Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 404

Chapter 404: Opportunity & Ambush

Could it be that Tianlong Yun was one of the aborigines of this space? But he didn't seem like one of them, he didn't have their air!

Still, he seemed really different from all the guys she had met until now, he had a different kind of air to him, he had the aura of a ruler and a dominator.

But that was probably an after-effect of what had happened earlier! Still, this didn't change the fact that Tianlong Yun was too damn calm taking this news.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was thinking about his step more carefully, he needed to check on his women, and his people before he left Fortress City, but he was assured they would be okay.

He had already warned them about the situation and had total confidence in their skills and abilities.

Still, the highest priority at the moment was leaving the Vampire's camp, have a look at the situation with his own eyes, and then think about his next step.

With these thoughts in mind, he looked at the Ruthless Princess in front of him and said,josei

"Well you know what to do, so clean yourself, take a shower and then I will let you out to do what you have to do."

With those words, he released her from the chains, as the angry Ruthless Princess made her way towards the shower.

Tianlong Yun seemed to not care about her action or presence at all, as he just closed his eyes to rest a bit.

When she finished her cleaning and shower, she came in front of him once again. when she came out she was totally naked, as she started dressing in front of Tianlong Yun.

She didn't understand why but she had no problem if he saw her like that anymore. In fact, she wanted him to see her more like that, as the fire inside her would burn fiercer.

To her disappointment though, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to care about what she did in the least. He just stood there without any kind of reaction.

It was only when she finished dressing that he opened his eyes, and said,

"I told you not to attract attention, and you are going outside without your purity! Are you taking me for a fool, or just don't really want to see your little brother ever again!"

The Ruthless Princess was caught unprepared to answer that question because the truth was that she was trying exactly that.

She wanted to attract attention, so some people would follow her all the time, and this would stop Tianlong Yun from leaving, and the best would be to capture him, so he could end up in her care.

She had never thought that Tianlong Yun would take attention to something like that, but now that it had happened there was no way she could continue with it.

So, she just used her regenerative abilities to restore it just like it was before. As she did that Tianlong Yun, looked at her with a calm threatening look, as he said,

"This is the first and last time you try something like that!"

As soon as he finished his words, he made her disappear from the Old Pouch, without giving her an opportunity to retort.

The Ruthless Princess was truly angry at this guy for some reason, he was just too attentive, not leaving her any opportunity to maneuver the situation.

But she could do nothing but obey him at the moment, wishing he would slip and make a mistake.  Even though that seemed like wishful thinking that was all she had.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was going to check on every move she made. He didn't trust her no matter what. He couldn't allow her to destroy his plans.

Heavens seemed to be on his side, as it didn't take longer than a day for the Ruthless Princess to have a chance to leave the camp, as they were preparing to attack their mortal enemies, the Werewolves.

Even in this strange situation where they were fighting an outsider that was trying to crush them all, and they were being pushed back, they still found the opportunity to attack each other's back.

The target of this attack was the Thirteenth Princess of the Werewolves. She had almost the same age as the Ruthless Princess, and also the same beauty.

Their difference lied in their different styles, and appearances, and also the sides on which they fought.

The Thirteenth Princess was one of the geniuses of the Werewolves clan, and also one of their throne contenders.

This was also the reason why she was being set up by her own siblings so that she could perish in the hands of the Vampires.

These cases had become so usual that nobody would get surprised anymore, as both sides would use their enemies to clean their own backyard or the way to the throne.

The information the Vampires had received was almost certain, so they couldn't allow such an opportunity to avenge some Vampire blood to go unnoticed.

For that reason, they were going to make a surprise and undercover surprise attack. Due to the delicate situation at the moment, and their position, they couldn't leave any trace of their doing behind.

They had to act quickly and without getting noticed, so they could refuse any involvement in the future, and not become a thorn to all the powers.

With those thoughts in mind, they had decided to leave this mission in the hands of the Ruthless Princess, and her Great Grandmother.

Since moving too many powerful experts would attract too much attention and they would get crucified by the other powers later, for disrupting the supposed unity.

The next day the Vampires announced that their Ruthless Princess and her Great Grandmother had entered secluded cultivation, as they left the camp, together with 6 of her trusted aides.

As for her little brother she had already told them that he was in secluded cultivation and that they shouldn't bother him, otherwise they would be dead, so nobody dared to even go close to his supposed to be placed.

The ambush was planned for the latter, as there were no true morning and dawn falls in this space, due to the Eternal Flame giving the same light all the time.

While they could still measure time with their watches, and stuff, nobody could understand the time by looking at the light.

Inside the Old Pouch, Tianlong Yun had been extremely happy when he saw that he would be able to leave the Old Pouch's space soon, but the presence of the woman made it dangerous for him at the moment.

He had to be extremely careful not to catch her attention if he tried to leave, because if he did then he was surely going to die.

The group of 8 moved pretty quickly, and soon they were close to their designated ambush position. From the information they had, the Thirteenth Princess would pass this way in less than an hour.

Understanding that each second was precious the 6 ladies, and 2 men spread in the area, making reconnaissance on the terrain, and also selecting their spots.

They also prepared a lot of booby traps to cause as much confusion, and disruption they could, before jumping into the chaos to kills their targets.

In order to make sure that they weren't discovered, they all covered their faces in some weird black masks, and even painted their bodies in some weird ash, as they waited for their target's arrival.

Just as they had expected, in less than an hour, the group they were waiting for showed up in front of them.

They were 18 people in total, the princess, one expert by her side to protect her, 5 ladies and aides of the princess, and 12 soldiers staying in a formation around her.

The 18th was a handsome and charming Young Master who seemed to be courting the princess and doing anything he could to have her attention and love.

But while he seemed to be doing everything he could to get her attention, the princess seemed to be just perfunctory with him, and even a bit bored, and displeased with his attempts.

As for the soldiers, while they didn't seem to be expecting an attack, they were nonetheless really attentive to their surroundings, and any possible movement, or aura in the area.

Seeing their approach, the Ruthless Princess, and her side stopped breathing, so they could better camouflage their selves with their surroundings.

They were doing anything they could to make the ambush and the surprise attack a real success. This mission had to be successful.

The tension and pressure weren't really a problem because they were used to it, so the most important thing right now was that their enemies didn't get cold feet, or noticed them.

The group didn't seem to have noticed anything as they just kept moving towards the ambush spot, but they suddenly stopped only a few meters away.

This raised some concerns as there were worries that they had noticed something, and wouldn't enter the traps area, and that would certainly lower their chances of success.

But it seemed like it was just an unfounded worry, because the next moment they started walking again, and this time they entered the traps area, as all the traps got activated.

As soon as that happened, different kinds of flashing, and stunning attacks started to fire in the direction of the group, catching them by surprise, and disrupting their formation and standing.

The Great Grandmother took this chance to attack that powerful Expert by the Thirteenth princesses' side, while the Ruthless Princess went for the Thirteenth Princess herself.

Everything had worked perfectly as she could feel that her sword had pierced through someone's heart in that attackā€¦

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