Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 259

Chapter 259: Inheritance and Bad Luck

As soon as he passed through the illusion formation, that old voice sounded once again,

'Congratulations on passing through this illusion formation my possible successor.

You have shown to have great resolve and determination to kill and perish your heart-demons.

But you still have to pass my third trial if you want my inheritance.

As a Master Inscriptionist, I have always looked for someone talented in inscriptions to pass down my mantle and inheritance.

That is why the last trial you have to pass through is one of the inscriptions.

In this trial you will have the materials needed, to make an inscription at the stone in the middle, together with my instructions and notes.

You will have 1 month to pass this test, and leave this place together with my inheritance.

Otherwise, you will die here!

I wish you great success."

Walking forward, Tianlong Yun looked at the center of this place where a relatively medium stone and some materials were standing.

The scene looked like a serene day, in the middle of a wide grass field. It was perfect for concentration.

Approaching closer, Tianlong Yun was a bit stunned looking at the materials he needed to use, and at the inscription, he had to inscribe.

It was too easy!

For a moment he thought it was a trap!

There was only some lingzhi powder, ferocious beast blood, which most probably was of a lizard type, and some 'Clearance Grass'.

These ingredients could be found anywhere, and the inscription he had to inscribe, was one of the relatively easy ones.

'Seal of Clearance' was an inscription that was like the A in the alphabet. The first inscription someone would ever try to inscribe while learning.

For Tianlong Yun it was a piece of cake, that was why he was afraid that it was a trap.

But then thinking more about this, Earth was a small planet, who didn't have much knowledge of cultivation and its arts. So even this was really difficult to do.

The only reason it was so easy for him, it was because of his past life.

But that didn't matter at the moment, sitting down, he immediately started processing the materials and preparing to inscribe the inscription on the stone.

This inscription would only make the stone look clearer, and clean some of his impurities, normally this was inscribed in weapons, to clean them of any impurities left after forging, or fighting.

Even though he was a bit sloppy, since he still had to get used to his new body, and Qi, Tianlong Yun managed to complete the trial in his first try with flying stars.

As soon as he finished he heard that old sound once again,

'Congratulations on completing my inheritance trials, and becoming my rightful successor.

From this moment on, everything here belongs to you, together with this big treasure formation.

Just like the Old Pouch, this 5 eye arrays formation is a special kind of treasure that I have forged myself. If you could rank it, then it would be a Divine Artifact.

This is my inheritance to you, my successor together with all the materials and everything you could find here.

I am sorry as I wasn't able to leave any of my cultivation, since I used it to build this place, but here you will find a lot of materials that can help you with that.

As soon as you start integrating this treasure with your soul and conscience my duty here will be finished, and everything will officially be yours.

But before doing that, let me tell you about what you can expect behind the sky that you can see.

This small planet is just a dot in our universe, and there are bigger planets and systems out there that surpass its knowledge and resources.

In this universe for example there is a place called the Immortal World, where people that have entered the Realm of Gods live.

They are really strong and powerful, they could kill you with a sneeze, so only if you are powerful enough, can you think of trying to go to that place.

I have left the coordinates of that place inside this treasure.

But even that place, is only but a door, to the real Immortal World.

But, you are too weak to talk about this now, and any extra word of mine would only damage you, than benefit you.

I have left some recording crystals inside here when you think you are ready to go beyond this place.

I wish you great luck and cultivation!"

Tianlong Yun had been expecting something like this, but he was shocked by one verse.

'But even that place, is only but a door, to the real Immortal World.'

He had read almost all the hidden library of the Imperial Palace of the Royal Dragons Clan and had never found anything that would mention something like that.

But this guy had no reason to lie. He was already dead, and he had left anything he had for his successor.

So was it truly possible? That, there was another World behind what he knew?

The more he thought about it, the more he got excited. If this was true, then his journey just became longer, because there was no way he would stop his journey to be at the top.

He learned through the hard way that only real strength and power can give you the life you wish. Everything else is just a fleeting thought.

Since he was able to get this second chance, then he would make sure to take his rightful place at the top of the pyramid.

But that was for the future, at the moment he had to integrate this treasure to his soul and conscience, and at the same time have a look at what was happening outside.

It was really important about his future course of action.

It was at this time that the ejection alert sounded through all the big formation and people started getting ejected to the slaughter happening outside.

One of the things that made Tianlong Yun really happy with this new treasure was that this place could enter stealth mode.

When entering stealth mode, even someone at the Lower God Realm, couldn't sense it. Just this property was enough to make it even more valuable than his sword, at this moment.

With this place in his hands, he could train a small sect or a small army and still not attract attention. This was a great opportunity for him.

There was only one problem though, he didn't have sufficient Spirit Power to keep this thing running. At his current level, he could only keep it running for 3 minutes.

In order for him to use this treasure, he either needed to train his Spirit Power, his soul or find some really good energy stones.

At the moment he had neither of them, and this place was still running on the energy left by the mysterious cultivator, but as soon as he integrated it to himself, that power source would be gone.

It seemed like Heaven was playing a joke to him. It gave him such a great treasure, that could help him so much, and then didn't give him an opportunity to use it.

Anyway, he couldn't be too greedy right now, it was already an amazing thing that he managed to place his hands on this treasure, he would figure something about how to power it up later.

Thinking like this he continued to integrate this treasure into his soul while keeping an eye on the massacre and slaughter happening outside.

He was a bit startled at first by what was happening outside, this woman wasn't this crazy strong inside the formation, so how was it possible?josei

But then looking at that black smoke and matter coming out of her body, and then feeling that dangerous aura around her, he started to insinuate a bit.

He had read about this thing somewhere, he just couldn't remember at the moment. Zorro gave a chilly aura due to his cultivation, but her aura was like it was coming from the abyss.

Someone with a little experience on black Qi could immediately understand that those auras were totally different.

It took a while for Tianlong Yun to remember that old book on the secret archive of the Imperial Palace.

The more he remembered though, the more he became worried and tensed. If what he was seeing was that things Qi, then this meant that this place had definitely something to do with that place.

'The God's graveyard'.

While this meant that he had found a way to go to the Immortal World, at the same time it was his bad luck, that he had been stuck on this small planet with an Ancient Devil Beast.

He didn't know whether he should be happy or terrified at this conclusion. In that book, it said that the whole Immortal World was gathered against that Ancient Devil Beast.

Even then their victory had cost them dearly, millions of cultivators had died in that fight, and tens or hundreds of High Gods had perished in that fight.

Remembering all these, he was really getting a bit taken aback by his bad luck. But there was no other choice right now, he would have to make the impossible, possible.

Either he would have to leave this place before that Ancient Devil Beast, or he had to kill her before it gained its full power.

It was only logical, since this beast was still laying low, and it started only now to show its claws, then it meant that it was still weak, and it was looking for its resurrection.

Thinking like this Tianlong Yun managed to calm himself a bit, and concentrate on integrating the treasure, while the skeleton woman continued with her massacre.

This was also the time where the big organizations were forced to retreat from this place, leaving here only Tianlong Yun and the Dark organization in this place…


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