Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 460

Chapter 460: Melting the last wall to the Heart

(Cringe Warning!!!)

"Patriarch, I am sorry about my incompetence! If I had been more attentive, and careful something like this wouldn't have happened, and you wouldn't have to do what you did!

Please punish me as you see fit!"

Tianlong Yun was a bit startled by her reaction, but clearly, she had been in a week emotional state after what happened outside, and as soon as they got back, this happened.

He couldn't blame her for failing to understand properly the whole situation, so he turned back, patted her silky hair as he said,

"Stupid girl, you don't have to bother about it! I made this show on purpose, so there was nothing you could do about it!"

Tianlong Hu Die was startled, as she asked with confusion clear on her face,

"Master did it!? But why!?"

"You are still a bit emotional, and muddleheaded right now, but try to think from an objective point of view!

What is better, to let these guys run amok inside the Clan on their own, or guide them towards a path you want, and then deal with them!"

"You mean!?"

"Yes, I planted the seeds, and this was just one of the harvests! Like I said little girl human mind is fickle, and nobody could predict what will happen!"

"I would never do that Master, if my mind starts thinking about that, I would rather die, than do something like that!

I Tianlong Hu Die swear to the Heavens, Earth, and my bloodline that I will never even think of betraying my Master and Husband in the future Tianlong Yun, my sisters, and my family!

If I ever do it or even think of doing it, then let my soul, and existence be lost in nothingness, never to be reincarnated again!"josei

Tianlong Yun knew that she would never betray him, and at first, he wanted to stop her, but fear and suspicion prevented him from doing so.

The truth was that after what happened to him in his previous life, he would never pass that last line of defense with anyone.

He was afraid to take that last step, besides Tianlong Xia, there was no one else that he had taken down all his defensive lines.

But she was a special occasion, as they shared that bond from the beginning, but no one else besides her had that perk.

Even Lu Bing and Tianlong Yue weren't able to break down that wall. Even though he knew that the two of them would prefer death before thinking of betrayal, he still couldn't take that last step.

The same was with Tianlong Hu Die, this little girl from the start had treated him, and seen him as her knight in shining armor, and thinking only about him.

Yet he wasn't able to break that last wall with her, and now that she started her oath, that last wall didn't let him interrupt her and waited for the oath to be done.

That stupid loli girl even felt that this wasn't enough, and wanted to go further, but she couldn't because her mouth had been completely blocked, and taken away by Tianlong Yun's.

Others weren't able to see it, but at this moment, there were some traces of tears in Tianlong Yun's eyes that evaporated even before being formed.

This time the kiss felt different, it was much more passionate and lively than before, it was like the last walls on Tianlong Yun's heart had melted, and Tianlong Hu Die had finally entered his heart.

Feeling this, the loli girl started crying once again, but this time they were tears of happiness, mind-blowing, and inexpressible happiness.

It was only when they broke that kiss moment later, that she said in between rough breaths,

"I fi-finally was a-able to enter Ma-master's heart!"

Tianlong Yun understood what she meant, after all, he was able to understand this himself, it was just that he didn't know it had been this obvious.

If she was able to feel it, then most probably Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing had been able to feel it too, and they had been enduring this for such a long time.

Just wanting to assure, he asked with a slightly emotional tone,

"Have the others felt it too!?"

"Yes, all of us who care about you from the bottom of our hearts have felt it, and we decided to do everything we could to make that wall melt.

We even had the support of Big Sister Xia, haha~!"

"So, you have turned into some kind of organization inside my own clan now!? Haha~! You little thieves!"

But as he said those words, he then turned serious and looked on her eyes, as he said with a solemn voice,

"Sorry, little girl!"

Nobody would ever think that the tyrannical, and heartless demon, killer of earlier would ever use these words in front of someone else.

But that exactly showed the value that Tianlong Hu Die and the others had for Tianlong Yun and their standing in his heart.

He was the kind of guy that would destroy planets, stars, and Immortals without even batting an eye, but would turn so soft in front of his loved ones.

Tianlong Hu Die heard those words clearly, but she decided to answer with the same coin he did, as she started kissing him passionately, and then when they broke up the kiss said in a gentle and caring voice,

"Don't mind it Husband, it's okay now!"

The situation they were in was truly weird no matter how one saw it. A young man and a loli were lying on the ground, kissing each other, as the loli was even playing the role of the grown-up between them.

Then as if reminding something, Tianlong Yun immediately plastered a devilish grin on his face, as he said with a teasing tone,

"By the way, little girl, since when have I gone from being your Master to your Husband, huh!?"

Tianlong Hu Die was caught unprepared by this question, as until now she had just been completely open, and expressed her wishes, but her wishes were more advanced than the current situation.

She was caught in an embarrassing situation, and even though she knew that her Master was just playing around, she didn't want to lose this game, so she said,

"Well since Master finally opened the door of his heart for me, I thought that you would like me to say it, but if you don't it's not a problem Master!"

"This doesn't change the fact that you did it though! So, you need a punishment little beauty!"

With that said he jumped upon her and started ravishing her cute little mouth, and her sweet cherry lips, he felt like he was eating some kind of sugar candy as he kissed her lips.

Tianlong Hu Die didn't expect this kind of 'punishment' her Master was giving her, but she didn't want this punishment to end, in fact, she wanted to continue for a long time.

Tianlong Yun on the other hand started it off as a punishment joke on her, but the more he continued, the hotter his blood was getting.

She had not only sweet lips, but even her voluptuous soft pillows were so soft and squishy, that he couldn't help but try and squeeze them at their limit.

The more he did so, the higher her soft buds seemed to be growing, as they were now fighting against the restrictions of her cute pinky bra, and her shirt.

but the next moment the fight was over, as a small fire burned her clothes to smithereens, without harming her in the least.

Even though height-wise Tianlong Hu Die had remained short, her melons and her womanly curves were almost perfect, making her a totally legal stunning loli.

Tianlong Yun had never thought that someday he would have such a woman part of his Harem, but now he wasn't that much against the idea.

The direct contact with her melons though increased his lust, and the tension inside, as even his slumbering dragon started to wake up from its slumber.

But the key to its awakening was most certainly her cute moan when she felt his manly hand touch upon her soft pillows, and their nipping buds directly,

"Ahhn~! Husband!"

More than her real feelings, that word seemed like a challenge for Tianlong Yun, in order for him to not stop his advances and go further.

Even though she had been ready, and wanted to give herself to her Master so long ago, secretly she had always wanted to be something special, and she would never get a more special moment than this.

No matter what, she wanted this to be the night that she gave everything to her Master. Her heart and soul were already his, all that was left now was her body.

Tianlong Yun could understand her motive but right now he was too focused on kissing her soft lips and squeezing her melons.

The feeling was so addictive that he didn't want to stop, as at the same time his dragon had fully awakened, and was ready to explore the caves lying in front of him.

Since Tianlong Hu Die was relatively short, his dragon was pressed against her thighs, but even those thighs were so soft and silky that he didn't mind resting his dragon there.

Her whole body was like a work of art, and he was its biggest appreciator. He loved every inch, nook, and cranny of her body, she was like a little goddess in his eyes.

Still, he didn't lose his clarity from all this, and even from her challenge, but he could understand from her shivers and temperature, that she wanted this as much or even more than he did.

Seeing this he felt like he would be wronging her terribly if he didn't comply, as he asked,

"Are you sure about this!?"

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