Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 461

Chapter 461: Tianlong Hu Die’s first time (2/3) [R-18]

Tianlong Hu Die was startled hearing those words, but she understood that this meant that she didn't have to play games anymore, her Master was serious.

This was the moment she had been anxiously waiting this whole time, and if it didn't happen even this time it would most probably turn into a heart demon for her.

For that reason, she didn't hesitate in the least as she immediately answered,

"Yes, yes, I am, I have been sure for so long!"

With that said Tianlong Yun had no reason to resist or hold back anymore, as he once again started kissing her cherry lips like a hungry wolf, as his hands kept squeezing her melons.

All this time he had been restraining himself, but now he didn't have to anymore. He could taste, play, and enjoy her body, her touch, and her being as much as he could.

With these thoughts in mind, his lips broke up from hers as he started planting kisses through her cheeks, neck, nape, and then to her sweet melons.

He had never tried and picked up watermelons himself, but just by looking at those things in front of him he knew they were ripe, in fact even more so.

They seemed perfectly round, hanging a bit due to their size, but nonetheless were perfect, their texture felt like cotton candy, and so was even their sweetness.

It wasn't like this was the first time he tasted and worked with something like this, but he would never grow tired of it.

To Tianlong Yun, every woman's body was like an artful composition of wonders, and pleasures, every inch of their bodies, every nook and cranny seemed to be created with great detail, like a unique piece of art.

To him every woman was special in its own way, each one of them was rare and unique in her own way.

If he had to give them a comparison, each and every one of them represented a color, and each color gave more and more life, and meaning to his black and white world.

Right now, this girl was a beautiful light cherry color, that seemed so warm and life-giving, it was truly beautiful, as he couldn't stop himself from trying to kiss her and hug her at the most of his abilities.

Especially those rosy buds on top of her big melons that were protruding from their natural closed circular valleys and were pointing towards him.

Tianlong Yun couldn't bear the temptation and immediately bit on that thing gently, as his lips were sucking in the surroundings of it, making it look like a little kid drinking milk from her melons.

There was certainly no milk, but it was still nonetheless truly enticing, and satisfying, that he thought that he might even get addicted to it.

'Aahhnn, mmhhnnn…'

As he continued with his sucking and biting though Tianlong Hu Die couldn't stop her loud moans anymore.

From the moment that her partner had started taking this seriously, she hadn't had the time to think much about what was going on, as all she could do was moan, and enjoy the attention.

His every touch made her body shiver, and tremble, as she could feel that something big was slowly building inside her.

She felt like her body was producing a powerful storm, but all the rainwater and humidity were blocked by a dam in her secret cave.

But the more the storm continued, the more dangerous this whole thing felt, the closer the dam seemed to be towards explosion.

This wasn't the first time she experienced something like this, as there had been many times when she had pleasured herself thinking about her Master!

But this was the first time she was experiencing his touch, his kisses on her body, and especially that sucking on her big melons.josei

Furthermore, her melons were also one of her weak spots, coupled with her Master's masterful touch, she was coming closer and closer to experiencing her first climax of the night.

Seeming to understand this Tianlong Yun started to get even more focused on treating her, as he kept sucking on the left melon with his mouth, he was playing with his hands with the right one.

He had her right bud within his fingers, pinching on it, giving her a small mixture of pain, and pleasure mixed together.

"Aghnn, mghnn, aahnn, mhnn…'

Her moans were getting louder and louder, as it was clear that she was so close to the climax, and Tianlong Yun was getting more and more ruthless with her melons.


It took her only another moan, and she wasn't able to keep the dam closed anymore, as everything inside her seemed to melt and go out of her secret cave's entrance.

Her climax didn't stop Tianlong Yun from doing what he was doing though, as he continued playing with her melons, making her trembling body unable to stop.

At this moment, more than pleasure Tianlong Yun seemed like he was tormenting her, as she could only ask for mercy through rough breaths,

"Ma-ahnn-aster, ple-mhhmn-ease…"

She wasn't able to finish her words and meaning but Tianlong Yun could understand her and stopped there.

She had yet to fully develop, even though she was 17 years old, she had yet to grow and become a woman, she was still a young lady in his eyes.

For that reason, he stopped there, and let her recover for a bit, and only when she seemed to have gotten better, he asked with a teasing tone,

"Ready for round 2 little girl!?"

Tianlong Hu Die felt a bit bad to have stopped him earlier, as not only she had lost his touch for a few moments, but she had also disrupted his pleasure.

For that reason, she didn't lose time as she used her little, and lithe body, to overturn her Master from above her, rip his clothes to smithereens, and then started kissing his majestic and chiseled body.

At first, she started with a long and passionate French kiss, as then she followed his example going down to his cheeks, neck, and nape, and towards his chest.

As she arrived at his chest, she once again mimicked him, as she kissed his buds, and even licked upon them, but differently from him, she didn't stop there.

No, she continued to lick, and kiss his chest going down, arriving at his belly button she trickled a circular path around it, and then gave it a good lick before she went even lower.

Reaching his pants, she didn't the same thing she did to his upper garments, and in no time Tianlong Yun's dragon was in front of her.

She had felt it many times over her clothes, pressed upon her thighs, or her secret garden, but this was the first time seeing it 'face to face'.

It was big, thick, and sturdy! It looked like it was angry at her for awakening it from its sleep, and was twitching in her hands.

A simple sorry wouldn't cut it to make it calm, she had to take full responsibility for her acts, as she swallowed once hard, and then approached the angry dragon, with her little tongue out.

Giving it a nice lick on the head, made it twitch in her tongue, and she felt like it was exciting, furthermore, it didn't taste bad either.

As a matter of fact, she liked its taste, so she started licking it more and more like she couldn't get enough of it.

'slurp, slurrppp, slurppp…'

Once in a while she would even plant some kisses on its head, or plaster her lips along the dragon's body, making slurping sounds, but she didn't care.

At the moment, the only thing she could think about was to enjoy as much as she could the big ice cream in front of her, which seemed to deplete in the least.

No matter how much she licked and kissed upon it, it continued to be the same angry dragon that would twitch at her actions.

Seeing that her efforts weren't exactly bringing her much fruition, she decided to take a step further, as she opened her mouth as wide as she could, and gobbled on that dragon as far as she could.

She could feel it enter her throat, but she didn't stop there as she continued for as much as she could, and even though she couldn't take it all, she still was able to reach more than ¾ of it.

'Cough, cough…'

But she wasn't able to keep it there for long, as she was forced to take it out, as she started coughing hard.

Tianlong Yun on the other hand was enjoying this little crazy girl's service until she started choking on his dragon.

At first, he thought that he needed to let her do what she wanted, after all, she deserved it, but now he understood that leaving it in her hands was a bit too reckless.

This little girl would do anything she could to make him happy, and feel pleased, even at the expense of her own pain, and suffering.

If she did something like this only thinking about his carnal satisfaction and pleasure, then no doubts she was going to do much, much more if it came to his life, and orders.

He couldn't let this crazy little girl get ahead of himself, after all, she had melted the last wall of ice he had in his heart, and she was someone important to him.

He couldn't afford to lose her now, and even more when it was only for something like carnal pleasure.

With these thoughts in mind, he patted her silky smooth hair once again, approached her for a kiss, and said…

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