Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 463

Chapter 463: Climaxing Together [R-18]

He gave her a deep and passionate French kiss, as he pulled his hips a bit, and then pushed forwards once again.


Tianlong Hu Die still felt a bit of pain at the start, and then a moment of pleasure, but those were drowned in Tianlong Yun's kiss, as her moan of pain and pleasure ended up inside his mouth.

That moan just powered up the blazing fire inside Tianlong Yun as he continued the kiss, and kept moving his hips.

The walls of Tianlong Hu Die's secret cave were so tight and so smooth that made his dragon, and him, feel so warm and comfy inside.

In fact, he didn't want to pull out and just enjoy that warmth, and comfortability as much as he could, this was comparable to some divine feeling.

The more he went at it, the more addicted he became to the feeling, and the more did he want to keep going.

Tianlong Hu Die on the other hand was totally engrossed in the new feeling, as this was the moment when finally, one of her dreams and goals in life became a reality.

It might look stupid and dirty for this to be true, but she didn't care. From the moment she had seen Tianlong Yun, even though at a really young age, she had fallen in love with her prince in shining armor.

Until the moment that Tianlong Yun had appeared in front of her, and saved her, she had only suffered pain, torture, humiliation, and fear, so his arrival was truly like a charming prince.

He came in front of her, and in a short time completely overturned the course of her life, giving her a new outlook on life, and what she was.

She hadn't understood how, or why, but Tianlong Yun was one of those first looks loves to her, someone that struck her heart in just one look.

At that time, she had thought of herself as unworthy of him, and even impossible for her to be by his side one day.

But now not only was she able to stay by his side, but she was also able to feel the warmth of his skin, his body, his beating heart, and have him complete her.

Right now, as she was in his arms she felt complete, as a girl, as a woman, as a human being, she felt like everything had fallen in its proper place, and everything was perfect.

She was able to even make peace with her past, as right now she thought that if it hadn't been for that past, she would never be able to have the present, and the future ahead of her.

These thoughts were only fleeting thoughts, as she couldn't concentrate much on that as a big and hard-bodied dragon was conquering her secret cave, and reshaping it according to its own shape.

The more she felt the dragon escape, and enter her secret cave the better she felt, as her secret cave's walls were being smothered, and rubbed with every thrust.

It was an amazing feeling for her, no matter how much she had imagined for this night, she had never truly even come close to imaging how amazing everything felt.

Even more so with his long and passionate French kiss drowning her moans in his mouth making her feel the heat of her own breath inside his.

The only negative about all this situation was the fact that her high emotional state and her hypersensitivity made her climax approach much faster, as she was at the ropes of her third climax for the night.

She didn't want it to happen but no matter how much she tried to bear it, and keep herself under control there was nothing she could do about it.

Her climax was building fast and sturdy, she could feel her own body tremble even before she was climaxing, she had totally lost control of her own body at that moment.josei

The only thing she could do was hug Tianlong Yun, her fingers, and nails were dug to his skin, as her melons were squished against his sturdy chest.

As she did that, she tried her best to say between lost breaths,

"P-ahn-plea-mhmn-se ma-ahnn-mas-hnn-hter to-ohn-get-hnn-her…"

Even though her words were mostly partial, and didn't make much sense, Tianlong Yun was able to fully understand them.


That was all Tianlong Yun said, but his intentions were more than clear, he would abide by the little beauty's wishes.

All this time he hadn't climaxed yet, but this didn't mean that he didn't feel his climax building at all, in fact, more than once he had been close to spraying her white, but he hadn't been able to.

Right now, he was close too, so it wasn't much of an effort climaxing together with his little beauty, as in fact, it would be a big relief, and pleasure, as he started going faster, and a bit harder at her.

'ahmnn, ohmnn, ahmnn…'

Tianlong Hu Die's moans became faster, and louder but were once again drowned in his mouth, as Tianlong Yun was releasing some soundless groans.

Now that she was close to her peaking climax, Tianlong Hu Die's secret cave's walls were contracting even harder, and faster than before, and he could feel like they were about to suck his life out of him.

This didn't make him stop though, as he continued to go about it with the same speed, and strength, and maybe a bit more.

"Arghn~!" "Ohmn~!"

In only two more thrusts, the both of them weren't able to control themselves anymore, as both of them exploded with their love fluids.

At first, it was a clashing splash, and then the two different liquids mixed together and became one, as the excess amount started getting out of Tianlong Hu Die's secret cave.

Her body was trembling, and even Tianlong Yun couldn't keep his balance for a moment as he fell upon her body.

The next moment, she had passed out due to being overly tired. But even then, she had passed out with a smile on her face.

Tianlong Yun on the other hand had to breathe a few rough breaths before being able to relax his own body, and climax, as he then got up from her body and was admiring her beautiful smiling face.

This legal loli on his arms was so beautiful and so cute that he couldn't get enough of her, she was like a little angel by his side.

All this time she had been close to him and helped him out with everything, besides Tianlong Xia she was probably the one who had worked the most by his side to help him build what he had today.

She was a really important member of his foundation, and one of the pillars of his Clan, as she had done all this while expecting nothing in return.

Even though she was so small, the work she had done for him was beyond what he expected of her. He didn't know what made her fall in love with him, but he was really happy that she had.

Tianlong Hu Die was to him an indispensable leader, and strategist, but more than that, she was to him an indispensable woman and family member.

From now on she would be one of his most precious women, and also her role would change as he had long ago decided to make her his 4th wife.

Of course, the passed-out beauty had no idea about what was going on around her at the moment, or what her Master was thinking.

She only knew that until now she had lived through her most beautiful dream, and didn't want to wake up from it, in fear that it disappeared.

But no matter how much she tried to keep sleeping, there was no way that she would be able to do that, as when she opened her eyes, she saw the eyes of the man in her dreams look at her with love and care.

This wasn't her first time looking at those eyes upon waking up, but this time they seemed to be embedded with some special magic that made her heart race even more than usual.

She could feel her own heart thump hard inside her chest like it was about to explode with each thump from being overly excited.

Her situation became even more dangerous to her heart when she saw him approach closely, kiss her lips, and caressing her silky-smooth hair, say,

"You finally woke up sleeping beauty! Was your dream that good!?"

"Aren't I inside my dream right now!?"

Tianlong Yun was caught a bit surprised and startled by her words, but the next moment he started laughing out loud as he pinched her cute little nose, and said,

"Does it still look like a dream to you, little beauty!?"

The pinch was a bit strong in order to make her feel just a little bit of pain, in order to wake her up from her daze, and when it did, she couldn't believe it was true.

It was at that moment that everything that happened a while ago passed through her mind, and she asked with a beet-red face, and a weak voice,

"That was true!? All that truly happened!?"

Tianlong Yun just laughed at her cute reaction, he approached for a kiss, and said with an assertive voice,

"Yes, that was real love, you are now my woman, in body, mind, and soul. You will have to pass the remaining of your life with me!"

Hearing that Tianlong Hu Die had a fleeting mental breakdown, as she couldn't believe this, but she was extremely happy right now, that cold and calculative Tianlong Hu Die was nowhere to be seen…

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