Rosie's Games

Chapter 250

Chapter 250: Consort Leona's Winter Berry Parfait

"It is an honor to be invited by the King and Queen of Wugari themselves," Rosalind said as she curtsied towards the Queen. Finally, she was able to finish her food and was even bringing a box of more sweets from the Queen's personal chef.

She really wanted to ask the chef to personally work for her, but she was definitely scared to inquire about it— at least not at this very moment.

However, Rosalind was quite confident that she would be able to convince the chef to work for her very soon.

"It's a pleasure, Duchess Rosie," Queen Aurinda said with a smile. Of course, this was because she did not know that Rosie was planning on stealing her chef. "If you want to eat more, please visit me whenever you want to."

The Queen gestured to one of her servants and the servant handed Rosalind a token.

"My personal token. This would allow you to visit my chambers anytime," the Queen said.


The Queen nodded. "If you want to eat something delicious, then feel free to visit me. I have been very lonely as the King had been very busy with the refugees and some other important things. It would be nice to talk to someone that is not within the harem."

Rosalind nodded at that. While the Queen was not showing jealousy, the fact that her man was sleeping with other women must have hurt her. Sadly, she did not have the luxury to express her feelings.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." This time, Rosalind pulled the Queen for a hug, a gesture that surprised everyone, including the Queen. To the Northerner, this might be considered rude, but to Rosalind, it was nothing but a reason to get close to the Queen.

Rosalind quickly ended the hug. She then gracefully smiled and said, "Your Majesty, I know I sound audacious, but would you mind walking with me until I arrive at the drawing room of the palace where my personal knight had been waiting for me?"

"My—" Queen Aurinda finally recovered from her shock. "I did not think that you are this fearless!" This time, she beamed at Rosalind. "I like it."

"Your Majesty—" One of the servants tried to stop her from going with Rosalind, but the Queen was quick to dismiss them.

"Tell His Majesty that I will be with him very soon," Queen Aurinda said. Left with no choice, the two servants finally left them alone.

"Is there any reason why you wanted to be alone with me?" Queen Aurinda inquired when they started walking.

"Your Majesty is very smart. There is indeed something."

"What is it?" Queen Aurinda asked. "I hope you are not going to tell me that you are trying to run away from this marriage? I would not be able to help you."

"Ha…" Rosalind could not help but smirk. Her calm and collected demeanor vanished. "I am talking about the reason why you do not have a child."


"Do not stop walking, Your Majesty, someone is watching us."

"Oh—" The Queen started walking again. "What are you talking about?"

"Infertility," Rosalind said.

"How did you—"

"I am a sorceress, Your Majesty," Rosalind reminded her.

"This is something that we have hidden, even from the Duke. Only my husband and I know the physician's words about my infertility."

"It was poison," Rosalind said.


"What did you say?"

"I believe, Your Majesty heard me."

"But— But how is that possible? The physicians told me that—"

"They are wrong. This is not infertility, but a poison created by a sorcerer." Rosalind could recognize the poison inside the Queen's body as she could feel the darkness that was coming out of it.

Her Blessing had been salivating as it wanted to absorb it. Rosalind could only chuckle inwardly. It seems that her Blessing was as greedy for darkness as she was for sweet food.

The Queen let out a surprised gasp.

"I was assured that there was no poison in my body."

"A sorcerer's poison cannot be recognized by mere physicians," Rosalind said. "That is the reason why many people want to work with them, even if the things that they want in return are… almost impossible to achieve."

"Are you certain about this?"

"I am."

"I— I just— I apologize but I do not think I—" The Queen bit her lower lip. Obviously, Rosalind understood the Queen's current predicament. How could she believe Rosalind's words?

All these years, many physicians must have already examined her body and determined that she was infertile and had no ability to give birth.

"Since you were able to tell me that, then is there anything that I can do to remove it from my body?"

"The poison has been in your body for a long time. My guess is, it had been with you even before you married the King."

"We have been together since we were sixteen. We married at seventeen. We— we were each other's first and—" the Queen swallowed. "My apologies. I did not mean to talk about private matters. It's just that…" Queen Aurinda clenched her jaw as if she was trying her best to stop herself from crying.

"Your Majesty, Duchess Rosies—" their conversation was halted when one of the Consorts, Consort Leona called them. She was smiling at the two as she approached.

"Consort Leona, is there something that you need?"

"There is none. However, I heard that the Duchess is fond of sweets. I thought it would be a very good welcoming gesture to give her some of my favorite desserts," Consort Leona smiled as she gestured to one of her servants to give Rosalind a delicate velvet box.

Who would dare put their dessert in a velvet box? Even the Queen's desserts were put in a box— a normal wooden one with its own handle so Rosalind could easily carry it.

However, the Consort really dared to put her food inside a velvet box! Isn't this some kind of provocation? If it was, then Rosalind did not want to get herself involved in such machinations. She would rather stay away from these people!

However, since this is the first time that she saw something like this, she accepted it without having second thoughts.

"Thank you."

"You are welcome and welcome to Wugari." With that, Consort Leona bowed to the both of them before bidding her goodbye. Seeing her gone, Rosalind looked at the Queen's ugly expression.

"It seems that this is not the right time to talk about this," Rosalind smiled. She clutched the velvet box closer to her body as if scared that the Queen would ask her to leave it behind.

"You are right. I apologize for losing control of my emotions. I will be sending you another invite in the next coming days. Please come back so we can talk about what you just told me."

Rosalind nodded. Then, she went to where Magda and Milith were waiting. Together, they walked out of the palace gates and into their carriage.

Once she reached the carriage, she immediately opened the velvet box.

"Young Miss, that looks gorgeous!" Milith said.

"Isn't that a Winter Berry Parfait?" Magda said. "It's whipped milk and sponge cake with winter berries— those berries only grow in the North."

However, Rosalind's attention was not on the beauty of the cake but… on the darkness that came from within it.

The cake had poison!

She let out a frustrated sigh.


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