Rosie's Games

Chapter 251

Chapter 251: The Black Walls

Why would Consort Leona poison her food?

Rosalind's face turned ugly as she thought about that woman. Should she go back and teach her a lesson?

"I want to know more about Consort Leona," she said.

"Consort Leona is from Lonyth, the Peter Family to be exact. They are a family of merchants who became nobles because of their contributions to Lonyth," Magda answered. "This is public knowledge."

Rosalind pursed her lips. "Anything else?" josei

"She is the mother of Prince Steven Marlin. On a side note, there is a law that states that the Consorts are not allowed to join events or walk out of the palace. In other words, to say that the palace is their prison is an understatement." Magda shrugged. "I never understand why people made such a stupid law. How could someone think that they could put a woman like that in a cage and have them serve them forever?"

"Wasn't that something that had been decided a long time ago?" Rosalind asked.

"This has been a part of the customs of Wugari— stupid ones. I always wonder why the council did not make any changes to this rule. Perhaps they just wanted to create an atmosphere that would avoid those women from creating connections inside Wugari. After all, they are not from here."

"But they came from the North. Would it matter if they are not from Wugari?" Rosalind always thought that the North was one.

She was wrong.

The North was as dangerous as the South. In this place, not just beasts lurk around every corner, people and nobles could easily swallow you if you were careless enough! She shuddered inwardly.

"Are we going straight to the gates?" Magda said.

"Yes. Miss Monoroe already prepared an article of comfortable clothing for me." Rosalind slowly closed the box. Her mood had soured. "This has poison on it. Burn it."

"Can't you just throw it away?" Magda asked.

"No. I want it burned."

Milith accepted the box and held it close to her chest.

"Discreet, Milith."

"Yes, Young Miss."

"How did you know it was poisoned?" Magda asked.

Rosalind shrugged.

"Right," Magda said. "The consorts are not close to their sons. They call the Queen their mother and they call the consorts, second mothers. I often wonder why people would send their daughters to marry a king that does not value anyone aside from his queen."

"You sound like you dislike Wugari. Why stay here then?" Rosalind could not help but ask Magda.

"The Rothley estate is not Wugari," Magda said. "Wugari is not the Rothley Estate."

That made sense. Rosalind nodded. They stopped talking until it was time to drop off Miss Monoroe at the tower. Then she changed into comfortable trousers that she managed to cover with a robe— a large one that covered her from head to toe. After making sure that she had the outfit that she was most comfortable with, she along with Magda, left while Milith and Miss Monoroe stayed in the castle.

After a few minutes, they finally arrived at the gates.

Rosalind looked at the imposing structure of black stone that stretched as far as the eye could see. From a distance, the wall looked intimidating like a menacing black scar that lashes through the white landscaping, separating the humans from the beasts that wanted to end them.

The wall was constructed of enormous blocks of black relic stones with a dark and smooth finish. Its surface was etched with intricate designs and symbols that she had not noticed the last time she was here.

Was it because this time was calmer than before?

Rosalind started walking towards the top of the wall where the watchtowers with human guards keep a constant vigil. When she arrived at the watchtower, she immediately heard the snarling and the growling from the monsters that lurked beyond the light from the walls.

"Anything?" Rosalind heard Magda ask.

"There were only two attacks since the light disappeared."

Rosalind inhaled. The air was thick with the smell of sweat and blood from humans and beasts. Black and red blood can be seen on the snow on the other side of the walls.

"We should see the others," Rosalind said. Since her enhancement has a time limitation, she could not do it now. She could only do it when the attacks started.

Slowly, she walked down and went to the military barracks where the representative of each of the four pillar families was staying.

"Hm?" Rosalind stopped moving when she heard a loud bell coming from another part of the wall.

Rosalind narrowed as the ominous bell continued ringing. She had a bad feeling about this!

"Ah that is—"

"The rest should stay here," Rosalind said. "We should go to the other wall."

"But what about this wall?" Magda asked.

"Huig should stay here," Rosalind said. She looked around and found Huig not far away from her. The man was still acting like a ghost, even if he was no longer guarding her— something that she found a little irritating.

Rosalind had wanted to talk to him in private to thank him for what he did in Aster, but she could not find him! It was as if he was hiding from her!

"Come," Rosalind said. This time, Huig compiled without asking questions. She held Huig's hand as she channeled her light Blessing towards his body. "That should last for two hours."

"That is enough time in case the beasts come here," General Lytton said. "I have already informed the generals at the other walls that you will help them out. Please take care of you—"

"I can take Lady Rosie —" Huig suddenly interrupted the General. "Taking a horse is quite slow."

There was silence as everyone turned their eyes to him.

"I will carry her," Huig added. "It would be quicker that way."

"No," Magda said. "It is my job to be with her all the time. I will carry her."

"No. I—"

"Both of you are talking as if I am as light as cotton," Rosalind said as she approached one of the horses nearby. "You can go ahead and continue talking while I go to the other side of the wall." With that, Rosalind climbed into the horse and lightly pressed the heels of her shoes on its side, coaxing it to move forward. "I'll see you at the walls," Rosalind said.

For some reason, her intuition was telling her that someone was wrong on the other side of the wall.

Just as the bell started ringing, her horse started trotting.

"Let's go!" Rosalind said.


My goal is to reach chapter 300 this month!

Also, I made some edits. It's Miss Monoroe, not Morone. I am so sorry for the inconsistencies. I am in project mode this week. My exams are next week so I feel light-headed all the time.T.T

Thank you for the support and understanding.

Fb page: Author B.Mitchylle

For updates and just encouragement from a stress anxiety filled person like me.

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