Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 432

Chapter 432: Thirteenth princess down [R-18]

Seeing that her tensed body had soothed up quite a bit, Tianlong Yun pulled his hips back, and thrust once again, this time trying to reach deeper inside her.

'aagghh, mhmn~!'

While it still hurt a bit at first, it wasn't like the first time, not to mention that this time she also felt a bit of pleasure, as she felt that monster enter the deepest it could inside her secret cave.

That was just the start of it, as this time Tianlong Yun didn't stop inside her and continued going back and forward, pulling his monster out and then slamming it back in.

'aahhn, mhmn, ohhhm~!'

The smart and intelligent lady seemed to have disappeared as her place seemed to have been occupied by a horny minx that was enjoying every inch she got inside her.

The previous silence had now turned into a choir of moans from her side, as each of the moans was higher-pitched, and more often.

Which man wouldn't get satisfied and extra energetical as the woman below him screamed and moaned like that? So, he got motivated to go faster and harder doing it!

He wanted to know what was the limit of those moans, and screams, that seemed to be coming from the pleasure of her soul.

With each thrust, he would go a little a bit deeper, harder, and faster, and with each thrust her moans would become louder and more incomplete, and erratic.

'ahn, mhn, ohh, ahh, hnn…'

Tianlong Yun could feel that her first climax was building up really strong, in fact, it was so strong that she was trembling, and shivering in his arms even before it reached its peak.

Still, Tianlong Yun didn't stop, quite on the contrary he kept improving his pace, and rhythm making her lose her mind even more.

Luckily, or unluckily, she wasn't able to hold on for much longer, as she could only wrap her hands, and legs around Tianlong Yun's waist, and neck, as she came with a scream,

"Shooo goooddnnn!"

With those words, she started trembling and shivering even more, as her whole body looked like some kind of massage doll rather than a woman's body.

But that wasn't all, as even though she had Tianlong Yun's monster still inside her, fluids started coming out of her secret cave as she was squirting.

This was probably the first time that Tianlong Yun had done it with a squirter, but he had to accept that it wasn't a bad experience.

But while she had reached the peak of her climax, which was subsiding right now, and the sex slave seal had been activated, Tianlong Yun still hadn't reached his.josei

At that moment his lust levels were really high, and he couldn't stop things here even if he wanted to, as his blood was boiling inside.

So, he just kept going at her as his life depended on it, even though she was shivering harder in his embrace.

If one looked at this scene, they would think that a big wolf was just ravaging a defenseless little sheep, that could do nothing but accept her luck and fate.

The sounds of their intimate parts clashing against each other had become even more intensified, and loud, as Tianlong Yun was going in and out of her like a never-stopping machine.

But, since the Thirteenth princess was still in the process of her climax, her secret cave's wall was contracting really fast, and harder, making him feel like it was trying to squeeze any ounce of special milk that he could produce.


For that reason, he wasn't able to go on for long, as finally, he released everything his milk factories had produced until now inside her warm, and moist insides.

He felt like he had painted her all-white inside with how much he released, as he could feel the excess part flowing out of her, even though her secret cave's entrance was still blocked.

The moment that Tianlong Yun had filled her belly full, the Thirteenth princess hadn't been able to stay conscious anymore, as she had fainted from the tiredness, and over-exerting her body.

Her limbs and all her body just fell on the bed weak, as even her secret cave's entrance took the shape of Tianlong Yun's monster, and didn't apply the same pressure anymore.

This mad first time had been too much for the Thirteenth princess, and apparently, she had been waiting for this for a long, long time to happen.

Tianlong Yun released himself from her lock, and slowly took his monster outside of her, even though he felt it was a bit funny as she had a disappointed face when he did so.

For a moment he thought of staying inside her until she woke up, but that would just make her feel more special and would raise troubles later, at the moment she was nothing more than a slave, after all.

Making up his mind, he took it out, and slowly got up from the bed, as there was a big problem right now, he wasn't satisfied.

His blood was still boiling inside of him, and his monster was still standing proud and tall, it looked like even if the Heavens came crushing upon him, he would be able to hold the heavens high.

It was good that he still had one more place to go, and one more lady to visit, that one surely would be able to last for more than just one time, right? Especially if he added her grand granddaughter to the mix.

With these thoughts in mind, he immediately spread his spirit sense all over the Old Pouch, as he traced the Ruthless princess, who was just pleasing herself, and brought her in front of the next targets room.

The Ruthless princess was clearly startled by the fact that she lost the comfort of her bed, and suddenly appeared on some kind of floor, but seeing Tianlong Yun naked beside her, she didn't mind it.

In fact, after what Tianlong Yun did to her, he had left her alone, and hadn't even seen her again since. She was frustrated at this, as she had been feeling really horny, and incomplete lately.

She needed more of that thing, she needed more of that treatment, she needed more of that Tianlong Yun's monster.

So even though she was startled, her startle had turned into a more than a pleasant surprise, and she didn't complain about it.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun hadn't expected that she was such a lusty bi*tch, he didn't know if she was pleasing herself thinking about him, or her little brother, but looking at her face he could clearly understand it.

She was having the look of a hungry beast, and her eyes weren't even looking at him but were looking at his tall standing monster.

Understanding this much, Tianlong Yun had a devilish grin of a satisfied man on his face, as he thought that this would be easier than he thought, as he said in a dominant voice,

"I didn't expect you to be such a monster-loving bi*tch princess! But, if you want it that much, then you have to do as I tell you! Are we clear!?"

The Ruthless princess lost her concentration on his monster for a moment, as she heard those words, but then said with a clear obedient voice,

"I accept that I am a craving bi*tch but that is only for yours! These days have been like torture for me, not to have you pound me senseless.

I don't understand how I have fallen so low, but I have no other choice but to accept it, and I will make anything I can to have it!"

Some of the many things that the Ruthless princess lacked were feelings of shame, pity, and embarrassment.

She had organized so many depravity events, and so many tortures, punishments, killings, that it didn't make a difference to her anymore.

By doing all this she had managed to understand something truly important according to her, that she should never shy away from her real feelings, and should tell anything she felt or wanted straightly.

For that reason, she was being so direct, and straight at this moment. Accepting her craving, and also her position.

Tianlong Yun was a bit surprised at her attitude, but then he was also satisfied because this meant that he had managed to subdue this proud and arrogant woman.

Furthermore, she was someone who could easily do anything he asked of her without even blinking.  Suddenly he felt like he had landed on a rough gem, that he had to shape in a beautiful diamond.

With the Thirteenth princess doing the thinking, and this woman doing the acting, he was sure that he would be able to not only control the two Clans but also use them to control Europe.

Slowly every stone was going to fall on its place, and he would use the little planet outside as his precious little garden, that would help him in creating an army to take down the Immortal World.

But seeing that the situation had gone up to this, he suddenly looked at her with a solemn and serious look as he said,

"You would do whatever I asked you to, even if that included going against your family, and Clan!?"

But her answer was even faster than he expected, as she said,

"My family and my Clan have already thrown me away, and I hold no feelings whatsoever about them. In fact, I want to place more than half of them in the stake myself, for throwing me away!"

Tianlong Yun was satisfied with her answer, but then he looked her in the eyes once again, as he asked with a clear voice,

"What about your little brother!?"

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