Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 372

Chapter 372: Formation, Yang Xiu & Lao Hu

The formation was composed of two different layers, like Yin and Yang, as the outer layer of the defensive barrier was also the main one.

What surprised him though wasn't the defensive capabilities of the barrier but its absorbing ability, which was also the main sustaining energy source of the formation.

In other words, the barrier was self-sustaining in case of attack, and if the first attack wasn't powerful enough to break the barrier in one hit, then it would be like feeding a tiger.

The more one attacked the barrier the more energy it would absorb, and the stronger it would become. Like this, it would slowly become impossible to break the barrier without cracking it.

The inner part of the barrier was only a complementing one, as its purpose was only an activating and helping one, as the activation energy for the barrier was extracted from the 'Eternal Flame'.

This was the first time that Tianlong Yun was looking at a barrier like this, as the most powerful barriers in the Immortal World were supported with large amounts of Qi stones and Qi crystals.

Another special quality of the formation was that it could be controlled remotely, by the person who was able to refine it and gain the role of the 'manager'.

The manager could not only control the barrier activation but could also be recognized from the formation, as he could freely pass inside and outside the barrier even while it was active.

It was a no-brainer that the 'manager' had god-like powers with this barrier, as he was also able to release the accumulated energy of the barrier in the form of an attack or Qi concentration.

This was made possible through the stones of the foundation of the formation, as they could not only store energy but also kept it active.

The only drawback to this barrier, if it could be considered like one, was the fact that the energy could be stored only for a period of one month, after that, it would need to be resupplied.

The barrier covered the whole fortress city, including all the buildings, and the city lord palace, and not forgetting even the passage to the rest of the space.

Understanding this, Tianlong Yun knew that the timeframe of one month that the formation masters had deemed necessary to break the barrier was just a big crap.

They would never be able to break this information, at least not with their knowledge and ideas. They were either lying or blowing their own horns, either way, the result would be the same.

Forgetting about them, Tianlong Yun was thinking about what to do from now on. He was able to crack the formation and get a manager role for himself, but it would take at least 10 to 15 days.

Maybe it was time to try that! Making the decision he immediately took out hacker puppet Yang Xiu from his Old Pouch and instructed him to 'hack' the barrier without getting noticed.

The truth was that Yang Xiu had turned into some kind of experiment for him, as he had used a lot of materials to preserve, and upgrade him as a puppet.

At the same time, he had also stuffed him with a lot of soul power enhancing pills, so that he would exponentially increase his thought processing power.

While he also passed him all the formation knowledge that was available to him, including the notes from the inheritance of the mysterious cultivator.

The reason why he had done all this was pretty simple actually, he was trying to create some kind of helping artificial intelligence that he could use in different situations.

What made Yang Xiu the best role model for his experiment was the fact that the Formations setting and language were similar to programming.

In fact, he was hoping that like this Yang Xiu would also help him to make more revelations in the Formations Area and knowledge while helping him understand better.

But that was for later, right now he needed to hack into the formation and get the 'manager' role without being noticed by the current manager.josei

As soon as it took its instructions the puppet sat down on the ground, and immediately made a connection with the formation, and started refining it.

This would be its first big test, to understand how useful he could be. Seeing that he wasn't having problems with it, Tianlong Yun took out from his Old Pouch, Jiang Bo, and Lao Hu to serve as his guards.

Lao Hu just like the name suggested was a striped tiger, or to be more precise Lao Hu was a striped tiger's cub, which was raised by Tianlong Yun.

Tianlong Yun had bought her for a hefty price more than 3 years ago, for the sole purpose of feeding her the drop of tear he got from the leader of the Royalists group that he killed that night.

But his investment hadn't been for naught as now Lao Hu had turned into a real expert by his side, even though she was still 17 years old, she was able to enter Shadow Clan's top 5 experts.

All this time she hadn't really been out of the Shadow Clan's quarters, since she was not only slowly consuming the energy from the tear, but she was also being educated for the human world.

She had almost never gone out without someone accompanying him, and the only time when she was allowed to use her strength was when they captured Ye Qingyu close to their underground facilities.

Lao Hu had surpassed Tianlong Yun's expectations, as she had a natural talent to cultivate and absorb the tear's energy, as Earth was becoming too small for her to grow.

For that reason, he was planning to take her with himself towards the Immortal World, and the wide space out there.

She was the best choice for this duty beside Jiang Bo, because as she had a more enhanced smell, and instinct than the normal cultivators of her level.

Not to mention that she had a cultivation of the 5th level of the Nascent Soul Realm, and probably in less than a week she would break through to the 6th level.

Instructing them on their duty, to protect Yang Xiu and keep an eye on the surroundings, and contact him for any kind of emergency.

He also warned them to use the Vanishing Powder and their stealth all the time, as this place would get crowded soon.

Jiang Bo and Lao Hu acknowledged his instructions immediately, as Lao Hu also approached him and gave him a kiss. She was a really straightforward lady tiger and had already decided on him as her mate.

Tianlong Yun didn't refuse her advances, as their relationship had progressed much further, as he made his way towards the Fortress Lord's palace.

There was where the passage was found, together with the crowd of people from the big powers. This place was where the hunting games would start, and he didn't want to lose the show and opportunity.

On his way there he also spread rumors of what he had found out and alarming the people of the kind of fate that was expecting them.

He was trying to alarm them as much as he could! While he didn't care about their end, he was eager to watch a heated show, and fight.

At the moment the locals were at an improper advantage, they not only had spies amidst the exploring cultivators, but they had also incited in-fighting, and their location was undetermined.

Tianlong Yun wanted to spice things up, make the hunting more difficult for the locals, as he slowly learned more about their skills, abilities, power, and location.

From the moment he had been stabbed in the back by his supposed mate, and his brother, Tianlong Yun hated not knowing everything that happened in the dark.

One could say that his sly, and scheming personality, different from any other Royal Dragonmen out there was developed precisely because of this.

He had decided to live in the shadows and understand everything that took place in there, while he achieved his goals.

Since light couldn't be trusted, he would better stay in the darkness. With these thoughts in mind, he finally reached the palace.

The situation in there seemed normal, with the cultivators sitting around the passage and quietly cultivating as the Formation Masters tried to crack open the formation barrier.

Of course, the situation wasn't that peaceful as there were clearly some skirmishes happening here and there, with arrogant idiots showing off their power to each other as they tried to attract attention.

Tianlong Yun hadn't paid much attention earlier, but now he could see that there were a lot of beautiful ladies, besides his wives, and clan members in this place.

It was just that their number was really small, and didn't showcase themselves. They didn't leave their family's shelter, otherwise, they would be crowded by a bunch of idiots all the time.

While some of them were here just to serve their Masters, and Young Masters that clearly couldn't live without their tender care.

A few of them were able to enter Tianlong Yun's eye, but at the moment they were nothing more than an interest, as Tianlong Yun was more interested in their race, and family, than them.

From the moment he encountered the vampires, Tianlong Yun had taken a big interest in the other races, and families living around the world.

All this time he had been preparing to take over China firstly and hadn't really thought about Earth, and all the other countries out there, but now everything was changing.

China was almost entirely in his hands, and really soon he would be its only ruler, so it was time to stretch his eyes, ears, and all his limbs.

At the moment though, he was looking for his target…

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