Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 413

Chapter 413: Greed of a Perverted Old Dog

The next thing he saw was just a delicate hand right over his face, and immediately after he felt a burning and piercing pain on his right cheek.

He was stupefied as he would have never expected something like this, as it felt like time was frozen a few moments for him.

But the moment it started running again he was sent shooting down on the ground, like a meteorite or some kind of shooting star.

His fate was known as he dug a large pit on the ground, with the dust and debris flying around. Nonetheless, he was able to get up in an instant and get out of there.

Tianlong Yun's slap had been just a greeting, and nothing more. He was still far away from dealing with this old piece of trash.

Still, the shock, and stun in the old man's eyes were more than visible, he would have never even dreamed it or seen a nightmare with his new Master raising his strength so much in such a short time.

Just what the hell was going on, since when had cultivation become such a joke, he had worked for centuries to have his current strength, and yet this sprout in front of him was stronger than him.

The heavens were so unfair, they didn't repay hard work, but talent, and fate. Just what kind of opportunity had he found to become so strong in such a short time.

The difference between what he was, and what he had become was like comparing an ant to an elephant, and all this had happened in just a few days.

His brain was running through a lot of options, and possibilities, but the only ones that would best describe what was happening was either that opportunity, or he was just boosting his cultivation for a short amount of time.

He didn't seem to be in a hurry though, in fact, he seemed to take it easy, as there was clear torment intent on his eyes.

He was looking at him like some kind of toy or little animal that he could play with him as much as he wanted.

But that lasted only for a moment, as Tianlong Yun started walking past him, towards the 4 ladies on the ground, to check on their injuries, and give them some recovery pills.

The ladies were clearly surprised seeing that their Master had returned, and as if that wasn't enough he was kicking that old pervert's ass to the ground, and giving them pills.

One should know that the recovery pills Tianlong Yun had taken out were level 4 pills, and they weren't exactly cheap, in fact, they were really expensive.

No matter how precious a servant was, not even the big families would use one of them to help them recover.

Having a level 4 recovery pill, was the same as having an extra life because the effects it had on the cultivator were extremely amazing, it could bring them back from the brink of death.

Yet Tianlong Yun was taking out 2 of these pills, and 2 level 3 recovery pills for the others, while these were as precious as the level 4 ones, they were still pricey.

Still, Tianlong Yun was taking these things out like he was handing candies to the ladies, without caring in the least about their price or rarity.

How could the ladies not get surprised, and stunned at this? While their lives were important to them, these pills were even more. They weren't in such a bad shape to need one of those.

But before they could even say something to object to his actions, they felt the pills stuffed in their mouths, with nothing else left but to swallow it down.

Alexa was the first one to swallow the pill, as she was severely injured and didn't think she could any longer, as she said in a weak voice,

"Master, this is too precious, how…"

But she couldn't continue because Tianlong Yun interrupted her saying,

"Stay by my side, and always obey my orders no matter what! That way you can repay this, and anything else that is to come!

Now stay down and recover well, I need to discipline a perverted old dog!"

With that said he turned around to look at his target, but he was a bit surprised by what he saw, as this guy was looking at him with greedy eyes.

He truly just used some really expensive and rare pills for the ladies, but did he forget what happened a moment ago? Or did he become stupid all of a sudden!?

In fact, it wasn't that the old man had gone senile, or had forgotten what happened, it was just that greed made his brain work faster, and look for a more pleasing explanation for what had happened.

Right now, he was thinking and seeing his Master Jayden as a big and powerful bank, protected with mortal security guards.

If he could take out these pills so easily like they were just candies, then how much of it, and what else did he had in his space ring?

He didn't know precisely, but he knew that if he got his hands on that, he would never have to worry about wealth and power anymore.

His dreams went even further ahead, as he thought that he could leave the Smith family, and create his own family and lineage.

As for what happened earlier, he thought that he might have exaggerated it, and overly thought it, as most probably Master Jayden had been able to cause that since he was unprepared.

He had a sudden burst of energy and confidence, that if he was totally concentrated on the fight like he was right now, then there was no freaking way that would happen again.

In fact, he was so certain of his victory, and strength, that he didn't even let his opponent attack to assess his strength, as he charged towards him.

In front of him, Tianlong Yun was getting more and more surprised by this old man, who seemed to have been totally blinded by greed, but this just made matters worse for him.

Tianlong Yun just stayed there without moving, as he expected for his attack to come. Not only was that guy using Qi, but he was also using it through a martial skill.

His martial skill seemed to be light attributed because it had an almost blinding effect and a considerable strong heat.

It was obvious that he was truly invested in this, as the Qi and his martial skill seemed to be really powerful, in fact, his attack was really shiny and powerful looking.

Truth to be told the attack was truly strong, as any normal, 5th level Nascent Soul Realm cultivator wouldn't be able to defend against it.

But forgetting the normal part, Tianlong Yun had a higher cultivation than this guy, as he was 6th level Nascent Soul Realm.

Complementing it with his abnormality, then one could easily derive the end of the attack and battle, as Tianlong Yun released his flaming scales, and received the attack with his physical body.

On the outside though, this action of his seemed like he was just standing there, without moving. The pervy old man even thought him to be too scared to move, as the riches would be his.

The ladies by the side were worried for their Master, unknowingly they had started to accept him more and more, after all, he had given them so precious pills to recover, but now he was in danger.

The two of them who were still able to move, and weren't badly injured even tried to stand up, and run towards him, they had to return the favor, otherwise, their hearts would never be in peace.josei

But before they could move, they heard a calm mental message,

'Don't move, everything is okay, I can handle this!'

The two ladies were startled at hearing that, but looking towards him at that moment, they could clearly see his calm face.

They thought they had been worried for nothing, as in fact for a moment he even had the time to turn his head and give them a reassuring look.

Even as the attack was approaching him he seemed to not consider it in the least, like he was facing a small wave while playing on the beach.

When the contact finally happened, the ground where he was standing seemed to crumble down his feet, as a lot of soil, dust, and debris flew around, as some of them even melted.

Looking at the created scene one would have guessed that the person facing that should be a goner, as it was something that could even obliterate a cultivator.

Especially someone who had just been looking at the attack, without taking any measure or precaution, then he was surely long gone.

Even the old dog was thinking that he might have overdone it and that accidentally he not only killed him but even destroyed his space ring.

That was a mistake he wouldn't forgive himself for, as he was doing all that just for that space ring, otherwise, he would have tried to run away.

It took a while for the debris and the dust to finally settle down, and the Qi in the area to stabilize, as in the middle of a large and deep pit, appeared a naked handsome young man.

He seemed to be covered in shiny metallic lustered scales, that seemed to be set ablaze. It was truly an amazing thing to look at, but considering that being his scene they had to look at his naked body.

While Tianlong Yun's body had been more than able to bear and absorb that attack, his clothes weren't so lucky, as they had turned into ashes long ago.

In front of him, the old dog seemed to be completely dumbfounded! But it wasn't comprehensible if he was due to the fact of Tianlong Yun surviving his attack, or his weapon hanging on his waist!?

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