Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 411

Chapter 411: Veil & Barrier Hacked

Just as she was about to close her eyes, and go unconscious peacefully thinking that her job was done and that she can leave everything else in the hands of that little girl, she was shocked still.

Right out of nowhere had appeared a handsome and charming young man, that gave her some sense of familiarity.

Right before she closed her eyes, he was looking at her with his flaming red eyes, and a really weird look, one of wonder, hate, anger, and lust combined.

She didn't understand why she had that familiar feeling with him, but couldn't care to even think about it right now, as she was focused on his eyes.

Her strength was leaving her body fast, and she could feel that she was going to lose consciousness in a short time, even though she didn't want to.

Right now she was biting her tongue only so that she could stay awake for another moment, or try to wake herself up, and deal with this young man too.

Too bad that she was in her last straps, and couldn't hold on for much longer as she finally closed her eyes, and fell unconscious.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun kept looking at her until she finally closed her eyes, and then approached slowly as he took off her veil.

Immediately after two pairs of eyes got concentrated on the face behind the veil only to be extremely shocked, and stunned by what they saw.

Everyone would be expecting some kind of jade beauty face, but in fact, it was a sickening damaged face, that would make one immediately remove their eyes from her.

One could easily say that she was most probably the ugliest face they had, and would probably see their whole life.

The Ruthless Princess was beside Tianlong Yun when he removed the veil from her face, as even she couldn't control her curiosity to look at the face of the one called, 'The One Beauty' in her race.

But seeing at what she had in front of her she barely controlled herself from vomiting, the hell with 'The One Beauty' she was more like 'The One Monster'.

Most probably her Ancestors had lost their minds when they had seen her, or perhaps she had been disfigured after her husband's death, still, the one she was right now, was nothing more than a leech.

Differently from her though, Tianlong Yun was looking at her with astonishment, like he had seen one of the most beautiful women's in the Universe.

She was capable of being compared to those beauties of the Immortal World, which had turned magnificent organizations, sects, and Clans to dust with their beauty.

Each and every line of her beautiful face seemed to be chiseled by some great artist, as her cherry red lips looked so tasty to suck upon, and her white cheeks seemed to be irresistible to kiss, and pinch.josei

Her nose looked like a bump in her face, as her beautiful big eyes would charm any man alive. The only one who could compare to her in terms of beauty in his harem was Tianlong Xia and the little Demoness Princess.

As for what the Ruthless Princess was seeing, that was a stealth face mask used mostly by assassins and robbers to protect their identities.

Still, she using it to protect her beauty and face was totally justified for Tianlong Yun, as it was truly something that could cause destruction.

But now as luck had it, she would be his, and he would be able to enjoy her for the rest of his life, whether she liked it or not.

Tianlong Yun wasn't some kind of Hero or Saint, he would only care for the opinion of the ladies close to him, as everyone else had no right of opinion, and could only kneel to him, and his orders.

For that reason, he didn't care if this beauty liked to be his or not, she was going to be his servant from now on, and she better behave if she didn't want to suffer.

With those thoughts in mind, he slowly covered her in his spirit sense, and sent her to one of the lab rooms inside the Old Pouch.

Then turning around, he did the same for the other two experts of the Werewolves race, as they were still under critical conditions and couldn't move against him.

This had been a truly great harvest, that he had never thought it possible. Not only had he captured the main descendants of two different clans, but he had also captured three powerful experts.

Just those three were enough to make it worth it even his near-death experience, but still, this was just the beginning.

The Ruthless Princess that had been behind him all this time couldn't stop her curiosity anymore, as she said with a clear voice,

"Why did you look at her as some kind of peerless beauty when she was actually just an ugly leech?"

Only now was Eric once again reminded of her presence, as he just looked at her with a mysterious look, as he said,

"You would never understand!"

It wasn't that hard to understand, but he didn't like her tone of speech and the way she asked, as she still hadn't understood her new role yet. She still thought she was the high and mighty princess.

With that said he sent her back into the Old Pouch without any extra words. While she was free to roam around inside, he made sure to warn her not to create troubles around.

Of course, her brother was kept away from her at the moment, so that she didn't have any weird thoughts, and at the same time, Tianlong Yun still had some use for him.

But that had to wait for now, because there were more important things to deal with, like Yang Xiu and the other two he had left to take control of the barrier, and his wife with the other part of the disciples.

First things first, he contacted mentally with his wives, Lu Bing, and Tianlong Yue who were leading the disciples in this space.

They had clearly been worried all these days having no contact from him, as even the situation inside the Fortress City was becoming more and more dangerous, and unlawful.

No matter how much the big and powerful powers tried to keep the little ones under control and create some kind of unity, their efforts still failed to materialize.

Everyone thought for himself in this place, as they wouldn't think twice even if it meant killing or pillaging their own friends, or partners.

Certainly, this kind of atmosphere was pretty bendy for them, and their disciples, as they were gaining not only battle experience, but were also sweeping everything clean on a battlefield.

This however had gained them a bit too much attention, and they were trying to play it low, as even those powerhouses had turned their eyes towards them.

Of course, there wasn't a lack of idiots who tried to come after the duo and the other female disciples of the clan, but most of these guys were sent back politely.

Whatever they did was a clear provocation to make them act, and then turn the crowd against them. After that, they would be able to destroy their group and do whatever they wanted with the remains.

As Tianlong Yun saw it these guys were truly asking for death without understanding it, but right now he was unable to kill them.

They were an important part of the forces of the exploratory cultivators, and their disappearance would surely affect the cannon fodder numbers for the fights.

Furthermore, as things stood, if something were to happen to them, then his Shadow Clan would be counted responsible even if they didn't have anything to do with it.

Right now, there were incapable of taking over such a responsibility, so they had to wait for their time and moment.

On the other hand, Yang Xiu had successfully hacked the barrier and for the moment had around 50-60% control over it.

While opening large holes to it was a bit difficult, as it might get discovered, opening some small holes for Tianlong Yun, or the Shadow Clan members to pass was more than possible to do.

Knowing that Tianlong Yun was really happy and satisfied with his progress, even though he would have liked to have 100% control over the barrier.

But the difficulty of the information, and going by the trial and error approach that Yang Xiu could do was something that didn't generate great success in a short time.

Still, this was more than enough for the moment, as he even said to Lu Bing and Tianlong Yue to escape through the barrier if the situation worsened.

Their top priority was their safety, and well-being so they should act according to it. That was his order and not instruction.

With that taken care of, he immediately changed his appearance to the one of Jayden, as he made his way towards the small encampment where he had left his maids and the old guard.

He didn't know what might have happened to them these days that he had been away, and not contacting them, but he didn't want to lose those four.

They had true potential to become experts, and powerhouses in their own right, so it was worth it keeping them by his side and help them grow.

When he returned to the Immortal World, experts and powerhouses were the only things he couldn't be missing, otherwise, he would be doomed.

His brother had almost half of the Immortal World backing him already, so no matter how powerful he was alone, he would only be just some kind of bug or insect in front of him.

One could win a magnificent battle alone, but never the war…

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