Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 464

Chapter 464: Oaths & Wholesome Romantic Time (Cringe Alert!)

When she woke up she had thought that she was still inside her dream and that she had just thought she had woken up, but that pinch made everything real around her.

All this was real, her dream had seriously turned into reality, and she felt so happy and content about it!

She didn't know what to do, or how to act for a moment when she suddenly jumped over him and started kissing him as if her life depended on it.

As a matter of fact, she still hadn't truly awakened, as she still thought that this was some kind of dream or illusion, but it was a dream and illusion from which she didn't want to wake up from.

For that reason, she started kissing him like she wanted to gobble him up, or like she would die if they got separated.

Tianlong Yun was taken a bit by surprise from her sudden attack, but in no time started to respond back and kiss her with the same passion.

When two people love each other, their passion becomes contagious, and it takes only one kiss, or one action to make the two of them having the same burn or desire.

The same thing was happening with the two of them, as Tianlong Hu Die was becoming more and more awake towards the fact that this wasn't a dream but reality.

But the more she continued to kiss him, the more she lost track of her original intention as she was lost in their kiss.

Tianlong Yun was the same as her, he wanted to please his little beauty as more as he could, in order to show her just how precious she was to him.

Slowly but surely the fire blazed brighter, and bigger, as their kiss turned into exploration, and from that into a full-fledged love-making session.

Now that he had destroyed the last barriers, there was nothing holding them back anymore, and they continued from where they left earlier.

Even though Tianlong Hu Die was still a bit sore as it hadn't been long since she had just lost her chastity, she didn't seem to mind it and just enjoyed the touch of her beloved.

When they were over once again she passed out, and the smile on her face this time was even brighter than the first, as her body had confirmed that everything had happened.

This wasn't just a dream anymore, she had finally handed over her purity, and her body to her Master, even though she would probably not believe it when she woke up later.

Truly the same scene played out again, but this time she wasn't able to make love to her man, as this time she was truly sore down there, and Tianlong Yun didn't allow her to get carried away.

Tianlong Hu Die seemed to be sad about it, as he had a cute pouting face, but Tianlong Yun just enjoyed her face, but he didn't break.

Tianlong Hu Die was truly sad and embarrassed at first, because everything that happened was going through her eyes right now, and her face was becoming redder and redder.

The intelligent, and smart Tianlong Hu Die was so meek and silent right now, as she didn't know what to say, or how to say it, she was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Seeing her new expressions Tianlong Yun had to accept that while he really liked the normal smart, intelligent and confident little girl, this side of her was a special gem too.

He couldn't help but plant a few kisses on her face, forehead, cheeks, eyes, nose, and lips, as he said with a clear and meaningful voice,

"I am so lucky to have you by my side!"

"No, I am the lucky one Master, I feel so honored, and complete right now!"

She had said all this in a heartbeat! When she heard him say his previous words she was like a startled rabbit, as she wasn't able to control her mouth, and tongue anymore.

When she finished saying what she said though, she was completely red, from head to toes, as she wanted a dig a hole and get inside it, even though she was happy to have said what her heart held.

Tianlong Yun was a bit surprised by her startle, and words, but he couldn't help but feel happy about it, as he continued to caress her more and more, treating her like a delicate flower.

But that was enough to break the ice between them, as even though embarrassed and with a weird tone, Tianlong Hu Die and Tianlong Yun started talking more and more to each other.

Slowly the awkwardness in between them disappeared, and it was replaced by a new sense of calmness, peace, and warm feeling.

Without understanding how or when, they were able to talk to each other about deep and meaningful stuff, discussing without restrictions, and enjoying each other company.

Besides his wives, Tianlong Hu Die was the first lady to hear, and know all of Tianlong Yun's history, the people who betrayed him, his ruthless past, his blessed present, and his revengeful future.

When he told her about the people who betrayed him, and what he suffered, she seemed to get angrier, and more enraged than he did, and he knew that all that was real.

She was really feeling whatever she was showing, the bond between them seemed to have gotten stronger at that moment, as she made an oath to help him with whatever she could.

Perhaps all these oaths might seem senseless, and stupid, but the truth is when love or other feelings and emotions are involved, not everything makes sense.

Sometimes just led by our feelings and emotions we become the most senseless beings in Universe, as our logic, and reason flies out of the window, but we don't truly care, as long as we feel good with the results.

The same thing could be said about Tianlong Hu Die, even this girl who was supposed to be the embodiment of intelligence was overtaken by her feelings, and made such an oath.

Tianlong Yun was no exception either, as he heard her oath, he made one of his own, in order to protect her forever, and ever, as she was going to be one of his most beloved wives.

At first, Tianlong Hu Die was just happy that he made an oath to protect, love, and cherish her for as long as he was alive, but then processing his words, she was shock stilled, stupefied.

She couldn't believe her ears, that must be it, there was no way Tianlong Yun said that, was there!? So, she asked him to repeat his words, but once again she heard the same thing.

Over and over again, for more than 10 times she heard the same thing, and she still couldn't believe her ears, as Tianlong Yun finally kissed her and whispered in her ear,

"Will you marry me, little beauty!?"

At that moment, Tianlong Hu Die was unable to control her tears anymore, as she exploded into a full cry, with tears falling down like waterfalls from her eyes, and the only thing she could say was,

'Yes, yes…'

It took a while for Tianlong Yun to finally calm her down, as this time the little girl was so happy that she didn't accept a no for an answer, as she jumped over her future husband!

Even though she was clearly sore, and it was clearly painful, she kept making love to him with a terribly happy face like she had reached the zenith.

Once again, she ended up passing out, but her smile had brightened her face even more. Tianlong Yun didn't know what to make out of this crazy little girl, he just knew he had hit jackpot!

When they woke up for the last time, Tianlong Hu Die was still a bit lost and felt like she was dreaming, her heart beat faster and harder too, but this time Tianlong Yun didn't lower his guard.

If he kept going more with her, then most probably she would end up hurt, and that was something out of the question!

So, after having some wholesome romantic time, hugging and whispering sweet nothings to each other, he got up from the bed, advising a few maids to take care of her, and went towards his personal cultivation room.

He had already informed Tianlong Hu Die about his secluded cultivation, and also what to do if he didn't return in a week.

He had also handed over the four foreign maids he had to her, in order to use them to do the menial works for her.

He had complete belief in her so he could go with a calm heart and mind to consume the level 3 'herb root' he had collected when he killed the level 3 tree.

He understood that this wasn't going to be easy in the least, as he would have to fight an enemy as strong as he was inside his consciousness sea.josei

If he wasn't careful, even if he won, he might suffer big repercussions during the fight, making the benefits not worth the while.

For that reason, he had to be extra careful this time, as he instructed all the 30 experts of the Shadow Hall to make a Soul Severing Formation around him.

Still, he felt that it wouldn't be enough, so he even prepared more than 20 bottles of 'Heart Cleansing' pills, and some other supportive pills just in case.

Hopefully, these would be enough for him to pass through the ordeal, so he took the level 3 hideous 'herb root' and then without hesitation threw it inside his mouth…

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