Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 412

Chapter 412: Old Piece of Trash

While he still hadn't planned how to deal with that other old bastard, he didn't bother much about it, since it would depend on his attitude and conduct, but most probably he would die too.

After all, he didn't want to take useless chances with him, as it might cause him trouble in the future. Not to mention that he wasn't that important to his plans.

Sometimes he had the idea that he overthought things, but who could blame him after what he suffered in his previous life.josei

He was betrayed, and set up by his own mate and brother, just because he never thought that something like that could happen.

It could be said that it was a trauma that he had suffered, and was almost impossible to remove it from now on.

Well, it wasn't like it brought him many problems at the time anyway, he would just need to consider it in the future.

With these thoughts on his mind, he managed to arrive at the place where he had left the group, only to hear some clashing sounds in that direction.

These didn't seem to be normal sparring clashes, as it looked more like real fighting that was going on at that moment.

Wanting to reach there faster, Tianlong Yun hastened his pace, as it kept checking with his spirit sense in front of him.

He wanted to better assess the situation in front of him before he entered the fight, and really soon he was able to 'see' what was going on.

The 4 ladies were fighting against the Old man, or it would be more exact to say that only two of the ladies were fighting, as the other two were badly injured, and in no shape to move.

The old man seemed to be really angry, but so were the ladies. He didn't know the reason for the fight, but he could clearly see that one of them had her clothes ripped, and her soft pillows out.

It didn't take a big brain to understand what might have transpired, as the old guard most probably had done what he had told him to not do.

This guy's balls were surely big since he dared to defy his orders, and even injure his women. Even though they were just slaves for Tianlong Yun to use, they were still his property.

If there was one thing that Tianlong Yun would never tolerate, and accept it was someone eyeing what was his. Whoever tried to do that, was in for a ride to Tianlong Yun's personal Hell redemption.

His line of thought had to stop there though as he had finally reached his destination and he had a clear view of the scene in front of him.

The old man seemed to be taking his time in wearing them off, as he would only keep their pace, and sent a powerful attack once in a while when they dropped their guard.

More than a fight of strength he was fighting a fight of nerves, where he was clearly the superior one, considering also the fact that he had already taken two of them out of the equation.

At the same time, he didn't dare to go extra on them, as he was afraid that they would truly fight with their life on the line, and might even cause him harm.

Considering the fact that he was stronger than them, and also had the upper hand in the fight, one had to agree that his strategy was really good, but it had one big hole in it.

The more he extended the fight the higher were the chances of Tianlong Yun, or to be more exact his Young Master Jayden to return.

But taking into consideration the place where they were, and also the situation and conditions surrounding them, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if he thought that his Young Master hadn't made it.

Too bad though, that as he was enjoying the passive fight with the ladies, and also making his plans for when he took them down, he heard a calm and sarcastic voice behind him,

"What do you guys think you are doing!?"

Even though his voice was low, he was clearly heard from all the five of them in there, as the ladies couldn't help but feel some kind of extreme relief at his appearance.

They were saved!

On the other hand, the old guard seemed to have just heard the voice of his death angel and didn't dare to turn his head back to have a look at death.

This shouldn't be right, he should be dead and gone! Why was he in here? How was it possible that he had returned to this place?

He didn't understand anything, he was so startled and shocked that he wasn't even able to check on his senses, and realize that behind him was only his Young Master Jayden, and that Old Huo wasn't there.

In fact, he wasn't afraid of his Young Master Jayden, but his stupid loyal friend, who would do nothing against his Master.

In his eyes that stubborn old man was just a senseless idiot, but this didn't change the fact that he was stronger than him, and that he feared him.

He was one of the reasons he had even accepted to become a servant to his new Master Jayden, and not stay loyal to the family.

On one side he was afraid that he would get rid of, if he didn't, but on the other side, he saw it as an opportunity for something more.

Who would have expected that his new Master and his fear would both disappear one day, and not return for more than a week?

Considering the enemies that his new Master had, and also his normal behavior then it wasn't his fault for thinking that he might have provoked someone he shouldn't, and he was sent to meet his creator.

But right now, he had turned, he was right behind him and had witnessed him fight against his four maids.

Before leaving he had intentionally warned him not to lay a finger, or to not even think about laying a finger on them, yet the current scene clearly didn't need other proof.

He had been unable to hold his horses when he saw them each day, with no one else around. Even his patience had its limits, not to mention that he was a man that couldn't control his lust.

While he was thinking all this, he started to slowly turn around as he could feel that he was trembling, as most probably he wouldn't be able to escape this unscathed.

But thinking deeper into this he was an expert of the Nascent Soul Realm, and his new Master lacked experts the most, so there was no way he would truly dispose of him, was there?

Taking big courage from this last thought, he kind of recollected himself a bit, as his turning become a bit quicker, and his trembling stopped.

With this newfound confidence and courage, he said as he was turning around,

"Master Jayden, it's not like it looks like, I…"

But his words didn't continue, because at this moment he was finally turned face to face with his Master, and noticed that there was no Old Huo beside him.

Immediately as he saw that, he used his spirit sense to control the area, as he thought that he was hiding somewhere around here, but there was no trace of him.

There seemed to be no one else besides the four ladies, him, and his Master in this place, Old Huo was nowhere around them, no matter how much he searched for him.

Forgetting totally about the current situation, he forgot what he was saying a moment ago, as he asked with a questioning loud voice,

"Master Jayden, where is Old Huo, what have you done to him?"

In fact, he was thinking of pressurizing his Master Jayden by totally changing the subject, and making him at fault.

He didn't care in the least what it might have happened to that old man, but he was happy he could use him to escape from the situation.

Surely his line of thought was too simple and too arrogant, as he was trying to change the subject like that, but Tianlong Yun didn't seem to care much about it, he just looked at the guy, and said,

"I think you are terrible at changing the subject old thing, now tell me what is going on, otherwise you will face the consequences!"

The old man was caught a bit unprepared for the answer he received, and the way he did, as his Master Jayden was too calm. 

In fact, it was a kind of creepy calmness that would make even the brave hearts feel a bad premonition, and natural fear, but still he wouldn't give up so easily as he said,

"Master Jayden, we 'brothers' handed our lives and loyalty into your hands! You can't go and treat us like that! Tell me what have you done to that old 'brother' of mine!"

Tianlong Yun wasn't impressed by his antics, this guy was just a rotten piece of trash, so without losing much time, he just gave him a weak smile, and disappeared from where he was.

Until now the old man had been clearly confident of his skills and abilities, as no matter what happened, he would surely at least escape with his life intact.

Even if that Old Huo was going to ambush and hit him on the back, he could defeat him, but never kill him.

And if he wasn't here, then it would be even better, as he could teach this arrogant sprout he had for a Master, a good lesson that his parents had failed to.

The moment he saw him disappearing though, his heart went at the bottom of his legs, as the next thing he saw…

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