Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 470

Chapter 470: Rebels Scheme Vs Shadow Hall

It was a bit weird that they were remembering his words as they were rebelling against him right now, but that was a side of human nature after all.

Humans tend to do whatever befits their interests, everything is perfect, and just as long as things are going their way.

The same thing was happening with these guys, they were all feeling really righteous, and pleased that they were rebelling right now, thinking they were taking back justice for their selves.

As they totally forgot that right now they were biting on the hand that fed them when they were in their most dire straits. If you think about it, even a dog doesn't bite the hand that feeds him.

And yet these guys were able to do it with such a face of righteousness if Tianlong Yun were alive right now most probably he would have all turned them into experimental subjects.

That was probably their most befitting place, to be tortured, and suffer for years before they were completely wiped out of existence.

Wiping someone out of existence was a truly bad deed and it earned him a lot of bad karma, but for people like these guys, he was doing himself, and the world a favor.

But that was meaningless right now, as Tianlong Yun was still down on the floor of his cultivation chamber, without a heartbeat, and Tianlong Hu Die in a deep sleep not far away from him.

The highlight of this moment, was the strong Blood Shadow standing in front of his counterparts pressuring the rebels.

His pressure alone seemed to be enough to take care of the rebels at the moment, as any time he could act and kill them all.

All these guys were on his mercy in a sort of manner, as he was a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, while all the disciples in there, the best was 8th level Golden Core Realm.

The difference between levels was already a high mountain that couldn't be passed, not to mention the difference between Realms.

In the Blood Shadow's eyes, these guys were nothing more than ants. Ants that he could go killing whenever he felt like it.

But certainly, not all the rebel disciples were the same, if that was the case they would have never had a leader that would fire them up to rebel.

Furthermore, they didn't have just one leader, they had 4! The four chancellors of the rebel army knew that now was the time to step forwards and absorb the limelight.

This was the perfect moment they had been waiting for, as three of them moved forward with difficulty and appeared in front of the crowd of rebels.

"That tyrant certainly had a few hidden cards to protect himself, we had thought as much! But why are you still standing in our way now that he is dead!?

I had thought that he was still hanging on, but that doesn't seem to be the case! Then why are you wasting your lives, and power for that tyrant!?

Don't tell me that you didn't hate the way he treated us, like disposable tools! Don't tell us that you didn't hate not knowing your life and death!?

We want to take our fates in our hands, but we don't know to have more of our brothers' blood in our hands, so please just open the way, and we will take care of this!"

The one to have spoken seemed to be the frontmost of the chancellors, as he was also the strongest amongst them, even though they were level 8th Golden Core Realm, all three of them.

The Blood Shadow seemed to be pondering over his words for a moment, and before he could say something, someone else said in a heavy and harsh voice behind him.

"What the fu*ck are you green sprouts farting here! None of us here would have had a life if it wasn't for Patriarch!

All of us in here, including me, would most probably be still on the streets, fighting for a crumble or even worse, dead!

Patriarch was the one who brought us to what we are today! He taught us cultivation, educated us, gave us a family and a place to belong, and now you little shits start shitting with your mouths!"

The guy who said that was a skinny Shadow Guard, even though she was all dressed up in black clothes, and a mantle, one could still she was a woman due to her forms.

Her words certainly made many people in the crowd rethink what they were doing, and reconsider if this was the right thing to do.

Making the three chancellors feel like just with her words the situation was escaping their hands, but the second guy quickly managed to overthrow her,

"Huh!? You dare act high and mighty in front of us just because you sold yourself to him!? Stupid wh*ore, come spend a night with me and I will make sure to make you change your mind!"

Those words worked quite well, as which one of them didn't know that their Patriarch was a person with a high libido, who would go for any woman that entered his eyes.

Even forcing a few of them, even though only those that were his enemies, it was still something he did.

But that wasn't the only reaction those words got though, as the Shadow Guard didn't like those words in the least, as cold thick killing intent started breaking through from her body.

She didn't wait for another second, as she quickly passed beside the Blood Shadow in front, and run towards the disciple who said those words.

To someone like her, a single blade was more than enough to end this, as she had been fed up with these scums.

Just as she moved though, she heard a screaming voice saying,

"Do it now, fourth!"

That scream startled almost all the people in the room, but, not as much as what happened next!josei

The disciple that came warning the Shadow Hall members seemed to have recuperated and created some distance from behind the group.

As everyone's attention was focused on the crowd in front of them, they had almost forgotten all about him!

This was certainly a big slip off, as the next moment he threw something on the floor in front of him and then activated the Soul Severing Formation.

If he were setting up the formation alone, then he was surely nothing more than a shitty joke, but right after a big and powerful Soul Severing formation took form.

The thing about the Soul Severing formation was that it would work better if the radius was smaller, and certainly if the numbers were bigger.

Right now, the formation was set up from more than 500 disciples, while they were just weak ants on their own, their numbers could certainly make up for the difference.

Not to mention that the radius of the formation was really small at the moment, so the power it was showing was extremely high.

Even though that was only the beginning its momentum managed to break the pressure of the Blood Shadow on the front, and also add a terrifying pressure on the Shadow Guard that attacked.

But that wasn't all, as immediately that the Soul Severing formation took shape, the other three chancellors guided up the remaining disciples to move forwards and secure it.

In no time the rebel disciples were divided into 4 groups, making for 4 corners of the formation and creating some kind of box inside.

Even though the Shadow Hall members were taken by surprise from the attack, they were nonetheless more experienced, and strong, so they immediately counteracted.

25 of them immediately created a Soul Severing formation inside the rebel disciple's formation for balance and defense, while the remaining 5 started attacking the outwards formation.

Even though the numbers were quite different, the 5 shadow hall members were still able to make the outwards Soul Severing Formation shake, ripple, and crack a bit.

The cracks were really thin, even thinner than a spider's web threads, it was nonetheless there, making all the rebel disciple fear that they might have bitten more than they could chew.

Seeing the situation at hand the four chancellors understood that things were taking a turn for the worst, so they immediately started giving orders.

Now that they had come up to here, it was more than obvious that they didn't want to die, after all, they should be enjoying their glory from now on.

With these thoughts in mind, they immediately selected some of the lonest wolfs of the bunch, and ordered them to enter inside the formation to parry the attacks and try to fight back.

Certainly, they didn't send them in a hopeless fight either, as they selected more than 50 of such disciples, 10 for each of the attackers, that should be enough.

They weren't stupid and clearly understood their advantages at such a moment, which were their numbers, and the fact that they still had back up.

If worst comes to worst, they would have to reduce the numbers downstairs and call some of those guys to come and support them.

No matter how powerful, and strong-willed the Shadow Hall members were, they wouldn't be able to fight back, in a war of perseverance they would surely lose.

The reason why they hadn't brought the rest of 1000 disciples in here, besides the need for defense from the guys outside, was because they didn't want to push them too far.

As long as they kept the fight going as it was, they were more than 70 percent assured of winning this battle, not to mention that they still had a trump card under their sleeveā€¦

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