Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 431

Chapter 431: Monkeys Sees Monkeys Do [R-17]

"Please, I can't wait anymore!"

Her words left even the experienced Tianlong Yun startled and surprised. This was totally unexpected to him, as he raised his head to look her in the eyes, and said,

"I didn't expect you to be such a little minx, beauty!"

The Thirteenth princesses face had gone totally beat red, as this was something that came from deep inside her, and she hadn't been able to control herself at a moment of weakness.

All the frustration of having to handle her own needs by herself for all these years had peaked at this moment, as she finally had the opportunity to feel fulfilled.

But certainly, this wasn't something that she would want to say, because she knew that the guy in front of her that pretended to be Tianlong Yun would think lowly of her.

She was a respectable, and honorable princess of the Werewolves race, and she couldn't accept that someone thought lowly of her just because of a word she said in a moment of weakness.

Thinking about what she had said a moment ago, made her feel ashamed to death, her face turned a deeper shade of red, but before she could try and say anything, her mouth was blocked by his lips.

Once again, his kiss made her lose in the emotion, her legs turn to jelly, as she had even forgotten what she wanted to say by the time that he had broken their kiss again.

Seeing her hot and red face, and feeling her strongly throbbing heart, made Tianlong Yun even more excited, as he was having troubles waiting for himself.

So, without tardiness, he immediately took her bra off totally, and then pulled her panties down, to finally reveal her hot, and sexy body to him.

He had to accept that she was truly hot and beautiful, as she seemed like she would put to shame a lot of those artificial models who thought that were at the peak of the world's beauty.

His luck with women, or to be more exact the women he chose to have were all city toppling beauties at the least. They would make any impotent man have a fire inside him nonetheless.

But of course, he had no plan to let them ever go to another man's arms, as they were his. Even his slaves were exclusive to him.

Now wasn't the time to think about that though, as he had more important matters at hand, as he said with a teasing look,

"Little minx, don't you think that I am the only one doing my duty here? After all, you are totally naked, but you haven't removed even one piece of cloth from my body!"

The Thirteenth princess didn't like the way he directed her, but she forgot about that as soon as she heard his teasing reproach.

She was a first-timer in this kind of relationship with a man present, so how could she know what she had to do if he didn't say anything to her.

Still, when she heard those words, she felt that she would get bullied, and mocked for having little to no experience in these matters, so she decided to put a tough front, and say,

"Of course, I was trying to give you a head start!"

Hearing that remark, Tianlong Yun felt like he would burst to laugh out loud any moment now, but that would totally destroy the mood, so he forcibly managed to control himself, as he said in an expectant voice,

"Then what are you still waiting for!?"

The Thirteenth princess already expected such an outcome, even though her mind, and thoughts were all over the place right now.

Still, she managed to put herself together a bit, and she shyly approached him, taking the initiative to kiss him this time, and even put her slither little tongue inside his mouth.

She was trying to copy and mimic each and any action that Tianlong Yun used on her, and she was trying to mimic them in detail.

Even the hand movement was the same, as one of her hands slipped on his rear back, and the other on his chest.

This girl was doing to him exactly the same things he did to her, it was like one of those monkeys sees monkeys do actions.

He was almost left speechless at this moment because this lady was just too cute at this moment. He didn't really know the real her, but he was sure that this wasn't acting.

But if he let her continue as she had started, then the situation would become a bit weird pretty soon, as she was massaging his butt, when her attention should be elsewhere.

With that thought in mind, he decided to help her a bit, as he finally started acting a bit, and taking the hand she had on his butt, he brought it to his crotch area, and then over his slumbering monster.

The princess didn't oppose him, in fact, she was glad that finally this hateful guy was getting a bit more proactive, and helping her as she had no idea what she was doing.

Each passing moment it felt like she was defusing some kind of bomb, and she was nervous as hell that she might trigger, or cut the wrong thread.

Then suddenly she received a great shock, something that she had never expected, as she couldn't believe how big, and thick that monster she was holding in her hands was.

While she had no idea what was average and normal, she would never believe that this thing was average or normal in any aspect.

Her desire to have this thing inside her as soon as possible diminished by a lot, as she was now afraid that this thing was going to tear her apart in two.

Tianlong Yun was able to notice her shock, and fear, so he approached closer to her hear as he whispered,

"Don't worry you can handle it perfectly!"

While his words weren't really well-chosen or tender, they were nonetheless a bit reassuring for her, as her tensed body relaxed quite a bit.

But Tianlong Yun didn't stop with only that, as he started massaging her erogenous areas once again, her butt, her soft pillows, her neck, her belly button, and finally one of his hands slipped in between her legs.

He didn't attack directly her secret garden, as he first started sliding his forefinger on her inner thighs, making her expectant of what was to come without actually doing it.

Sometimes expectancy is much more exciting and efficient than actually doing something, which was especially true for the woman in his arms, which had already made her intentions clear.

Even though the size made her tense a bit, and frightened her a bit, she was most probably forcibly enduring not to take his pants down immediately and jump on him.

It was clear that after feeling a man's touch she would never be able to satisfy herself with her fingers anymore, she would always need something more.

The more he built expectancy for her, the more she was strangling his dragon with her small hands, thinking about the moment that she would be penetrated by the monster on her hands.

Slowly the expectancy was building stronger than her fear, and tense about this monster tearing her apart, as she really soon forgot about her fear totally.

Noticing this happen, Tianlong Yun felt that this was his chance, as he almost immediately burned his clothes to ashes, and then took the princess in his arms, and jumped to the bed.

It didn't take much brain to understand that she was extremely wet, as there was a big puddle formed at the place where she had been standing all this time.josei

And her strangling of his monster could be counted for a really crude kind of hand job, so one could say that now Tianlong Yun was almost just as she was.

He couldn't wait anymore to feel that tight hole of this inexperienced lady, so as soon as they jumped to the bed, he started kissing her deeply, his hands massaging her body, as his dragon was at the cave's entrance.

He could feel the heat emanating from her secret cave, as the head of the dragon was throbbing at the entrance, waiting for permission to enter the sacred grounds.

Even though a bit difficultly, the dragon's head entered the entrance, but it was met with a small blockade the next moment.

Tianlong Yun was a bit surprised that this woman still had her purity, but this didn't make him stop, quite on the contrary, he started pushing forwards even deeper, as his dragon crushed that blockade totally.

"Kyaaa~! Hhnnggg~! It huuurttsss!"

While it was no surprise to hear that she was going to lose her virginity right then and there with Eric, and she was expecting him to enter inside her, and make her feel full, but still the pain was unimaginable.

She had felt like her soul had left her body for a moment, and then had returned back inside her the next moment, but the pain still seemed unbearable.

Her only consolation was that it looked like she had taken more than half of that big thing in that thrust, and made her feel happy and satisfied inside like she had done a big deed.

Too bad that wasn't the end of it, as she could clearly feel that the monster kept entering her secret cave without caring about her pain at this moment.

"Aagghh~! Hhng~!"

It only stopped when she could feel that it had reached the deepest part of her secret cave. There it stopped for a few moments, as Tianlong Yun was kissing her passionately.

Damn this guy was such a good kisser that almost made her forget about the pain she had in her secret cave's entrance, just by kissing her.

In no time her tense body had soothed up quite a bit, and Tianlong Yun…

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