Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 401

Chapter 401: Chained up & Popped up [R-18]

As soon as he pulled her back inside the Old Pouch, Tianlong Yun controlled her surroundings as he created some kind of vacuum around her, not leaving even air or oxygen around her.

This caught her unprepared, as she was about to do just the opposite, and attack Tianlong Yun, in hope of catching him off guard, since she seemed to obey him in the first place.

The only problem was that inside the Old Pouch, Tianlong Yun was like a God, and could easily control everything inside it with simple thoughts.

Her plan was destined to fail anyway, it was just that this came unexpected to her, but that wasn't the only drawback, as Tianlong Yun appeared close to her little brother, with a finger on his throat.

As he appeared there, five chains were thrown towards her, it was clear that there was one for each limb and one for her neck.

Even though Tianlong Yun said nothing his meaning and intentions were more than clear, he wanted her to bind herself to the chains, or he would proceed with his finger.

While it was just a finger, Tianlong Yun was a powerful expert who could even control the air, and oxygen around her, that finger was more than enough to kill her brother a few times, over and over.

But still, if she did chain herself that would be the end for her and her brother, and she wouldn't be able to escape from him.

With that thought in mind, she said in a fake emotional voice,

"Can't we talk about this? What do you want from us? If you want money or resources I can give them to you, I am a Vampire princess, I…"josei


She wasn't able to continue talking because Tianlong Yun had started pushing his finger through the throat of her little brother. He had done that without saying anything and without hesitation.

This clearly showed that her words were useless, and wouldn't make him waver in the least. Tianlong Yun surely wasn't the average Joe, who would be swayed by words.

In fact, for any second that she got late, his finger would enter 1 cm deeper. Making her brother's screams higher-pitched, and painful. And then immediately stop.

Tianlong Yun had destroyed his vocal cords and was still going deeper. He didn't seem affected in the least by what he was doing, or by the look of horror and pain of his victim.

Seeing something like this happen, how could the Ruthless Princess bear it happen, as her little brother was her only weak and soft spot.

She couldn't something like that to happen, even if she had to suffer for the rest of her life, so she immediately chained those chains around her limbs and neck.

Even though she did something like that she left them a bit free around her ankles, as soon as Tianlong Yun released her brother, and approached her, she would directly pounce on him.

A little a bit of vacuum and some chains weren't enough to render someone like her incapable of movement. She was an expert in her own right.

What she hadn't considered was the composition of the chains, and their use, because as soon as she chained herself she felt truly weak.

It was like at that moment, a massive amount of her strength had left her body, as her power at that moment almost halved, or quartered.

No matter how hard she tried, or how much she tried, she couldn't circulate even a little thread of her inner Qi.

What she was able to use a moment ago, had been totally rendered unusable and it was the fault of those chains. There she realized that she had no way out.

But just as she was about to speak once again, and try to use her identity, and background to try and negotiate, she felt the chains pull, and she was suspended in the air in the middle of the bedroom.

Her legs were spread apart, and so were her arms, as all her assets were in front view if someone was in front of her.


She wasn't even able to ask what was going on in there, as she felt a gag ball being placed on her mouth, and she wasn't able to speak anymore.

Tianlong Yun had disappeared from where he was and was now behind her. Even though she was totally chained up, and unable to use her inner Qi, she was still able to sense him.

Her little brother was still inside the room, even though he didn't seem to be awake at this moment, probably due to the big shock, or something Tianlong Yun might have done to him.

She had no idea what Tianlong Yun wanted from her, or even who he was, and the reason he was doing this, but she had a feeling that it was nothing good.

Just as she was about to think about this, she felt his hands stretch from behind her, and reach for her towering soft pillows, and grab them tightly.

His claws entered deep into her soft and squishy pillows, as he was bending them in different shapes strongly as if trying to get milk out of them.

As soon as she felt something like this happen, the Ruthless Princess felt clear disgust, and unwillingness, as she started to try and move, and insult Tianlong Yun, but her mouth was already stuck.

"Aggh, ann, unn…"

These were the only sounds that she was able to produce, and Tianlong Yun didn't seem to bother, or care much about those sounds, as he kept doing what he liked, and said in a devilish whisper in her ear,

"I don't think you should release many sounds, as you might awaken your little precious gem, and he will witness what is going to happen to you!"

As if that wasn't enough, his claws separated from the mounds of flesh, as he started to pinch, and pull on the small buds on top of them.

This time she not only felt disgusted but even pain, a sharp pain on her small buds, that made her want to scream more, and louder but she couldn't, in fear that she might awaken him.

But no matter how much she trembled and tried to escape her fate, the chains didn't move in the least, and Tianlong Yun didn't stop in the least.

The only difference was that she was starting to get used to the pain, and slowly her body was reacting to it, and slowly her secret cave was getting moist again.

She didn't know why, but as she felt Tianlong Yun treat her like that, complemented with the fear that her little brother might awaken soon, and catch her in this position made her excited.

In fact, was that her body started to heat up, her small buds were standing in full attention, and her secret cave started to get moist once again.

Having his own fair share of fun with her soft pillows, Tianlong Yun could feel his blood burning, and even his slumbering fellow was starting to wake up, and take position.

With that thought in mind, he let go of her soft squishy mounds and lowered his hands towards her belly, belly-button, and then her secret garden.

There he was expecting to find a drought lake, as with the character that this Ruthless Princess was supposed to have, there was no way she would be moist down there.

Only to find the surprise of the supposed drought lake to have become a small source of water, and slowly the lake was getting refilled.

Just what was going on? Was it possible that this Ruthless Princess who would do anything to have her fun, a secret Masochist who liked to be controlled and dominated deep inside her soul?

Tianlong Yun would have never thought that something like this would be possible, but the facts clearly proved the opposite.

With a look of a strange surprise he left her behind, and then slowly appeared in front of her. The Ruthless Princess looked miserable at the moment, as there was also a small trail of water on her cheeks.

But more than unwilling, and resigned she looked angered and wrathful for being taken from someone she had no idea about and was most probably just a lucky powerful pervert.

Still, her face had a different kind of red hue, as her body did. She seemed excited at this moment, even though angry and wrathful, her secret cave was getting flooded.

Looking at her face though she didn't seem like someone who would enjoy pain much, or as some kind of M, no there must be some other reason.

As he was thinking about it, Tianlong Yun was reminded of the presence of the boy inside the room, and then everything made sense.

He finally understood what was going on, as a devilish grin started to creep on his face, and without holding back anymore, he immediately thrust his hips forwards.

His body was really hot right now, especially since he controlled his lust when he was with Tianlong Hu Die earlier, as his dragon was standing tall, in full attention.

With that thrust forward of his hips, his dragon destroyed her secret cave's entrance, and any possible barrier in front of it, as it penetrated deep inside her.


Even though her mouth was closed by the gag-ball some kind of a difficultly-controlled scream escaped her throat, and spread inside the room.

Everything had been so sudden, and so brazen, and she was unprepared for it. Not to mention the size of that thing, as she felt like that would pierce through her, and tear her body into two parts.

It was so painful for her that two, new tears escaped her eyes, but even in that pain, she tried all she could to keep her scream down, as she might awaken her little brother.

She didn't care what happened to her right now, as her little brother was the only one that shouldn't look at what was happening to her right now.

She could bear with all the pain, and despise of the world, but not his. Not to mention that…

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