Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 415

Chapter 415: On the way towards the Nightmare Forests

His escape dream was short-lived, as the next moment, he felt a strong and flaming scally hand reach out and grab him by his neck.

No matter how much he tried to escape with all he had, but it seemed like that hand was a steel slab that he couldn't escape from.

He felt like he was stuck in a quagmire, unable to even move a single thread of hair from his body, it was truly strange, and unimaginable, an expert like him was feeling like a chicken with a knife on its head.

But that was just the beginning as the next moment, he was pulled back, as a powerful slap burned his old face once again, sending him flying like a broken kite.

His mind, and brain were devoid of any thought at the moment, as he wasn't even able to process the situation with what was happening to him.

He felt even worse than an ant in the hands of Tianlong Yun, as even before he had fallen to the ground, he suffered another tight slap.

It seemed like he was in the middle of a tornado of attacks, and no matter how he tried to change his situation, he couldn't, he could only let the law of physics of this place play its role on his body.

Tianlong Yun didn't seem to get tired either, as any moment he would be sent another tight slap to his face, and make him even more miserable.

He was trying to blaze all the anger he had over this old dog, as he didn't even take a break to check on his breath.

Each strike of his was powerful enough to leave a handprint over his body, but not powerful enough to endanger his life.

What he was doing was only the beginning of his torture to this guy, and couldn't even be considered as a little interest of his actions, this old dog was in for the treat of his life.

But just this small courtesy opening caused the old dog more than 2 hours of slap beating, pain, and humiliation.

When he was done slapping him, Tianlong Yun even pissed on the powerless, and weak body of the old dog, as he sent him inside one of the dungeons of his Old Pouch.

No matter how much he wanted to go on and torture this old dog, he didn't have the necessary time at the moment.

He had already lost all this time by being inside the Old Pouch and having no contact with the outer world, and his time was running out.

While the exploration forces were holding rather well until now, he had a bad premonition that things would get even more chaotic and bloody from now on.

Until now the people of the Soul Race had probably only sent kamikaze cannon fodder inside the barrier, trying to assess the strength of the people inside.

And after the scouting was totally finished it would be time for them to send their main force and subjugate all they could, while exterminating all they couldn't.

While Tianlong Yun was in a rather good position right now and could escape to the outside, he was still just a weak chicken in front of those guys.

If he stayed inside the barrier there was no way he would be able to escape death as well, his only choice, and his only opportunity was finding the Soul God's inheritance.

Only with that would he be able to devise a good plan against the Soul Race that was inhabiting this place.

Right now, he was totally concentrating on what was happening and would happen inside this space, as he was perfectly calm with the outside since Tianlong Xia was there.

She was his 'Mate' and his 'Queen' and she was probably the only person who had his full and unwavering trust.

He could expect anyone else to betray him, or even stab him on the back and kill him, beside her. She was the only exception.

They were kindred souls, bound by love, and existence who had made an oath to live and die for each other.

Now that he thought about it, he was a bit wondering what she had been up to, and if she was doing fine, and for a moment he thought he felt her warm heartbeat.

That should have been just his imagination running wild, so he placed that to the back of his head, and then started looking at the four ladies who were done recollecting the camp.

It was time to leave this place, and this barrier, and go look for his fate outside. A tough challenge was ahead of him, but he wasn't afraid, quite on the contrary he was excited.

With these thoughts in mind, he observed them carefully from head to toe without hiding his gaze, and lust, as he confirmed that even the two injured ladies were in good conditions to walk.

Then he said in a serious and solemn tone,

"Our way ahead will be full of danger, and life-threatening situations so you better prepare yourself for the worst.

Remember one thing though, I appreciate virtue at my servants, and people as much as I hate treason and disobedience!

Was I clear!?"

The ladies were taken aback by his words, but they didn't dare tarry their response as they immediately answered in unity,

"Yes, Master!"

Satisfied with their answer, Tianlong Yun went ahead and started walking towards the barrier, at the spot where Yang Xiu and the other 2 were.

They were already close to the barrier so it didn't take them a long time to reach their destination, which seemed to be devoid of life.

It seemed like there was nothing in there, there was no presence of life, giving the place a unique sense of desolation.

Tianlong Yun just continued to lead them further closer to the barrier, as he suddenly said,

"Reveal yourselves!"

The four ladies were startled and surprised by his words because they couldn't feel anyone in the area no matter how much they had tried to.

But their startle and surprise turned into shock when they saw the air in front of them ripple a bit, and immediately after they saw three black silhouettes appear out of nothingness.

They clearly hadn't expected this, as the next instant, they all jumped in front of their Master, taking a defensive position.

This was more of an instinct out of what they were taught, as their Master's life was always their top priority.

But right after they learned they had been worrying for nothing, as the three black shadows, bowed towards the man behind them, saying,


Tianlong Yun was a bit surprised by the ladies' actions, but also satisfied, at least this showed that they were capable and dependable slaves for him.

Still, he showed no emotion, or expression on his face, as he just said in a natural voice,

"Step down girls, I don't need you guarding me against my own people!"

The ladies clearly understood his words as they immediately stepped down and moved once again behind their Master.

Tianlong Yun looked at the trio in front of him, as he just spoke in a natural voice, but even then, Tianlong Yun's voice had a natural ruler's aura to it.

"Any news or disturbance lately?"

Jiang Bo stepped forwards, removed his mantle, and said in a reverent voice,

"There was a tentative from the powerhouses to come and destroy the barrier Master, but even though they tried as hard as they could they weren't able to do it.

Not to mention that the 'locals' didn't let them any time to rest, as they attacked relentlessly even though they were going to their own death.

At the moment all the attempts have been put on hold, but we have caught words that they are preparing for another try.

This time they are even considering making a full-power attack, involving even the weaker cultivators in the attack.

Besides this, there has been nothing noteworthy Master, only a few straying cultivators have passed around this area, but just like you ordered we didn't act and only observed.

Even though some of them seemed a bit suspicious, as they didn't seem worried in the least by the barrier even though their strength was a bit lacking!"

There was no exploring cultivator in this space, that wouldn't have any opinion on the barrier, as this was a part of their jail.

They all hated this shitty barrier that was blocking them from freedom and escape. Everyone's nerves were like guitar strings, ready to explode at any given moment.

After thinking for a while Tianlong Yun continued with a natural and calm voice,

"Very well done, just keep doing the same until you get word from the two Mistresses. No matter what be prepared to leave this place at a short moment's notice.

After you get out of the barrier, head out towards the nightmare forests, and make camp at the entrance but don't enter!

Your safety and well-being take priority!"

Jiang Bo and the other person wearing the black mantle just bowed lightly and acknowledged their order.

Tianlong Yun could feel that the little furry girl wanted to jump on his arms and be cared for a bit, but he didn't have time right now, as he ordered Yang Xiu to open a spot in the barrier.

Immediately as his thought went through, the 4 ladies behind him were shocked to see a small delicate opening in the barrier.

They had just heard that all the powerhouses weren't able to open the barrier, yet there was now a small hole, enough for them to pass through it without problems.josei

The weird thing about this situation was, that they seemed to have gotten used to Tianlong Yun's miracles and just followed him through the hole.

It was time to explore the 'Nightmare Forests'.

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