Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 462

Chapter 462: Breaking the Barrier (3/3) [R-18]

"Don't push yourself too hard little girl, you have a lot of time to get better at this!"

Tianlong Hu Die was startled at those words, but she understood what he meant and couldn't help but feel a lot happier inside.

Tianlong Yun was telling her that from now on they would be beside each other all the time, even though his words had some dirty nuances to it.

She didn't care, she was so happy that she was thinking that her heart would explode from happiness, and just let him lead the kiss, as she followed up.

At these moments, she felt like she was about to melt in that kiss, and that embrace, the whole world belonged to her.

Only when their kiss stopped was she finally able to grab a sense of what was going on, as she felt his fingers play their way towards her secret garden.

He was slowly stroking her silky thighs, moving forwards, and backward slowly and gently, like he wasn't even touching her, making all the hair in her body stand straight.

That wasn't all there was to it though, as he was only playing on the surroundings of her secret garden, approaching ever so slightly, but staying away from it, like it was some kind of forbidden zone.

But then he started kissing her once again down her neck, nape, and melons, but this time he didn't stop at her melons as he proceeded further.

Down her belly, licking her belly button, and then slowly but steadily he reached the end of her belly, and opened her legs, to find her secret garden. (El Dorado! This is cringe as fuck!)

Her folds had a light pink color and seemed to be a bit swollen, which was to be expected with everything that had been going on until now.

Everything seemed to be so fresh, and so beautiful that he couldn't stop looking at it, as he felt like he was getting addicted to the view.

With a great will, he managed to raise his head, and look at Tianlong Hu Die's face, which had taken a deep red hue at the moment.

It was clear that she was a bit embarrassed from all this, but still, she was doing her best not to say anything that could displease her Master.

Looking at that face, and that expression Tianlong Yun couldn't control himself anymore, as he wanted to ravish her, so he immediately used his big tongue, to give her secret cave's entrance a strong lick.

His sudden attack, made Tianlong Hu Die tremble right then and there, as she even climaxed a bit, but she didn't have time to react or recollect herself after that, as Tianlong Yun started attacking harder.

His tongue started moving nimbly, and smoothly all over her secret garden, as it was trying to find all its weaknesses and overly sensitive spots.

In a short amount of time, Tianlong Yun had managed to find over 3 weak spots she had, and that was without including that small Rubin over her secret cave's entrance.

With the territory, and the hit points secured, Tianlong Yun started its real attack, as he once again showed his wide and great experience.

"Ahnn, mhnn, mhmnn, ahmnn…"

It had been a while since she had started moaning once again, but with the true attack starting to hit upon her, and her nerves, she lost control of her voice, as her moans became louder and sharper.

Tianlong Yun on the other hand was getting more and more motivated with her moans, as his tongue started moving faster and faster, as he integrated even his fingers in his work.

The double attack seemed too powerful for the little pure girl, but she was still trying her best to hold back.

Seeing that her chances were really low like this and that she probably didn't have it long, she with a hard voice in between her pants, and moans,

"Ma-ahn-aster, me-mhmn to-ohmn-too!"

It didn't need much of an intelligence to understand what she meant, so Tianlong Yun just revolved himself with disturbing his attacks, and placed his dragon over her face.

Even though she was a loli, she was still tall enough, to let her Master taste her, as she tasted him. it was a bit difficult for her at first, as she had to find the right angle, and movements.

But in no time she adapted to the new situation, and started her own attacks, by licking, squeezing, and sucking on that big dragon.

At this moment they looked like a Yin-Yang symbol as they were there entwined with each other, as they both were on the attacking and receiving end at the same time.

Even though Tianlong Hu Die's counterattack had a lot of strength and power it was still too late for her, as she was already at the edge of her climax.


So, no matter how much she tried to hold on, and attack back, she still ended up losing the fight! As she could only let go of the dragon, and writhe on the ground.

Tianlong Yun let her rest for a few moments, and in the meantime, he got up and positioned himself in front of the goal.

Tianlong Hu Die was still panting, and breathing hard, as she felt the heat that was being released from the angry dragon in front of her secret cave's entrance.

The more she felt its head caress the secret cave's door, the more she felt like she couldn't bear it anymore, as she needed something like that to fill her up.

A big emptiness was created inside her at the moment, an emptiness that only Tianlong Yun could fill, and she couldn't wait anymore, she wanted him inside her.josei

After experiencing two climaxes one after the other, she felt like she was tired, and would certainly need some rest, but now all those thoughts went out of the window, as she wanted that dragon inside her.

Tianlong Yun could understand what was going through her mind, just by looking at her face, and expression, as he wanted almost the same too.

But this was her first time, and he didn't want to act too rashly, or too hard in fear of hurting her, so he was going to act slowly and patiently.

Just by this thought, one could understand the big gap between someone precious to him like Tianlong Hu Die, and just some woman whose body he could use like the Ruthless Princess.

But that didn't matter right now, what it mattered was the fact that Tianlong Hu Die felt a massive emptiness inside her, and Tianlong Yun was the only one who could fill that pit for her.

His dragon's head was still sliding up and down her vertical mouth, and would always pass by her secret cave's entrance without actually entering it, but she couldn't take it anymore.

For this reason, she waited for Tianlong Yun's dragon to pass up and down her vertical mouth to get used to his pace, and then suddenly circled her legs around his waist, and pulled him towards herself.

Tianlong Yun clearly didn't expect something like this, as he was trying anything he could to stop himself and bear until she was ready, but it seemed like she had grown tired of waiting.

Since she had already used her saliva and mouth to service to him, and the rubbing against her secret cave's entrance for so long, the dragon was more than enough slicky.

Couple with her expectation, and wishes, the head managed to enter her secret cave's entrance really easily but was soon stopped by the purity barrier.

She was stopped in her tracks for a moment, but the pain made her clench a lot of muscles on her body, and consequently her leg muscles, pulling him harder.


There wasn't only her pull though as there was even the inertia of his body suddenly approaching her like that, and the barrier didn't last even a second before it was completely destroyed.

In just one move and a half, Tianlong Yun's dragon was more than 9/10 inside her secret cave and stopped before entering her womb.

Even though she had the body of a loli she had managed to take inside her all that size, it was something that would make any man surprised, and Tianlong Yun was no different.

He could see the shape of his dragon on her belly, in fact, surprising him even more, as he stayed there inside her until she could relax a bit, as he said,

"You hasty little girl!"

There was a bit of blood trickling down her thighs, as she was clearly still in a bit of pain, but no other pant of pain escaped her lips.

She was clenching her teeth as strong as she could, but only grimace sounds escaped her mouth, no pain sounds, but the most noticeable feature was that satisfied and pleased expression on her face.

One of her biggest dreams had been fulfilled, and she finally was totally his, in body, mind, and soul.

Slowly she got used to the pain, even though her secret cave's walls were still twitching a bit around Tianlong Yun's dragon.

From the moment that he had recollected himself from the sudden pull, Tianlong Yun had lowered his upper body and was doing his best to kiss every inch of her face, neck, nape, and lips.

He could feel that with every extra kiss she was getting more and more relaxed, and calm as her body was forgetting that instantaneous pain and was once again returning to pleasure.

Feeling her relax, and calm Tianlong Yun started a deep and passionate French kiss, as…

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