapters. Tomorrow, there is another mass release for voting for the novel. Thank you very much!

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