Rosie's Games

Chapter 235

Chapter 235: Duchess of Wugari

"You— What did you just say?" Head maid Spencer lifted an eyebrow.


"I heard that she's awake so we rushed here with everyone else." Magda's voice came from outside the door. Like the owner of the room, Magda waltzed in with a smile on her face. She was dressed in black and brown leather and a large coat made of some animal's fur.

"Ah, Madam Spencer, how have you been?" Magda asked. "I was not expecting to see you here."

"Magda…" Head Maid Spencer looked at Magda and Denys who followed her inside. "Sir Denys." Head Maid Spencer's attitude immediately changed when she saw Denys.

"I am here on the Duke's orders. The Duke is currently not available but he did not want anyone bothering the future mistress of the house."


"The wedding will be held in a private ceremony with the King of Wugari as witness once the Duke is back."

Rosalind frowned. Lucas is not here? Does this mean he was still in Lonyth? Was he trying to fix the aftermath of what happened?

"Sir Denys there must be a misunderstanding she is—"

"She is someone that the Duke holds dear," Denys stressed. "You may leave now."

"Yes, Sir." Surprisingly, both the Butler and Head Maid nodded their heads and left without saying another word.

"You look well," Magda uttered. She walked towards the large chair, picked a book and opened it. "I mean for someone who died."


"Magda, this is not the time for that," Denys said.

"What is she talking about?" Rosalind immediately asked. Did she die? Obviously, she's currently alive and well.

"We— We thought you lost your life after the explosion. His Grace said that you absorbed the darkness and that you could die at any given time," Denys explained before he avoided her gaze. "We are here to check if you are alright."

"What happened after that?" she asked.

"We do not know." Magda shrugged. "We saw the darkness swirling around you two but we could not see what was happening on the inside. Once the darkness disappeared, there was only the Duke standing there."

"I—" josei

"Because of you, everyone in that plaza survived," Denys said. "The Duke wanted you to know that the marriage—"

"I want to know where he is," Rosalind cut him off. She was not concerned about the marriage, she was more concerned about him. What happened after he kissed her? Those black veins on his hands were real. It was because of her.

"I want answers," Rosalind uttered.

"He is recuperating," Denys said.

"I want to see him."

"He did not want anyone to see his current state."

Rosalind met Denys's eyes. "Was it because of darkness?" she asked. "I can help him. I can—"

"You must understand…" Denys said. "This is not the first time that His Grace has dealt with darkness. He will recover and come back soon. As for the marriage—"

"The marriage will happen when he is here. I don't care if it happens tomorrow or next year. All I wanted was to know if he is alright."

"His Grace is—" Denys made a deliberate pause as if he was carefully thinking of the words that he would use to describe the Duke's current state. However, this only made her more disgruntled. "He is fine."

"Then I want to see him," Rosalind said.


"There is no way that I am letting him deal with a problem that I caused." All she wanted was to help him out. In the end, he was the one who helped her. "I will see him," she said firmly.

"That will not happen."

"You cannot stop me," Rosalind said. "I can leave this place whenever I want to…"

"The Duke is currently not in the mansion.'

Her lips thinned.

She already expected this answer.


"Meanwhile, the King of Wugari already wrote a decree about your marriage to the Duke. While the Duke is not yet here, you will undergo some training in management. You will familiarize yourself with the North and your responsibilities as the new Duchess. Your name will be added to the registry tomorrow and—"

"I have yet to marry him," Rosalind said. She could not help but wonder why it seemed like they were trying to talk about marriage when the Duke was not feeling well. Did they think this would take her mind off him? Did they think she was like most women who would get excited to talk about their marriage?

She had been married once. In fact, she had been married for more than forty years.

In her past life, the man that she married betrayed her.

The fact that they were married did not do a single thing to stop him from making her look like a fool!

At the end of the day, marriage was nothing but a formality.

"It has been so long since this mansion had a Duchess," Denys said.

"This house never had a Duchess," Magda snorted. "People would not call them cursed lovers if they actually married someone in the past."

Rosalind said nothing. She tried to recall any mentions of a Duchess of Wugari in her past life, but could not remember anything.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"You did not know this?" Magda asked. "I thought it was public knowledge that all Dukes of Wugari never had a wife?"

"Then how…"

"No one knows," Magda said. "Of course, you could ask him if you were so curious."

"What do you mean by that?" Rosalind asked.

"Alright. This is not the time for such gossip. Magda, I did not bring you here to plant false words into Lady Rosie's brain."

"Alright, I'm sorry. Those were just rumors, you do not have to believe them. Still, those rumors can easily make one think about the secret that this household has. Am I right, Lady Rosie?"

Rosie said nothing while Denys let out a sigh.

Now that Rosie thought about it, she could not recall any mention of any Duchess of the North in her past life. She could not remember anything about the previous Duchess either. It was as if… Lucas and the previous Duke would just appear out of nowhere. Was that even possible?



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