Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 260

Chapter 260: Death comes knocking once again

It would more precise to say that it was only Tianlong Yun, the Skeleton Woman, Zorro, and Li Qi in that place now.

Tianlong Yun was in the middle of his integration right now and just hoped that that skeleton dressed b*tch wouldn't do something stupid and blow this place.

While the treasure might still have some left power to protect him and itself, his integration would become even more difficult than it was, that's for sure.

But it seemed like he was worried about nothing, because very soon, a big tornado appeared in the sky, and they were about to leave.

The appearance of that black tornado made him feel much better and more relaxed. He could finally relax and concentrate only on integration.

The skeleton dressed woman, Zorro, and Li Qi entered inside and disappeared from the place.

Tianlong Yun finally relaxed his guard and was about to concentrate on the integration only, and the process was going smoothly.

But just when he thought that he was getting close to the end, suddenly another black tornado came out, and that skeleton dressed b*tch appeared once again.

As soon as she arrived she spread her senses to their full extent, trying to catch even the smallest movement around her in hundred of kilometers.

She was destined to be disappointed though since the treasure was on stealth mode and she couldn't sense it at all.

She couldn't even sense any move around her that might belong to her targets. She didn't know what had happened to her worms, but she was surely pissed to not find them.

She had played this little game of disappearing and reappearing so that she could try and catch them while moving, but it seemed like a stupid move.

That just made her even more pissed off at this moment. Not being able to control her emotions after all that negative Qi she took from her Master, she started to gather her Qi in her palms and hit the place.

During the massacre, her Qi had been raven-black dark, and her attacks were almost indiscernible in the black smoke and matter around her.

But this time there was no smoke or dark matter around her, and for better or worse, the sky was totally clear of any clouds, and the moonlight shined all over the place.

That was why this time Tianlong Yun could finally have a front view of her attack. The dark gray colored Qi gathered around her, taking the form of an iron palm.

It looked so ancient and old like it would crumble in the tiniest obstacle, but Tianlong Yun could feel a terrifying power coming from that delicate-looking ancient iron hand.

Feeling that terrifying power coming from that thing, he immediately sent all his Spirit Power towards the treasure, afraid that its power wouldn't be enough to brace that attack.josei

Right now he was at the peak of integration. He was so close to totally integrating this thing into his soul, and he couldn't take his concentration from this.

There was nothing more he could do at this moment, he couldn't stop the integration at this critical moment, and he had to make sure that he was able to finish it before passing out.

Because he would surely pass out after using his Spirit Power so that the treasure would block that attack.

There was one other problem though, that made him really worried right now. At the moment he passed out his stealth technique would expire and he would be easily sensed.

The only way out of this situation was for this attack to throw him far away, and the skeleton woman to leave this place as soon as possible, afraid of the attention.

Disappointed at himself that there were so many variables in this situation at the moment, and his life wasn't in his hands, he clenched his teeth to brace himself and just hope for the best.

At this moment that delicate ancient hand started to fall down. Even though it wasn't from a high altitude, it had the effects of a meteor.

The pressure it had on the ground was amazing, rocks, trees, and debris were getting pushed off their place and flying far away from the place of contact.

The skeleton dressed woman had concentrated her attack at the entrance of the formation earlier, thinking that the inheritor should still be at that place.

It was a good thing that the center of the formation where the treasure was located wasn't there. So the treasure and Tianlong Yun were at the edge of that palm attack.

That was why Tianlong Yun together with the treasure, were part of the debris that was pushed away from the attack, but even then it didn't mean he could escape unscathed.

While he wasn't at the center of the attack and he escaped the most powerful attack, the pressure on him was still something completely out of his best predictions.

Then being thrown away as some dirt didn't make his situation better, especially his concentration on the integration of the treasure.

He was thrown like an old piece of cloth, turning and flipping all the way until it crashed into some big rocks, trees of ground, he couldn't make sense of it anymore.

And that was just from the pressure of that attack.

At the next moment, that ancient iron palm hit the ground, and immediately huge waves of earthmoving started to create around this place.

If this was in the ocean or some sea, the waves were inevitable, but this was earth for fu*ks sake. And yet there were more than 5 meters waves being formed and coming so far away to reach him.

It wasn't that he hadn't seen such a thing happen before, he had. Just, he now understood that he didn't have his old strength and power anymore, he was weak, really weak.

But he didn't have much time to think about this because the waves were coming towards him, one by one, throwing him up and down like a ball.

There was nothing he could do besides clenching his teeth, concentrating on the integration, and at the same time trying to minimize his injuries.

This wasn't easy, the only good thing was that the stealth mode of the treasure was still activated since the integration was still in the process.

But while he was feeling the waves, and trying to save himself, the place started to shake, it was like an earthquake was happening and this place was the epicenter.

That wasn't the end of it though, because at this moment the mountains nearby were shaking and rocks started falling from their tops.

Avalanches of rocks were falling everywhere, burying the valleys in dirt and stones.

But the earth-shaking event wasn't happening only around this place, it had spread all the way to the city.

People were running scared out of their houses, clubs, hotels. It was crazy, there had been no notice over a possible earthquake or any sign that could warn them about this thing.

The buildings were shaking like bamboo trees in the wind. It was a good thing that this didn't continue for long otherwise, they didn't know what would have happened with their homes.

Close to the epicenter, the skeleton dressed woman was still spreading her senses as much as she could, and concentrating on every little move.

But there was nothing on her radar. She could see no movement. Besides some scared flies, that were still on the run, after her massacre.

This pissed her much more, she had done so much and she still couldn't find those damn worms that escaped her plate.

Unfortunately, she couldn't stay here for longer, because most probably the state's agencies were coming here to have a look at the situation.

She and her organization weren't yet ready to enter into a fight with the government and their Supernatural abilities secret services.

That's why, even though unwillingly she was forced to leave this place, without getting what she wanted.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun had been thrown far away from this place. Even though he had escaped death once again, his state wasn't a good one.

It was a good thing that the integration of the treasure had been successful, and that treasure belonged to him now, but the price he had to pay wasn't a low one.

At this moment, he had his two legs broken, one of his arms had totally changed shape and direction, and his head was full of injuries and wounds.

His clothes were tattered, he seemed exactly like the beggar in that illusion, just with the extra wounds and injuries.

Due to his good luck, he had fallen into the hollow of a tree, which was later covered by some rocks that fell from a mountain.

He was trapped in that place, but this was a good thing for the moment, at least he wouldn't be found easily.

He could feel his consciousness was about to leave him quickly, so the last thing he could do right now was, send Tianlong Xia his location, and hoping she would understand.

As soon as he did that though, he immediately fell unconscious, not knowing what would happen to him from now on.

Meanwhile, a long distance away from that place, Tianlong Xia who was discussing something with her sisters, and Tianlong Hu Die took the message from Tianlong Yun.

It had been more than 1 day since Tianlong Yun left with Qin Bao and Gao Ling towards that inheritance place, and she couldn't help but feel a bit worried.

Earlier in the day, she had felt like her lover was getting away from her, like their connection was breaking off. Surely something bad was happening to him.

But then suddenly her body was set ablaze, but while the flames looked threatening and ferocious on the outside, she only felt warmth and tenderness in their midst.

It was just like the touch of her lover.

She didn't know why but after those flames she relaxed quite a bit. It seemed like everything would be fine now.

But that wasn't meant to be...


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